Functional MRI/BOLD II: Advanced Topics
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Advanced fMRI/BOLD Q&A's
- How is fMRI data processed and analyzed?
- What is the best software for processing fMRI data?
- What are the steps for pre-procesing fMRI data?
- What is the difference between co-registration and normalization?
- How do you statistically analyze fMRI data?
- I don't really understand how GLM works. Can you explain it more completely?
- How are those activation "blobs" on an fMRI image created, and what exactly do they represent?
- We often see areas of fMRI activation outside the brain itself. Why do these occur and what can be done to correct them?
- What is meant by resting state fMRI? How is it used?
- How do you process and analyze resting state fMRI data?
- How is network theory used to analyze fMRI data?
- Many researchers are doing fMRI at 7T and higher, so there must be some advantages. What are they?
- Can fMRI read your mind?
- Dr. Elster, I understand you are somewhat skeptical about certain aspects of fMRI. Can you explain?
Advanced fMRI/BOLD Topics