Liferay have very good development SDK to develop
applications in liferay. This development SDK is called Plugins SDK.
is Liferay Plugins SDK?
Liferay Plugins SDK is developer kit to develop
liferay applications. This Plugins SDK provide set of packages by using this we
will develop liferay application
We will use Plugins SDK for customize liferay portal,
modify liferay source code and add new applications in liferay. For doing such
thing liferay came up with different Plugins i.e. Hook, Theme, Portlet, Layout
and Ext and each one has its own ability from which we can do many things in
liferay portal development. Here each piece is called Plugin
is Plugin?
A Plugin is small component which will give additional
support to core component. These components are we can use as plug and play.
Here we will have one core component and we will use
Plugins to add additional ability or support to core component.
In liferay we can say liferay portal is core component
and we will use hook, portlet, theme and layout are Plugins and it will add
addition ability to liferay portal to meet our requirement.
Liferay Plugins SDK?
Liferay Plugins SDK will provide you platform to develop
Plugins for liferay portal. We all know in software development we need Standard Development Kit to develop new
applications. We will use Java JDK to develop java application similarly we
will use Liferay SDK to develop Liferay Applications.
Liferay Plugins SDK Contains?
Plugins SDK contains set of java classes and dependence
jar files. We will use these java classes and jar file to create Liferay Plugins.
This Plugins SDK will provide feature like compile,
package and deploy the applications into servers.
is Default Tool Liferay Plugins SDK Use to Build Application?
Plugins SDK use ANT tool to build applications and
build nothing but compile, packaging and deploy into server. Liferay Plugin SDK
can support MAVEN tool to build application.
are the minimum things we required to develop Liferay Plugins?
To develop liferay Plugins we need following things
- Liferay Plugins SDK
- ANT Tool
- Liferay Portal Server
- Database (optional)
Plugins SDK
Liferay Plugin Development Kit we can download from
Liferay web site. We have different version of Plugins SDK.
The following is liferay Plugins download URL
Liferay have different Plugins for different purpose
liferay have Portlet, Theme, Hook, Layout
and EXT Plugins.
The following is screen shows you different Plugins in
liferay which comes with Liferay Plugins SDK
ANT is build tool used to compile, package and
deploy the application.
Each application have one file called build.xml file
there we will define our application build plan like compile, packaging and
deploy. Each build file has many tasks and we call tasks as ant targets.
We have different targets like compile, jar, and war
and deploy. Each one has its own meaning so that we will use build.xml file to
define our application deployment process.
In liferay when we develop liferay Plugins then each
Plugin already have its own build file so we need not write any special
build.xml file to build or deploy the liferay Plugins. This is very convenient
so that we can simple use some targets to deploy the application like compile, deploy.
The following is ANT download place
Before start liferay Plugins development we need to
install ANT tool in our system and we need set ANT_HOME and we need add ANT path in system path variable.
Portal Server
Liferay Portal Server is bundle which contains
application server and liferay portal which ready use.
This is simple bundle and liferay portal already
deployed in application server so that we simple start the server, as soon as
server starts liferay portal will be ready. This is liferay core portal.
Whatever the liferay Plugins we developed these will
be deployed into liferay portal server and these deployed Plugins will give
more ability or additional features to core liferay portal.
Like we may change look and feel, we may add new feature
and we may customize. All these things will be done by liferay Plugins.
The following is liferay portal and application
server bundle download location
Portal is web application so it need application server. We simple get bundle
and extract bundle then start server you liferay portal will be ready.
The following is tutorial how to setup liferay
In the development data base is optional liferay
portal server which include HSQL database. So as soon as liferay start it will
connect to HSQL database and all the data and tables will be available in HSQL
Plugin Development Setups
We have many ways to set up Liferay Plugins
Development Environments
The following are the ways
- LiferayPlugins Development Using ANT Tool
- LiferayPlugins Development Using Liferay IDE with Eclipse.
- Liferay Plugin Development Using Liferay Developer Studio
- Liferay Plugin Development Using MAVEN
In this set up we will use only ANT tool develop
liferay Plugins. We can build and deploy Plugins using ANT tool.
The following is tutorial setup development environment
using ANT tool
Liferay Community has developed Liferay IDE this is
eclipse Plugin so that we can use with eclipse to develop Plugins. This is free
The following is tutorial setup development environment
using Liferay IDE with eclipse
Plugin Development Using Liferay Developer Studio
Liferay have developed Liferay Developer Studio is
kind of IDE form this we can develop liferay Plugins. This is Enterprise Tool
so we need purchase from liferay.
The following is more information about Liferay
Developer Studio
Plugin Development Using MAVEN
We can build application using MAVEN tool this is
like ANT tool uses to build applications. Liferay have maven support so we can
maven also.
The following is more information about Liferay
MAVEN Support
For Liferay Community Edition Liferay Developers I can suggest
Liferay IDE and MAVEN Development Environments are best choices.