Liferay 7.x is using Elasticsearch and it’s embedded in the bundle. When we start Liferay then embedded elastic instance also will start.
Development environments, this embedded search is ok
but for production environments we must need external Elasticsearch cluster.
If we are building Liferay cluster then all instances
should connect with same Elasticsearch cluster. So, we must have some
external/remote Elasticsearch.
This Article Demonstrate configure the remote Elasticsearch
in Liferay.
From Liferay DXP 7.3 and CE 7.3 GA4+ Elasticsearch
connector is included in the bundle and previous versions are required Elasticsearch
Connector which is available in Liferay Market Place.
This Demonstration is using Liferay 7.4 GA2, So
Elastic connector already included in the latest Liferay portal bundle.
Software Stack
Elasticsearch-7.13.3 Liferay-ce-portal-7.4.1-ga2 |
Following are the steps to configure the External/Remote
Elasticsearch for Liferay.
- Install Elastic Cluster
- Install Liferay Cluster.
- Configure Elasticsearch in Liferay
Install Elastic Cluster
Follow the below article to install Elasticsearch Cluster
Install Liferay Cluster
Follow the below article to install Liferay Cluster
Configure Elasticsearch in Liferay
There is two ways we can configure Elasticsearch in
- From Control Panel
- Using OSGi config file
From Control Panel
Login to Liferay Portal as Administrator. Access
Liferay Cluster or Any one the node in the cluster.
Access direct Liferay node using Host and Port
Global Menu --> Control Panel --> Configuration --> System Settings
System Setting --> Click on Search
Provide ElasticSearch7 Configuration as
Click on Elasticsearch Connections and Provide Connection
Id and Cluster Host names. Click + Button to add multiple Elasticsearch
hosts in the cluster.
Save the configuration Elasticsearch connection Id
will be created. There are many configuration properties available and based on
requirement provide required properties.
Step: 2
Click on Elasticsearch7 Settings and Enable
Production mode and Select Elasticsearch Connection ID that we
already created in the previous step. Save the configuration.
Default search index is liferay-* so we can see
in the Elasticsearch that the indexes will be created.
Use below URL to confirm that indexes are created.
http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v |
Elasticsearch connector configuration is stored in
Database So these settings available for all Liferay Nodes in the cluster.
Just restart all Liferay Nodes in the cluster so that
all Liferay Nodes will be connecting to Remote Elasticsearch cluster and indexes
will be created in the Elasticsearch cluster. We can also use Reindex control
panel feature to index all search values in Elasticsearch cluster.
Using OSGi config file
We can also use OSGi configuration file option to
connect Liferay cluster with Remote Elasticsearch.
Create following configuration files and place in “osgi/config”
directory in each Liferay instance.
Create “”
file and add following properties
active="true" authenticationEnabled="false" connectionId="RemoteElasticSearchCluster" httpSSLEnabled="false" networkHostAddresses=[
\ "http://localhost:9200", \ "http://localhost:9201", \ "http://localhost:9202", \ ] proxyHost="" proxyPort="0" proxyUserName="" truststorePath="/path/to/localhost.p12" truststoreType="pkcs12" username="elastic" |
Create “”
file and add following properties.
additionalConfigurations="" additionalIndexConfigurations="" additionalTypeMappings="" authenticationEnabled="false" bootstrapMlockAll="false" clusterName="LiferayElasticsearchCluster" discoveryZenPingUnicastHostsPort="9300-9400" embeddedHttpPort="9201" httpCORSAllowOrigin="/https?:\\/\\/localhost(:[0-9]+)?/" httpCORSConfigurations="" httpCORSEnabled="true" httpSSLEnabled="false" indexNamePrefix="liferay-" indexNumberOfReplicas="" indexNumberOfShards="" logExceptionsOnly="true" networkBindHost="" networkHost="" networkHostAddresses=[
\ "", \ ] networkPublishHost="" nodeName="" operationMode="REMOTE" overrideTypeMappings="" productionModeEnabled="true" proxyHost="" proxyPort="0" proxyUserName="" remoteClusterConnectionId="RemoteElasticSearchCluster" restClientLoggerLevel="ERROR" sidecarDebug="false" sidecarDebugSettings="-agentlib:jdwp\=transport\=dt_socket,address\=8001,server\=y,suspend\=y,quiet\=y" sidecarHeartbeatInterval="10000" sidecarHome="elasticsearch7" sidecarHttpPort="" sidecarJVMOptions=[
\ "-Xms1g", \ "-Xmx1g", \ "-XX:+AlwaysPreTouch", \ ] sidecarShutdownTimeout="10000" trackTotalHits="true" transportTcpPort="" truststorePath="/path/to/localhost.p12" truststoreType="pkcs12" username="elastic" |
Liferay Node1
Liferay Node2
Once place the configuration files in all Liferay
Nodes osgi/config location, Restart all Liferay instances.