Liferay DXP/7 have exciting features and one of the major
architectural change is to support OSGi modularity framework.
Follow the below article to know more information
about Liferay DXP/7 Modularity introduction.
Now Liferay
DXP/7 Application development through OSGi bundles and it has followed the
OSGi specification.
Follow Liferay DXP/7 Tutorial to get more information.
Liferay DXP/7 introduced module development tool
called BLADE CLI. BLADE is a Command
Line Interface have set of commands to create Liferay DXP/7 modules and its
deployment into the Liferay OSGi run time environment.
Liferay Advanced Development Environment shortly we call it as BLDAE. It is very easy to install and
very flexible to use and create Liferay Modules.
BLADE have implemented based on Gradle build tool. Behind
the scene, BLADE uses the Bndtools
framework to create and deploy OSGi bundles. Finally, we can say BLADE is based on the Gradle
flavor Bndtools.
BLADE have provided the human readable commands to
create Liferay modules. BLADE consist of several Module Templates to create Liferay 7 Application modules like portlet module, hook module and theme
module. It also have commands to access sample projects and deploy into
OSGi runtime.
BLADE tools
have commands to create Liferay 7 module and we can use any Development IDE to
edit the code then deploy through BLADE CLI commands. Installation of BLADE
tool and Module creation process will be explained in the future articles. Once
we installed the BLADE, we can issue the predefined commands to create and
deploy the modules.
The following are the set of BLADE CLI commands its
Deploy commands will build and deploy the modules into
Liferay OSGi environment. Usually deploy commands works similar to previous liferay
MAVEN deploy but it’s in OSGi way. It will compile, build and package the
module and place the module jar file into Liferay Portal deploy directory. Once
the module jar file place in deploy directory then Liferay hot deploy process
will handle subsequent steps to make the available of module to end user.
Convert previous Plugins SDK plugins to OSGi modules.
Usually Liferay 7 have concept called Liferay Workspace. It convert Plugins project to Workspace
project based on Gradle.
As we know that Liferay DXP/7 based on OSGi and all
Liferay 7 application, make it as modules. However, we already have Plugin
Environment to develop Liferay previous versions applications so convert toll
make it plugins to modules.
Create command used to create new Liferay Application
Module based on available module templates. BLADE has provided several module
templates to create different types such as portlet, hook and them modules.
These commands have several option so choose appropriate template.
gw is Gradle Wrapper on top of Gradle build to make
work easier for developer to run Gradle build commands.
Liferay has introduced Liferay Workspace to manage the
Liferay modules and it’s easy to shift one place to other place. Init command
will initialize the Liferay Workspace it means it will create directory
structure to accommodate modules, related properties and liferay portal server
instance. All will be created once we
use init command.
This command install a liferay bundle into Liferay
OSGi runtime environment. Bundle is packaged OSGi jar file, which run in OSGi
Help commands will shows help information like list of
available commands and its options.
Open command open or import file in Liferay IDE and
open project as well.
Samples project generated sample projects in Liferay
Workspace. Liferay have provided sample project for the developers to understand
more about Liferay module development.
Sample command will access those samples from repository
and downloaded into local Liferay Workspace. We can edit, deploy and test the sample
This command start Liferay Portal Server Instance,
which reside in Liferay Workspace bundle directory.
Sh command connect to Apache Gogo shell console to manage
OSGi bundles which are available in OSGi runtime.
Update command will update to latest versions when new
version is available.
It will display BLADE CLI version information.