Liferay is java portal which provides many features
in real world web application development. It offers many features so any user
can create website and design website according to their needs.
It offers much dynamic functionality simply by
configuration rather than programming.
Any end user with minimum knowledge they can design
website and publish in the internet
Not only static websites, liferay offers rich
dynamic features so that we can make very good dynamic website without any programming.
Building website using Liferay Portal
We need to install liferay portal
We have different models in Liferay like Site,
Organization and User Groups
Please follow the following article for more
is website?
Website is set of resources like html pages, images and
other dynamic functionality like forms submission and display dynamic data in
we should know before start design website?
We need to know basics about HTML, CSS.
Things for Design Websites
- Site (Start Pont for Website like name and URL)
- Pages (Home, About Us, Services, Products and Contact Us)
- Page Layout (Arrange content in the page)
- Page content (Consist of Text, HTML, Images and Multimedia content Videos and Adios)
- Dynamic Functionality (Contact Us form, Document Sharing, Image Gallery, blogs and Wikis)
Well we have good clarity with respect to what we
are going to do. Now we will achieve all above things from Liferay portal.
Once we install liferay in our machine we will access
the liferay portal from following URL
Liferay have default super admin so we need to login
into liferay portal by following credentials
Password: test
is login screen
(Start Pont for Website like name and URL)
Liferay have one start point for website called Site
and liferay site is point where we can accommodate content and dynamic functionality.
It has name and access URL to identify the site. Initially site is blank place
so we need to add content and functionality so that we can see it as live.
Liferay have very good Admin control panel to create
Site in Liferay
Login as Admin with above specified credentials and
navigate Admin Control Panel
following is screen navigate to Liferay Admin Control Panel after Login
following is Liferay Admin Control Panel
Now click on Sites Links in Sites Section then we can
see Sites Management Screen
there we can see the already existed sites and we can have option to create new
following sites management screen
Now we will create our own Brand New site in liferay
say our site name is LIFERAY SAVVY.
Now click on +ADD button in the tab then
we can see List of option from there select Blank Site.
Once we click on Blank Site then we will get Site
Form there we need fill site details like name and description
following is site form
Now fill Name and its description
Membership type is Open so that anyone can be member
of the website.
Now click on save button then site will be created
as soon as site crated then it will be navigate to Site Setting so
that there are many option we can fill
following is Site Settings Page
In the above screen I am skipping all setting so
that we don’t have more confusion.
Now consider only the part Site URL because we need
access URL for our site
following is Site URL Screen
Now we can see two sections one is Friendly URL and other
is Virtual URL.
Friendly URL is Sub Part of Main URL from that we
can access our site. In the above part we can give any Friendly URL name in the
Text Box generally it will take site name as default but we can change.
Assume Our Friendly URL is liferaysavvy then
following is our web site access URL
Now in the text box enter liferaysavvy and save site
setting then we can access our website with above URL
Now our site access URL is as follows
Initially we don’t have any site pages so we may get
some URL error so don’t worry because site already created but there are no
site pages that are why we may get such error.
(Home, About Us, Services, Products and Contact Us)
Now we have successfully created site in Liferay and
its blank site and it don’t have any site pages.
Now we need create site pages like Home,
About Us, Services, Products and Contact Us so that we can access
website pages.
have two types of Pages
- Pubic Pages
- Private Pages
Skip the Private Pages now we will see more about
this later.
Pubic Pages
are the accessible by any user and they can see the content in the pages and he
can experience by pages and its content.
Site Pages in Liferay
Now go Admin Control Panel and Navigate to Sites
management Screen then you can find our newly created site Liferay
Now click on Our Site then you can navigate Site
Pages Management Screen as follows
In the above screen we have many sections.
Now we will concentrate on only on Site
Pages Creation.
We already know we only choose public pages now so
it is already selected default.
In left site you can see pages tree and top you can
find panel there we can see + Add Page Button.
click on Add Page button you can get pop window
Simply Enter Only Name and Click on save button
don’t consider anything at this movement and page will be created and it will
be visible in page tree
Now create all pages as I said above and all will be
visible in the pages tree as follows
Now if we click on any pages which are in tree view
then we will get page details.
have many details like name, friendly URL and Page Layout Type
If we want change any page details we can change and
save then it will be updated.
Here we need to consider Page Friendly URL and Page
Layout Type. Friendly URL is to access page with easy understanding name.
following are the our pages URLs
Layout (Arrange the content in the page)
Page Layout will decide the content arrangement in
the page like how many sections we need in the page.
Liferay have given many Layout Types so we can
simple select layout type for the page so that we can arrange content according
to the section which provided by layout. Section is like partition in the page.
Generally when we create any page default one layout
type will be selected so if we want change layout then we click on page in tree
view and we can change the page layout.
following screen shows you how to change layout
content (Consist of Text, HTML, Images and Multimedia content Videos and Adios)
Page content consist of html content and multimedia content.
Liferay have given very robust Content Management System
so that we can design content very easy.
Generally in normal web application we need to
create HTML page to design page but in the Web content Management System we
have CKEditor so that we can simply
design content without knowledge of HTML but if we have idea then it will be
value added to our design.
To design contend and arrange content in the page
Liferay Have Given One Application/Portlet that is called Web Content Display portlet.
Before design content we need to add Web
Content Display to page then we will design content.
First we need to navigate to our site called Liferay Savvy that is we already
following is URL
OR we can go through as follows
Go to My Sites in top right (Dockbar)
click on respective site (Liferay Savvy)
Liferay we have 3 controls in Left side there we
have many option to do like add new page, edit page and add applications to
Assume we are accessed Home page so in the left side
control click on Edit icon then we can get small section there you can change
Layout Type to home page that is current page.
Once we select desired layout type to page then click save then page will have selected layout.
Once we select desired layout type to page then click save then page will have selected layout.
we have chosen 1-2 column layouts for home page.
We already know to add content or design web content
in the page we need Web Content Display portlet. So first we need add Web
Content Display Portlet to page.
we click ADD icon then will get small section in Left side as follows.
In the application tab we can see many portlet
applications now we need Web content Display portlet .Simply
Click on Add link then portlet will be added to the page.
We can also change Portlet position in the page
layout once we drag the portlet in the page it will be changed.
we drag the portlet as follows you can see the displacement of portlet.
Web Content in the Portlet.
Now we need to fill the Web Content Display Portlet
with content.
Now we have many controls in Html Editor so that we
can design content like add images and add text and change colors and change font
size. Based on your experience you can create content.
we need to enter content title and then design content.
Now we will get Resource Browse window there we cans
select image from Existed Liferay folder or we can upload new images.
Now consider upload new image so in the bottom we
have upload image select your desired image. Before upload image we need to
select the folder where we want upload. Please select Liferay Savvy Folder in
folder tree.
Now the selected image
will be appear in html editor. If we want edit image simply double click on
image in Html editor then we can see new popup there we have image properties
like height, width so that we can change image properties. Finally click on ok
then image will be edited accordingly.
Now we are design banner image so we need only
image. Finally click on publish button then web content will be created with
banner image.
To make to more look we simply disable border to the
portlet so that it will be look better and also adjust image size.
To edit content simply click on edit link in the toggle
which in portlet bottom after edit simply save then change will be saved.
To make look better now we will remover border to
the portlet.
Now we need to go to portlet configuration for that
we need to click on portlet configuration icon right top corner of the portlet.
In the configuration select look and feel link then
we can change portlet look and feel with many options. For now we only think
disable borders.
In the look and feel configuration popup select No option for Show borders finally
save changes then portlet borders are not visible.
Like this we can add many web content display
portlet in page and design web content. We have many option in Html Editor we
can design content like any thing.
We added more web content display portlets and we
designed content so finally home page looks as follows
Liferay have very good web content management system
so we can do anything and we can design anything.
Liferay provided Html Editor (CKEditor) is very powerful
content designer so we have many features and options over there. More about
web content management follow below link
Functionality (Contact Us form, Document Sharing, Image Gallery, blogs and
To add dynamic functionality to website liferay have
given many portlet application simply add to page and we can use it.
More than 80 portlets, big community provided many portlet
applications and liferay market place for free and paid portlet applications.
We simply get it and use in our web application.
- Document Library
- Image Gallery
- Asset Publisher
- Wikis
- Blogs
following are the portlet applications we can add to page
Well we have designed our site now we will change
logo to our website.
Login as Admin
Navigate Admin Control Panel
Select Site Tab
Select desired Site Name and click on link
Once we select site then we will get Site Settings
page there we can see Look and Feel Section from
there we can see logo link
Click on logo link and upload your site logo and there
we can see show site name check box
please deselect it and save the changes. Now logo will be appeared in the
header part of website.
following is final Site
We have to explore many things so we will see all in
the coming articles.
Related Links