Showing posts with label Install Kibana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Install Kibana. Show all posts

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Kibana Installation

Kibana is analytics, visualization and monitoring tool from Elastic stack. It will connect to Elastic search and analyze and visualize the data. Most of the organizations are using Kibana for applications log monitoring. We can build nice Dashboards in Kibana and configure alerts as well.


Software and Tools


Windows 10

Java 1.8 or higher






Install Elastic Search and Start Elastic Cluster



Download and Extract

Go to elastic search download page and download Kibana as per your system configurations.


Direct link as follows


Extract downloaded zip in local drive




Configure Kibana

Locate to Kibana conf directory and make sure elastic search cluster nodes.

Add/Update “kibana.yml” with elastic cluster nodes according to our elastic cluster installation.



# The URLs of the Elasticsearch instances to use for all your queries.

elasticsearch.hosts: ["http://localhost:9200","http://localhost:9201","http://localhost:9202"]

Start Kibana

Open command prompt and locate to root directory of Kibana and use below command to start. Pass “kibana.yaml” file as startup --config option for kibata.bat.




bin\kibana.bat --config config\kibana.yml






Kibana will start on 5601 port and you can access Kibana with below URL. We can Kibana startup information in console logs.









Sample Data in Kibana

Click on Add Data button and navigate to Kibana home page and click on “Try Sample Data


We can add any sample data from given options. We can try Sample weblogs.




Once data is added, we can view the data. Click on view data and select Dashboard.



Sample Web logs data dashboard as follow





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