Showing posts with label windows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label windows. Show all posts

9 May 2022

Reframed: The Woman In The Window at Dulwich Picture Gallery

Ooh this is a good idea, and something I hadn’t noticed or thought about until I heard about this show – the repeated motif that can be seen throughout centuries of art of a female framed in a window, whether from the perspective of her looking out, or us looking in.

Last week I joined a preview tour of the show led by its curator, Dr Jennifer Sliwka, looking fab in a grey two-piece double-breasted suit, btw. She first showed us the inspiration for the show, Dulwich Picture Gallery’s Girl at a Window’ by Rembrandt, and then picked out and explained some thought-provoking works, from ancient carved pieces, through Hockney, Bell, Rossetti and Blake, to end with Sherman and Abramovitch, two female artists whose photographic self-portraits literally puts themself in the frame. 

I suppose the question(s) being asked here is, are we and the artists voyeurs, or are we being provoked/invited to look at these women? 

There’s a very clever multi-purpose piece in the mausoleum by Isa Genken, shown bottom left in my montage, that allows you to put yourself in the picture. Inspired by this, I put myself in the picture and took a 'selfie' reflected onto the Howard Hodgkin exhibut (bottom right) which also shows elements of the large photgraphic artwork on the wall opposite.

It's a really interesting and diverse collection. On until 4th September. Find out more here

Reminder to self: finish research for my walk/talk “Female Forms: sculptors and sculptures" 

23 August 2016

M F Tarling/C&S Electrical, 48 Blackstock Road – Old shop sign reveal

These photos taken earlier this month (5th August) show the burnt old shop header panels for "M F Tarling" and, underneath on the windows, the gold lettering for C&S, Electrical Fittings & Installations.
if I was a proper sleuth I would have found out what Tarlings sold. But I am lazy and just wanted to share the observation.
I very much doubt this is still there – these things get covered or painted over fairly quickly.

15 December 2015

Jane's Advent Calendar – 15th December

A lovely bit of pencil work at The Greek Cypriot Women's Group, 15 Hercules Street, London N7

5 December 2015

Jane's Advent Calendar – 5th December

Great St James Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1
Fanlights (glass windows split into sections forming a open fan design, hence the name) were installed in the 18th century to let more light into gloomy hallways. Bloomsbury is awash with many fine examples.
Others, like the one here, were created as protruding boxes which captured and reflected even more light into the house. I cannnot find the proper name for this style – any information welcome

20 August 2015

Brunswick Square and Hornsey Road

Compare and contrast

I took these snaps within Brunswick Square because I like the patchwork quilt effect and geometrical shapes:

Walking along Hornsey Road near the junction of Tollington Way last week, I noticed a similar effect:

That's it.