For many years I have been noticing the brown tourist information signs off the Tottenham one way system that point to Markfield Beam Engine, making a mental note to check it out.
Fiinally, last Bank Holiday weekend I did just that – and what a lovely treat cos we timed our visit so that we could see the power of steam.
It's hard to believe that this amazing piece of waste-pumping machinery
sat for many decades bricked up and out of action. But now, thanks to
the efforts of a group of enthusiasts and volunteers it can be viewed
approximately twice a month including 'steam days' when the steam-powered beam engine can
be seen in action. See here for more info.
Markfield Park in itself is also worth a visit – be sure check out how original features from the old sewage works have been cleverly revamped and remodelled for modern use to become gardens, a cafe and a skate park.
Easily accessible from Seven Sisters tube, South Tottenham Station or the River Lea towpath.