Showing posts with label research. Show all posts
Showing posts with label research. Show all posts

5 September 2019

Billiard Factory, 443-9 Holloway Road, London N7

Well this is intriguing...

Between NYT and Safestore, September 2019
Never mind that they look to have made only one billiard here (it must've been a really big one!!) ... I am hunting for reference as to which company is being alluded to here, and during what period in history that might have been.
Can you help?
The promo says that billiard tables were made or refurbished here. I might be looking too hard, but having checked some of my pre-WW2 directories and maps I can find nothing relevant at this site – perhaps it's a ref to a company that was here 1945 onwards...?
You might already be aware of a company called Jelks who traded in billiards-related tables and accessories as well as second-hand furniture at 263-275 Holloway Rd – this was further down the road at the junction of Eden Grove – it's possible that Jelks might have also had the site next to NYT?
Or was there another billiards-related company here?
It's all so intriguing!!

2016 (Google streetview) – at the time this went up the story was that billiard balls were made here rather than tables. And I liked that charcoal paint colour – looks so much nicer than boring white
2008 (Google streetview) – Octagon Court – a mosaic workshop and offices for rent
I have this week sent emails to the café chain and Ingelby Trice, the developer, asking for more info. But I am not holding my breath. I am rather sceptical about this site actually being a billiard factory, or similar, for longer than a week, having found quite a few other mis-namings across London based on lazy research.
All help appreciated.