Showing posts with label Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Review. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

E.L.F: First impressions and everyday look

I love trying out different brands and products, so I was excited to finally try some ELF products!
I wanted to try to film a "first impressions"-type video, so I've included that and would love to know what you think about it.

As I say in the video, I was very pleasantly surprised by the products - I think they're pretty good, especially considering the price. The products I tried out are pretty basic; eye pencil, gel liner, blush, lipgloss and brushes, but ELF has so many different products, so I'm really curious to try more of them!

The ELF products were sent to me by ELF Cosmetics Denmark and the products are priced between DKR 12.96 and 30.24. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

80s Child from Glamour Doll Eyes!

If you think eyeshadows inspired by Ninja Turtles, Barbie dolls and Care Bears sound like a good idea, you need to take a look at Glamour Doll Eyes' latest collection 80s Child!

Keep reading to see swatches and mini-review of four of the new colors!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

UV makeup: Kryolan vs. Wolfe

UV makeup sounds fun, doesn't it?!
But if you've ever used it, you probably know that it can be a bit of a pain to work with!

Are all neon colors hard to work with?
Or are some better than others?

I got a hold of two different types of UV neon makeup, so let me start by showing you what they look like!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The MA(C)scara experiment: PRO Longlash

Before writing this review, I used the mascara every day for about a week. 
If you want to know more about what my MA(C)scara experiment is, take a look at my first post about it.

If you want to read about what I personally like in a mascara before reading the review, you can do so in this post.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Review + Swatch: Glamour Doll Eyes

I had actually been wanting to try out some products from Glamour Doll Eyes for a long time so I was super happy to get these products sent to do a review on them.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The MA(C)scara experiment: Dazzle lash

Before writing this review, I used the mascara every day for about a week. 
If you want to know more about what my MA(C)scara experiment is, take a look at my first post about it.

If you want to read about what I personally like in a mascara before reading the review, you can do so in this post.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The MA(C)scara experiment: Zoom (Fast Black) Lash

Before writing this review, I used the mascara every day for about a week. 
If you want to know more about what my MA(C)scara experiment is, take a look at my first post about it.

If you want to read about what I personally like in a mascara before reading the review, you can do so in this post.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Gaga & Cyndi!

If you're not familiar with the newest additions to the MAC Viva Glam line, Gaga and Cyndi, you need to read this!
Even if you have heard of them (which I'm sure most of you have) you can keep reading if you're interested in a quick review with a couple of pictures thrown in there as well ;)

Gaga on the left, Cyndi on the right

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Review + Swatches: Sugarpill has arrived!

Last time I wrote about Sugarpill, I wrote about how I wasn't supposed to buy it.
Well. My no-buy didn't last for very long though and I ended up ordering a few things! ;)

I wanted to share my excitement when the order arrived yesterday, but I wasn't able to take pictures and what would a Sugarpill post be without pictures?!
I did tweet about it though :)

I did get some pictures today though, so here they are along with a (quite long) review!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The MA(C)scara experiment: Plush Lash

Before writing this review, I used the mascara every day for about a week. 
If you want to know more about what my MA(C)scara experiment is, take a look at my first post about it.

If you want to read about what I personally like in a mascara before reading the review, you can do so in this post.

I've previously posted reviews on Fibre Rich Lash, Mascara X and Pro Lash.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The MA(C)scara experiment: PRO Lash

I know I haven't been doing these as frequently as I would have liked!
I'm done with trying out all the mascaras and have notes written down for each and every one of them, but I just need to write the reviews, which is a bit time consuming, but I'll get to it as fast as I can!
I even have pictures taken for all the before and afters so at least that's not a problem :)


So, this third MAC mascara review is going to be on Pro Lash!
Before writing this review, I used the mascara every day for about a week. 
If you want to know more about what my MA(C)scara experiment is, take a look at my first post about it.

If you want to read about what I personally like in a mascara before reading the review, you can do so in this post.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

POTD: MAC Studio Tech foundation

Confused about what POTD is? Read this post :)

If you ever read what foundations I use in my FOTDs, you might have seen that Studio Tech gets used on a pretty regular basis.

Keep reading to find out why I like it so much!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The MA(C)scara experiment: Mascara X

So, here goes my second MAC mascara review!
If you haven't read the first review on Fibre Rich Lash, you can do so here.

I'm really sorry that it has taken so long for me to post this, but Christmas, family and work got in the way.

Before writing this review, I used the mascara every day for about a week. 
If you want to know more about what my MA(C)scara experiment is, take a look at my first post about it.

If you want to read about what I personally like in a mascara before reading the review, you can do so in this post.

Friday, December 18, 2009

The MA(C)scara experiment: Fibre Rich Lash

So, here goes my first MAC mascara review!

PLEASE let me know if you liked this review or found it helpful in any way :)

Before writing this review, I used the mascara every day for a little more than a week. 
If you want to know more about what my MA(C)scara experiment is, take a look at my first post about it.

Friday, November 6, 2009

UD Book of Shadows vol. II: Swatches and color comparisons!

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get this done but here it is ;)

If you didn't see the review, you can find it here :)

I'll show you all the swath pictures first, and then I'll write a couple of thoughts in the end.
I compared only with MAC eyeshadows because that was the easiest for me to do, and by showing the new Urban Decay colors next to well known MAC shades, it might give you an idea of the shade even if they're not dupes. Hope that makes sense! :)

Remember to click on the pictures to see the full size :D

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Review: Urban Decay Book of Shadows vol. II

I did a video review of the Urban Decay Book of Shadows vol. II that I got in Canada.
I'll have swatches, pictures of the palettes, and more detailed thouhts on each colour up as soon as possible! :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Trying out the MAC Volcanic Ash Exfoliator and Thermal Mask!

I think I've mentioned before, that I'm extremely excited about the Style Black collection but there's more to the collection than black eyeshadows and lipsticks!

The Volcanic Ash Exfoliater is being re-released along with the Volcanic Ash Thermal Mask!

Since my counter already received their Style Black stock, I had the opportunity to sample the two skincare products, and I tried them out last night before going to bed :)

Both products are black, so they do look quite funny on my super pale skin. Here's what I look like with the mask on!

The exfoliator:
This product has been very popular on the internet makeup communities since it's first release last year but unfortunately I never got to try it the first time it was around.
Looking at it, it isn't necessarily something most people would want to put on their face! It is completely black and looks a bit... dirty, I guess? However, even though some people probably find this product gross-looking I find the black colour different and interesting and it was honestly one of the things that made me want to try the product, haha :)
The concistency is like many other exfoliators. Easy to spread evenly on your face and neither too liquid or too dry.
The smell is probably the only thing I don't like about this scrub so far. I'm really bad at describing scents, but this is just not something I enjoy. I might get used to it tough, since I know a lot of people love the scent!
My skin felt extremely smooth after using this! But honestly, any decent exfoliator should get rid of the dead skin cells and make my skin feel like that. Whether or not this particular scrub does more than remove dead skin cells, I don't know yet, but I'm excited to find out!
I only tried the product on my face so far, but I'll give it a try on my body as well, since I did find it a teeny bit rough for my face, so I imagine it will be great for the body.

How to use it:
Like any other exfoliator, this product is really easy to use. Apply to damp skin and rub gently in circular motions for a couple of minutes. The product foams up a little, but not very much. The exfoliator rinses off easily with water and leaves your skin ready for applying either mask or moisturiser. As with any exfoliator, this product is not intended for daily use. It's recommended to use it 1-3 times a week.

The thermal mask:
I have to admit, that I was a little worried about applying a black mask to my face. Not because of the way I would look while the mask was on (hey, one of the fun thing about masks is the way you look when you have them on!), but because I didn't know what I would look like after taking it off!
If you've ever tried painting your face black with any kind of face paint/eyeliner/eyeshadow, you probably know how hard it can be to get all the black colour off - at least if you have any kind of visible pores on your face ;) On me, the black colour settles into my pores and it looks like I have 1238985701 blackheads on my face!
Luckily, this mask was super easy to wash off and didn't leave any colour residue behind.
The concistency is fine, but I found that I had to use quite a bit of product to cover my whole face in an even layer.
The smell is different than that of the exfoliator. I don't think this scent is as strong so I like it a bit more, but I don't love it.
My skin felt incredibly soft after using this mask! Probably softer than it has ever felt before! I'll have to keep using it to see if does anything more for my face, but even if it does not I will probably keep using it since it makes my skin feel so fantastic!

How to use it:
As said, I found this product a little bit hard to distribute evenly but I guess it's okay. After all, masks don't have to look perfect while on, haha :)
I'm not sure how long it is recommended to leave the mask on, since it isn't one of those masks that dry on your skin. I left mine on for about 10 minutes and it felt fine.
I rinsed the mask off with water and it left my skin feeling really soft and clean and ready for moisturiser! ;)
I used it after exfoliating my skin, which should give the best results, since the exfoliator removed all dead skin cells prior to application of the mask.

Please keep in mind that these are just my initial thoughts on the products, since I've only tried each product once.

The MAC Volcanic Ash Thermal Mask is being released with the Style Black collection on September 24th in the US+Canada and internationally in October.

I forgot to mention:
The packaging of both products is similar to the packaging of MAC Microfine Refinisher and MAC Creme wash, which is definitely an improvement since the last release of the exfoliator! This kind of packaging is really easy to use, doesn't leak and I find it pretty easy to get all the product out.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Review: Urban Decay deluxe eyeshadow palette

I finally got a chance to get this when I saw it in a makeup sale in a LiveJournal community and I was really happy when it arrived :)
We can't get Urban Decay here in Denmark so I've never had the chance to try any of their products before so this palette was a great way to try many of their shadows at once.

Packaging + applicators: 4/5
I like the packaging - it's super cute, sturdy and works great.
It has a mirror inside but I never really use mirrors in my palettes so that doesn't matter much to me.
The palette comes with two sponge tip applicators which I hate! I hate sponge tip applicators in general and don't like that palettes come with these. That's the reason people don't think they need brushes, lol ;)

Product: 4/5
I must admit that I love the eyeshadows! The pigmentation is great, they are easy to blend and there is a wide variety of colors in the palette.
There's just one thing missing: a light highlight color!
I mean, I have quite a few highlight colors already but I don't really think a palette is complete without one since I like the idea of having all the colors I need for a look in one palette so I don't have to bring anything but one palette when I sleep at someone else's house or wherever I bring my makeup ;)
The palette also comes with a mini Primer Potion which I was looking forward to try. I haven't had a chance to compare it to my other primers/bases yet but I will let you know as soon as I've had the chance :)

Overall: 4/5
I think it's a great product - especially for the price. You get to try several different colors and even the oh-so-famous Primer Potion without having to buy all the full sized products.
The only reason this isn't a 5/5 is because there isn't a highlight color and because of the useless spongetip applicators - it would have been much better to just not include any applicators at all.

Will I buy again?
Probably not but only because I don't think I'll ever use up all the coloros ;) If I use up one of the colors I will definitely buy it again but I think I'll just buy the full sized shadow then :)

Check out these looks to see what I've done with the palette so far:
Purple look using UD Ransom
Blue look using UD Peace
Orange look using UD Graffiti as liner

Pictures and swatches will be up as soon as I get home and have a chance to take pictures :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

GOSH Cosmetics: Hot'n Sweet

Hot'n Sweet is the autumn/winter collection by GOSH cosmetics and I am absolutely in love with it!

Click on the picture to get the full sized version including the description of the collection

The products in the collection are:

Extreme Art Eyeliners:
- 06 Olive Green (Part of the permanent line): Olive green eyeliner that I bet would look amazing with dark green smokey eyes!
- 15 Fuchsia (Limited Edition): Reminds me a lot of MAC Fuchsia pigment in eyeliner form when swatched - only a little more on the purple side. When I actually used it on my eye it reminded me more of MAC Pink Pearl pigment in eyeliner form. Take a look at the swatc and the look I posted! :)
- 16 Warm Red (Limited Edition): An orange-y red. I really liked this but I think most people would have a hard time pulling this color of as eyeliner. Would be fun for nail art though :)
- 17 Light Purple (Limited Edition): I don't think this color is anything special. Might be fun for people who wants to try colored eyeliner but don't want something too dramatic.

Light'n Shine Lip Glaze:
- 01 White Bear (Limited Edition): Clear gloss with pink sparkles
- 02 Rapid pink (Limited Edition): When I swatched this at the store I thought it was more red than pink. It has some super awesome pink and blue sparkles to it.

Eyeshadow Quads:
- Q43 HOT (Limited Edition): Contains the colors Charcoal(black), pink(soft baby pink), paprika(orange-y red) and Oyster Pearl (white with a little pink pearl to it)
- Q44 Sweet (Limited Edition): Contains the colors Plum (Dark plum), Silver ( dark grey silver), Lime Green (light green. Doesn't remind me of a lime, though), Moss(Olive green)

Effect Powders:
- 04 Pinkie (Limited Edition): Soft baby pink with a silver shimmer to it. Reminds me of a mix of MAC Fuchsia pigment and MAC Swish eyeshadow
- 05 Plummy (Limited Edition): Dark plum color.
- 06 Greeny (Limited Edition): Dark olive green. I could imagine the hottest smokey eye with this, a dark black and the Olve Green eyeliner!

What the products are:

Extreme Art Eyeliners:
These eyeliners were recently added to the permanent collection and are a lot like MAC liquidlast liners: SUPER water- and smudgeproof!
They last extremely well for both eyeliner and body art and can also be used for nail art(just remember to use a top coat!)

Light'n Shine Lip Glaze:
A lot like MAC Dazzleglass! The glitter particles are the same size(very small) so while the glitter adds a lot of shine and depth to the lips it doesn't look like a cheap glitter gloss with huge glitter chunks.
The gloss has a little mirror on the side and has lights(!!) in the lid. While it's a cute idea I really don't know when I'd use it...

Eyeshadow Quads:
Eyeshadow palettes with four different eyeshadows and a sponge tip aplicator. I love the GOSH single eyeshadows but I rarely think the quality and color payoff of the colors in the quads are the same.

Effect Powders:
If you know MAC pigments you'll know what effect powders are too ;)
They're loose makeup colors that can be used wet or dry anywhere you want to. You can even add them to your body lotion/face cream/foundation for an all over glow or use them in nail polish or hair gel!

What I got:

If I had had the money I would have gotten everything except maybe the quads... Especially the other gloss and effect powders! But I managed to limit myself to three things:
The "White Bear" lipgloss, the "Pinkie" effect powder and the "Fuchsia" eyeliner.

Swatches of White Bear, Fuchsia and Pinkie

And a comparison swatch with Pinkie, MAC Fuchsia pigment and MAC Swish eyeshadow

All swatches of pigment, effect powder and eyeshadow were done on top of ArtDeco eyeshadow base.

The collection can be found here:
GOSH - Hot'n Sweet


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