Showing posts with label Polls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polls. Show all posts

Monday, April 25, 2011

Poll: Should I do trend posts this season?

I'm not sure if anyone remembers, but I did a few posts about the spring and summer trends around this time last year, and was wondering if you would care to see posts like that this year as well.

If you have no idea what kind of posts I'm talking about, you can take a look at the ones from last year :)

I love sharing different takes on the trends, but those kinds of posts and tutorials do take some time to do so I don't really want to bother, if you don't care to read/watch them!

I'd love to know what you think :)

Trend posts and tutorials?
I'd definitely read posts and watch tutorials!
I would read the posts
I would watch the tutorials
I wouldn't read the posts or watch the tutorials
I might read/watch some of the posts/tutorials but don't really care free polls

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Poll: Should I do "favorites of the month"?

I know, I know...
Doing a video or blog post about my monthly favorites isn't exactly a innovative idea, but I always enjoy watching/reading other peoples' posts like that, so I think I'll follow the trend and start posting mine as well! ;)

Now the big question is: Video or blog post?!
I think I'm leaning more towards the video... That way I can still post the video here along with a list of the products featured in the video.

Thoughts? :)

Monthly Favorites?

Post them in a video!

Blog posts, please!

Don\'t care... I won\'t read/watch anyway

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Free Myspace Poll

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Poll time! Do you trust reviews from bloggers who got the things for free?

I've been thinking about this quite a bit after reading something like "I'll never review anything I've gotten for free" on a blog and after being sent something for free to review myself (which I haven't gotten around to yet... Of course!)

I don't trust a review any less if the product was sent for free - as long as the blogger is honest about getting the product without paying and as long as they remember to mention both good and bad things about the product. 'Cus there's always both good and bad things to say! Even if the only good thing you can think of is that the packaging is cute or the only bad thing you noticed was that the product was priced a bit high!

Share your thoughts! :)

Do you trust reviews from bloggers who got the things for free?

As long as they\'re honest about getting the things for free!

No! I don\'t believe they can do an unbiased review when they\'ve gotten the product for free!

As long as they\'re not being paid to do the review!

Other (Please let me know in the comments)

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Free Myspace Poll

Friday, January 15, 2010

Poll time! Written tutorials?

I don't know if anyone remember, but I used to include a "written tutorial" in most of my FOTDs.
Examples can be found here :)

I stopped writing these "tutorials" because I wasn't sure if anybody was reading them.
However, I would like to start writing them again if anyone cares, so here's a little poll to see what you think.

What do you think about written tutorials?

Love to read them!

Don\'t always read them but think it\'s a good idea

I don\'t care for written tutorials

Other (please let me know in the comments)

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Free Myspace Poll

Monday, June 1, 2009

Poll: What are your favorite blog posts about?

I'd really like to know more about what kind of posts you prefer :)
What do you like? What don't you like? Anything you'd like to see more/less of?

What are your favorite blog posts about?

Makeup looks



New collections

Quick tips

Makeup basics



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Free Myspace Poll

I'd really like it if you'd vote on the poll but I'd also really like it if you'd take the time to write a comment on this post to give me a more in-depth answer :)


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