Showing posts with label False lashes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label False lashes. Show all posts

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Glitter blues

Hello there! I'm so glad you're still following the blog even though it's been a (very long) while since the last update.
My skin problems haven't cleared up at all but at least I have some good days in between the bad ones, and so I've decided to get back into the colorful world of makeup on those good days! :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Blogging, how I've missed thee!

I'd like to start with a statement: I love blogging.

And now that my exams are over, and I'm looking to spend my time doing exactly what I want instead of thinking about deadlines and grades all the time, I might actually have some time for the blogging world again!

I want blogging to be fun!

I don't really make money off of it and my blog isn't nearly as professional looking as so many others out there. But I love it anyway. Blogging is a source of inspiration to me, and I'd like to keep it going. I hate thinking back at the past year and realizing that I haven't done nearly as much makeup as I'd have liked and definitely haven't posted as much either.

However, since I can't change that, I'll try my best to keep up with the blog for the summer - and hopefully long after that as well, but let's face it - I shouldn't promise anything. I hate starting every post with "sorry I haven't posted, but I've been busy" and lame excuses like that.


the point of this post really wasn't to ramble on and on, but to share some random FOTDs I've done the past couple of months but never got around to posting.

I'm not entirely sure what I used in them, but I figured it was something to share :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

FOTD: Bright Fuchsia!

Wohooo, a new POST!

I don't really have any excuses for not posting other than being away on vacation for three weeks and just being busy in general for what seems like forever.
I had so many exciting things I wanted to post over the summer but I'm already back at the university. Wow. I really wish I had more than 24 hours a day! ;)

Hope you're all doing great :) Thank you so much to those of you who e-mailed me while I was taking this little unintended break :)
And thanks to everyone else for sticking around :D

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Acid Green eyes look + tutorial

It's already been a month since my last post! Wow.
I've been super busy with school and exams - I spent 80 hours at the university one week! Pretty crazy.

But I have a new look for you - and there's a tutorial too!! :)

Keep reading to see more pictures, and a list of products used :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bright Fuchsia look

Back with another FOTD :)
I did this look for work at MAC this past Saturday. It's amazing what makeup can do, really! I slept for just two hours the night before, and I still managed to look (and feel) awake ;)

Once again, Photobucket seems to be messing with the brightness of the pictures and I'm thinking I need to find another way to post them ;)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Crazy new hair and matching makeup :D

OK, so the makeup isn't actually "matching" my new hair at all, but I definitely did the makeup with the hair in mind. I just love greens and purples with red hair! :)

You won't believe how happy I am that I finally have the chance to post FOTD pictures!
I've been stressed out with exams and haven't had the energy to do makeup at all, but I've missed it so much! Hope you're all doing great :)

For some reason, Photobucked decided to tone down the vibrancy of the colors in these pictures, so they're not as good as they shold be. Sorry about that, but I have no idea what to do about it! :(

Monday, February 1, 2010

All nighter

I was in a terrible hurry when taking these pictures (as I usually am when I'm on my way to work, lol!) so I the lash glue isn't completely dry and I didn't even put the gloss coat on top of the pro longwear lip color, so I'll apologize for that! ;)
Keep reading for more pictures and list of products used :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

FOTD: A Warm & Cozy look

I was hurrying out the door when I took these pictures so they're not the best.
I had to be at work on time though, right? ;)

Keep readig for more pictures, list of products used and a written tutorial :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Friday, November 6, 2009

BRIGHTS for fall - look + tutorial :)

I did this look for a party last weekend and decided to recreate it for a tutorial :) Hope you like it! :)

I'm sorry about the lighting in the pictures & video. I'm working on a better set up for when I don't have natural light :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Red lips and dramatic lashes!

Another look for work ;)
I did the eyeshadow and thought it was quite boring so I added some fun lashes and bright, red lips! :)

Bluuuuuues! :)

Here's a fun, blue look I wore to work the other day :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Another bright look :)

I did this look for work and figured I'd share with you :)

I used:

ArtDeco eyeshadow base
MAC Samoa Silk e/s
MAC Orange e/s
MAC Passionate e/s
MAC Paradisco e/s
MAC Shroom e/s
MAC Point Black lll
MAC Rave pearlglide eyeliner (LE w/ Love that Look '09)
MAC Parfait Amour e/s
MAC Beautiful Iris e/s
MAC #36 lashes

MAC Studio Sculpt foundation NC15
MAC MSF natural light

MAC Style Blush

MAC Fulfilled plushglass

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bright look + tutorial using Makeup Art Cosmetics

The Makeup Art Cosmetics collection is not comming out in Denmark until September 15th, but I got my hands on some goodies already and wanted to do something fun with them :)

Aaaaand there's a tutorial too! ;D


I used:
ArtDeco eyeshadow base
MAC Off the Page e/s (LE w/ Makeup Art Cosmetics '09)
MAC Brash & Bold pigment (LE w/ Makeup Art Cosmetics '09)
MAC Blanc Type e/s
MAC Basic Red pigment (PRO. Not eyesafe)
MAC Crest the Wave e/s (LE w/ Makeup Art Cosmetics '09)
MAC Colour Matters e/l (LE w/ Makeup Art Cosmetics '09)
MAC Phone Number e/l
MAC Crystalled Lime glitter (PRO. Not eyesafe)
MAC Eyeliner mixing medium (PRO)
MAC #20 lashes

I think I used MAC Studio Sculpt NC15 & MAC MSF Natural light

Maybelline dream mousse blush in "Dollypink"

GOSH Darling l/s
GOSH cool lip jam (there's no name or number on it, but it was the light one with the blue duochrome)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Love that Look tutorial

Just a fun look inspired by ShowYouMakeup's Mickey Blue Eyes video!
I already posted pictures of the look in this post.

I used:

ArtDeco eyeshadowbase
MAC Dreammaker e/s (LE w/ Starflash '08 & Love that Look '09)
MAC One-Off e/s (LE w/ Love that Look '09)
MAC Rated "R" e/s (LE w/ Love that Look '09)
MAC Smolder e/k
MAC #42 lashes (LE)

MAC Studio Tech NW15
Benefit Erase Paste

MAC Peaches blush

Rimmel 018 addiction l/l
MAC Vegas Volt l/s
MAC Internationalist d/g (LE w/ Euristocrats 2 '09)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Love that Look & Euristocrats 2: Rated R, One-Off, Dreammaker and Internationalist

I know that both Love that Look and Euristocrats 2 have been out in the US and Canada for a while now but it was only just released here in Denmark this Friday along with Graphic Garden and Baby Bloom :)

Here's a look I did with some of the products I got :)

I used:

ArtDeco eyeshadowbase
MAC Dreammaker e/s (LE w/ Starflash '08 & Love that Look '09)
MAC One-Off e/s (LE w/ Love that Look '09)
MAC Rated "R" e/s (LE w/ Love that Look '09)
MAC Smolder e/k
MAC #42 lashes (LE)

MAC Studio Tech NW15
Benefit Erase Paste

MAC Peaches blush

Rimmel 018 addiction l/l
MAC Vegas Volt l/s
MAC Internationalist d/g (LE w/ Euristocrats 2 '09)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Glittery look + Tutorial + NOTD

Here's another look and tutorial for you! :)
I wanted to do something with glitter but I kept it pretty simple :)

I used:

ArtDeco eyeshadow base
MAC Heritage Rouge pigment
MAC Brulé e/s
MAC Da Bling e/s
MAC Reflects Very Pink glitter + DUO glue
MAC Blacktrack f/l
MAC Plank technakohl
MAC #36 lashes

MAC Studio Tech NW15
MAC MSF natural Light

Benefit Posie Tint
Benefit High beam

Rimmel "018 Addiction" l/l
MAC All's Fair l/s (LE w/ Brunette, Blonde, Redhead '09)
MAC Star Nova l/g

I'm wearing GOSH "Purple Heart" nailpolish - please excuse the state of my nails and the sloppily applied nailpolish - you get the idea of the colour, right? :)


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