Showing posts with label Personal updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal updates. Show all posts

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Where have I been?! :O

I know I've been MIA and I'm sorry!!

So... What's my excuse? ;)
  • My work schedule has changed (more hours = more money but also less time to blog and do other fun stuff), but I'm getting used to it, so if I just start being more productive when I'm not at work, it should be easy to keep the blog going! ;)
  • Product specialist. If you haven't worked for MAC, you probably don't know what that means, so I'll just full you in real quick :P
    The Product Specialist basically has to inspire the other artists to sell more limited edition products.
    She/He has to arrange meetings every time a new collection is released.
    She/He also has to do a lot of facecharts for the new collections and come up with ideas for theme days or make sure that someone else is arranging a theme day.
    I've been product specialist for the past month (or maybe a little more) and am going to be for the next two months as well.
  • It was my birthdayyyy! Nah, that's not really an excuse, is it? :P
    I did spend a couple of nights doing fun family and friends stuff instead of sitting in front of my computer though, so I guess the birthday is to blame for a couple of missing posts ;)

I have some MAC pictures and some sushi pictures to share under the cut! :D

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A weekend in Copenhagen :)

I'm going to Update with MAC tomorrow, yay! :)

What is Update?
Update is something all the MAC Artists go to four times a year, and we're told about new trends, new collections, and most importantly: we get to swatch and try out all the new products! :)

I usually know about all the new collections before Update, since most of the info is posted on Specktra long before my Update takes place. But I'm still excited to try out the products myself and see which ones I'll fall in or out of love with!

Update always takes place in Copenhagen, which is a 3 hour train ride from where I live, so I'll be up early tomorrow (5 am!).

I'm staying in Copenhagen
...For the weekend, that is :)
Usually, Update is only one day, but this time, I have to be there for two days. I might post more about why later :)
Since I'll be there for work both Thursday and Friday, I thought it would be fun to stay there for the weekend!
I'm staying with a friend, and I'm sure we'll have so much fun :)

Blog updates?
I do have a couple of things I'm hoping to blog about while I'm there, but I'm not sure what the "Internet conditions" will be like at the hotel I'm staying at, and I'm honestly not sure how much time I'll have to myself and my computer ;)
We'll see.

Have a great weekend everyone :D

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

New HAIR?! +purple makeup look

I got my hair cut yesterday! And bleached too, lol! ;)
It did get quite yellow, but I actually like it this way - at least until my scalp/hair can handle another bleach session ;)

Read more to see makeup pictures, list of products and hair time line! ;)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

MAC Update day

I just got home from MAC Update!

What a crazy day!
Right now I'm going straight to bed, but I'll make a post about the Update tomorrow!
I also have mascara reviews coming up as well as a review on the new Mineralize SPF15 foundation!

05:20 am - I get out of bed
05:55 am - I leave the house. My dad drove me to the station.
06:10 am - I arrive at the station in time to get some breakfast before getting on the train
06:30 am - The train leaves from Århus
09:30 am - The train arrives at Copenhagen
09:40 am - I have to take another train to Vallensbæk where the Updateis held
10:10 am - I arrive at Update (40 minutes late because there's no earlier train that we can take!)
06:00 pm - Update is over
06:12 pm - Taking that train back to Copenhagen
06:40 pm - Have 10 minutes to grab some food
06:50 pm - The train leaves from Copenhagen. I was supposed to have Internet all the way home in the train but I didn't, so I ended up reading (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) instead of blogging, which I originally intended.
09:40 pm - The train arribes in Århus
09:40 pm - I have to wait 30 minutes for my bus
10:10 pm - The bus leaves
10:30 pm - I'm home (And I got a package with some MAC PRO things that I had someone CP me! Yayyy :D)

THAT's what I call a long day!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! + NYE makeup

I hope everyone had a great and safe New Year's Eve!

I don't usually get the whole concept of New Year's eve parties though. It's like everyone thinks that that party is going to be the most amazing one of the year, but it rarely turns out to be like that when you have such high expectations.
Sure, NYE is a great opportunity to dress up in way over-the-top glittery clothes and makeup without anyone thinking it's weird, but I wear makeup and clothes like that a lot on normal days as well, haha :)
I think every Friday and Saturday night have the potential to be just as good a party as NYE could ever be and I wish people would remember that, 'cus that would mean a lot more great parties throughout the year! ;)

That being said, I did have a great time! I spent the night with three of my lovely coworkers from MAC :) We had some great food and a lot of great things to drink, and we had an awesome little party all by ourselves, haha! Even though it wasn't a huge party, it was one of the best New Year's eves I've ever had :)

And with all the rambling aside, here is my NYE makeup!
I was in a hurry when I took these pictures, so they're not the best, but I hope you'll like them anyway :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Super quick update!

I havn't forgotten about the blog! Really, I promise! ;)
I haven't forgotten that I promised to swatch and compare the shadows in the UD Book of Shadows vol. II either.
I've been super busy and since it's now super dark when I get home in the afternoon, I can't really take good pictures at that time of day.

Here's what I've been doing, if anyone cares :)
- I'm cleaning up my room, throwing everything that I don't need out, and am about to put up this that I got to store makeup in! I can't wait to show you my new storage solution as soon as it's done! :)
- I've been working quite a lot in the day and not so much at night, so it's always dark when I'm home! (Which means I can't take good pictures)
- I just had a day off today but I've been trying to catch up with friends that I haven't seen in a while. Today I had brunch and went shopping with my friend Marie :)

I'm really looking forward to blogging more! (But I guess I've said that before, haven't I? It's true! ;) )
It looks like I have a day off on Thursday, so I'll do what I can to get some posts up then :)
If you have any questions or requests, please e-mail me at ! :)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow!

Hi everyone!
I haven't been able to update much the last week - I've been super busy!
I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow morning and I don't know how much I'll be able to post while I'm over there. I'll bring my computer, my video camera and a small digital camera, so I hope I'll be able to post something during the next two weeks while I'm there, but I can't promise anything!

//Sofie <3

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I'm going to Canada! :D

I'm really excited about this!
I'm going to be visiting my uncle, aunt and three cousins in Canada! In just a little over 2 weeks :D
I'm leaving on September 27th and I'll be back home on October 11th.

I'll be staying with my uncle and aunt in Edmonton, Alberta. Anyone from around there?
Know some great places to see or go shopping? :D
I'm (of course) already planning on going to MAC since it's way cheaper over there, but I also really want to check out brands that are not available here in Denmark where I live :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I used to have a Twitter account, but I never updated much.
A little over a month ago, when I finally wanted to start using Twitter more regularly, I found out that my account was hacked and the person/computer who/which hacked it spammed my followers and my account had gotten suspended.
I tried to solve the problem but after several failed attempts at contacting Twitter, I just gave up and created a new Twitter account!

Please follow me on there if you're interested :)

I'd love more people to follow too, so let me know what your name on Twitter is :D

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I know I've been MIA... But I'm back! :)

As I wrote about earlier, I finished school back in June and since then everything have been kinda crazy ;)

I had a party to celebrate finishing school, then went to Roskilde festival (which was GREAT btw :D ), then had to take driving lessons (the rules on getting a driver license in Denmark are pretty crazy compared to other places. You need around 50 lessons and a license easily ends up costing you $2-3000), got my license, worked a lot(!!), went to Update(holy *shit* there are some amazing things coming out and I can't wait!) and have just been busy with friends and family because I wanted to see them some more now that I didn't have to think about school all the time ;)
I still work more than I did when I was in school but I don't work full time so I have a lot of time to myself and my friends now which is great :)

This was just a super quick update to let you know what's been going on. I could go into details a lot more, but I don't expect anyone to be interested in reading that, so I'll just get on with posting some FOTDs! :D

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I'm done with school :D

I had my very last exam yesterday and I couldn't be happier!! :)

The last couple of days have been pretty hectic(with exam preparation, the exam itself and celebration) and I'll be super busy the next two weeks as well so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to update.
I'm going to have a party on Saturday to celebrate and hopefully I'll have the time to post some pictures and a little update before I leave for Roskilde Festival on Sunday!

Oh, and here's a coupe of pictures from right after my exam :) Nice hat, isn't it? xD That's a traditional hat that you get when you finish "gymnasium". Most people get one like my friends'(the white and red) but mine is black because I took some extra classes, haha xD It could have just said nerd on it :P

The makeup obviously isn't too exciting, but on my lips I'm wearing MAC Blow Dry l/s with a mix of MAC Mimmy l/g and MAC Pink Lemonade l/g on top ;)

Oh, and there's a trashcan in the background... Lovely :D

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm going to visit my uncle, aunt and cousin for the next week and I'm not sure how much I'll be able to update.

Maybe a litte, maybe a lot or maybe even none at all.

I recorded another tutorial yesterday and my plan was to get it up today before I left, but I didn't have the time to edit it. Hopefully, I'll be able to get it up as soon as I get home :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Les Lanciers

In Denmark we have a tradition of dancing a dance called "Les Lanciers" when we're seniors in high school. That's what I am now and the dance was on Friday :)
It was super fun and I figured I'd go ahead and post pictures of my face+dress even though I didn't get any real makeup pictures ;)

(click to see the full size picture. I'm on the far right)

Makeup used (even though it wasn't even anything special and you can't really see it)
ArtDeco eyeshadow base
MAC Blacktrack f/l (base)
MAC Carbon e/s
MAC Romping e/s (LE w/ C-shock '07 and Hello Kitty '09)
MAC Pink Opal pigment
MAC #7 lashes

MAC Pink Swoon blush
MAC Pink Opal pigment

Rimmel neutral lipliner
MAC Snob lipstick
MAC Cultured lipglass

I had a great night :) I did makeup on 5 of my friends but didn't get any pictures... I suck ;)
My mom made my dress and I wore some pretty amazing stilettos that I didn't get pictures of either, haha ;)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Back from Paris :)

Wow, Paris was amazing!
I've been there before but it's even more beautiful around Christmas!

So... What did I do there?

I saw the Arc de Triomphe

Had cotton candy under the Eiffel Tower

Saw the Notre Dame de Paris

Played Nintendo DS... Great family time xD

Went to Disney Land! Badass! ;D

Ate too much (like... WAY too much!) and all that jazz.

Ohh, and guess what! I found the MAC PRO store!

Here's what I got:

Kelly Green pigment
Marine Ultra pigment
Pink Vivid pigment
Rich Purple chromaline
Velvet Moss eyeshadow
Bio Green eyeshadow
Show Orchid lipstick
Lovelorn lipstick

I've wanted Pink Vivid forever and was so excited to see that they still had it! And Velvet Moss too! :D I was stupid and forgot to ask for the eyeshadow pan instead of the pots but whatever ;) I'm really excited about the chromalines as well! So pretty :D Oh man, I wish I'd had more money! But my mom went with me and made sure I didn't buy too much, lol! That was probably a good thing though ;)

I didn't get any MAC for christmas but I got two Mehron palettes! The Tropical and the Metallic ones so I have all of them now :) I wanna do some tutorials using them - they're really amazing! :) It seems that Mehron changed the brushes in the palettes which sucks. The new ones seem to be of lower quality and are harder to use for precise application. It's not too bad though - a cheap paint brush will do the job ;)

The Mehron tropical palette

The Mehron metallic palette

I was hoping to get a camera to make videos but I didn't... I guess I'll just have to buy one when I have the money! ;)

So how did you spend Christmas? :)

Monday, December 15, 2008

I'm too busy...

Sorry I haven't been updating a all!

I've been crazy busy with school and I was in Copenhagen last week so I wasn't able to be online at all.

I leave for Paris for Christmas on Friday so I'm probably not able to be online much around Christmas either.

I'll get tutorials, pictures, and more exciting things up as soon as I have the time :)


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