Bueno, bueno, bueno... el año "laboral" llega a su fin y es momento de cerrar despachos y aparcar momentáneamente el trabajo diario para pasar unos días de vacaciones.
Como cada año los compañeros de trabajo nos despedimos antes de vacaciones con una comida. Este año con una paellita al borde del mar (que yo no se porqué pero frente al mar parece que sabe mejor, a que sí?).
Este año he preparado unas latitas de "verano en conserva" para regalar a mis amigos. Son esas latas que much@s habéis visto y revisto, que venden en las casas de menaje para servir tapitas. Yo las tengo y las encuentro monísimas. Esta vez, no obstante, las quise usar como cajitas para caramelos. Diseñé un sello con la ayuda de mi amado Pickmonkey que luego recorté sobre cartulina y lo até con cordel. Éste es el resultado.
¿Os gustan?
Well. well, well… it's time to close our offices and set aside the work and to leave for vacation.
Every year I celebrate the last day of work with my colleagues with a meal. This time we're going to eat paella by the sea. I don't know why but paella tastes better by the sea ;-)
I did these momentos for my friends. They are small tins of "canned summer. I suppose that most of you are familiarized with these tins which are usually used to serve tapas. In this occasion I used them as little candy boxes. I designed a label with the help of Pinkmonkey… and with some striped paper and some twine… this is the result.
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Well. well, well… it's time to close our offices and set aside the work and to leave for vacation.
Every year I celebrate the last day of work with my colleagues with a meal. This time we're going to eat paella by the sea. I don't know why but paella tastes better by the sea ;-)
I did these momentos for my friends. They are small tins of "canned summer. I suppose that most of you are familiarized with these tins which are usually used to serve tapas. In this occasion I used them as little candy boxes. I designed a label with the help of Pinkmonkey… and with some striped paper and some twine… this is the result.
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(Photos by Y tan flamenca! Please, don't use them without permission)