Monday, February 10, 2014

The Robins are Here!

On Wednesday of last week when we were flooded in my Little Man looked out the window and said, "look at all of those birds in the yard"!  I got up to see what was going on.

I was surprised to see that it was Robins in the yard!  Robins are a sure sign that spring is right around the corner!  In my opinion, Robins are more accurate than that pesky old ground hog! 

Here's to hoping that spring will come soon!  I'm so over this cold weather we've been having.  Yeah, I'd love a big deep snow, but at this point the kids were supposed to get out of school the end of May.  Now they will have to go to school until June 11th!  I don't ever remember going to school that late into the summer.  The sad thing is they started the kids way sooner this summer too.  Between the snow days and the water crisis days along with the days that they let them off when they could have went this is what happened. 



TexWisGirl said...

you're really green, thanks to all that moisture!

Miss Debbie said...

We've had robins all winter...what's with that?? I'm with you...thought they were a sign of spring. I guess they are confused like the rest of us! Spring weather one day...snow, sleet and ice the next!! :-)

Unknown said...

Hope you're right. We've got another six inches of snow. We'll be watching for those robins!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I think we may be making up snow days here too. We have another storm moving in tomorrow.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

looks great to see grass and not snow and alll those sweet little harbingers of spring

The Boston Lady said...

I love Robins! I wonder if they have them here in CA? My mother always used to sing the song 'When the Red, red, robin comes bob, bob, bobbin' along".... Reminds me of her when I see them.

I remember going to school that late into June when I was young, last century.... Ann

Blondee said...

Please send some to NY. I am so over this winter!! :)

Chatty Crone said...

Hey where is your snow and why do I have more snow that you do?

And the robins are back already? Not here.
