Showing posts with label Awards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awards. Show all posts

Monday, February 22, 2010

Kreativ Blogger Award ~

I'm so excited! I just received an award from my good friend Sandie at Chatty Crone! Sandie presented me with the Kreativ Blogger Award. With this award I am supposed to tell 7 things about myself that most of you wouldn't know and then pick 3 others to present this Award to from myself!

1. I'm a sharp shooter with a BB Gun. I once shot a furry critter, a mousketeer, in the dining room of our old farm house.
2. I played the piano and the flute when I was younger.
3. I used to be a Legal Assistant before I had kids.
4. I don't have a microwave oven in my kitchen.
5. We only have 1 television in our house.
6. My kids don't have cell phones!
7. My husband won't let me cut the grass!

Now, I'm supposed to pass this Award onto 3 other Bloggers which has been a hard thing to do because most of the blogs I follow are award free and tag free.
Here's my favorite 3 to pass this prestige award on to!

2. Monica at Expressly Corgi
3. Sandie at Chatty Crone

Monday, July 27, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Makes My Heart Smile Award!

Makes My Heart Smile Award!

I just received a sweet comment from Linda at America the Beautiful 1776 saying that she had given me a blog award! Thank you Linda! I'm so happy that my blog has made your heart smile! I truly am humbled as her blog is absolutely beautiful! Please take some time to visit Linda at her new beautiful Red, White and Blue tribute to America and she also has another lovely blog you can visit at White Linen Lavender Field. You will love them. I know I do!

The rules for this heart award are ~~~
1. The winner may put the logo on their blog (just right click on the image and copy, then paste then to your blog post)
2.Put a link to the person who sent you the award
3.Nominate 10 blogs
4. Leave a message for your nominees Ten Blogs that Makes Me Smile

It was really hard to narrow it down to only ten blogs as I have so many blogs that I love to read.

So, it is my honor to pass this award onto the following blogs:

1. Jennifer at Livin' With Peaches

2. Dana at The Stone Rabbit

3. ClassyChassy at Expressly Corgi

4. Tomarie at Tomarie's Cabin

5. Bernideen at Bernideen's Tea Time Blog

6. Ann at Life at Anns Place

7. Coloradolady at Coloradolady

8. Amy at Twelve Acres

9. Maryjane at The Beehive Cottage

10. Country Corgi's

Girls, you will have to forgive me as I am going to have to cheat and add a few more to my list! hehehe

11. Dixie at French Lique

Congratulations to all who won!!! When you visit my blog, please take the blog award button, just copy and paste it to your blog. You deserve it! Please pass this award along to the Ten Blogs that Makes Your Heart Smile and please link back to me here at West Virginia Treasures.
