Showing posts with label Memory Lane Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Memory Lane Friday. Show all posts

Friday, December 17, 2010

My Favorite Christmas Movie

Christmas Vacation is by far my favorite Christmas movie. I remember going to see it with my new boyfriend when I came out. We laughed so hard watching that movie. I'm sure I had tears rolling down my face. I don't think I had ever laughed so hard watching a movie in all my 21 years. The boyfriend didn't work out which was "a good thing", Martha Stewart! lol But, Christmas Vacation will be with me forever!

I have way too many favorite scenes from the movie to show them all. You've gotta love it when Clark takes the family to get there "good old fashioned Christmas tree"! I can't help but to think of that every time we go out to get our Christmas tree. I feel like I'm living the life of Clark!
And who can forget Cousin Eddie! He's holding out for a job in management! lol

All Clark wanted was a "good, old-fashioned family Christmas." I love how Clark goes overboard with his Christmas lights, covering the his house with 25,000 lights. Then when he calls everyone outside to see his lights and has Ellen do the drum roll.

I've tried for many years to get my husband to do that to our house.... He loves the movie too! Why won't he strings 100's of tiny little lights all over our house? Maybe next year! We do have lights on our house, just not as many as Clark's.

Today I'm linking to Memory Lane Friday at Two Bears Farm. Go check out all of the others who are participating and see what their favorite holiday movie is!



Friday, October 15, 2010

Memory Lane Friday ~ Halloween

Two Bears Farm and the Three Cubs
is hosting Memory Lane Friday. A weekly blog carnival where you can blog about your past memories and link up. Some weeks have themes, some do not, but either way everyone is welcome! This week's topic is Halloween. After reading her post I decided to find the only Halloween picture that I have of myself when I was a kid and share it today. I think it's the only one of me in all those years. Film and developing must had been a lot back then. Just saying.....
The year was around 1972. Just take a look at that brown shag carpet! And the floor model big screen television complete with rabbit ears! It was a time when Tony the Tiger would be on tv saying "They're Gr-r-reat"! I LOVED Tony the Tiger! And I ate Frosted Flakes too! That's me in the Tony the Tiger costume and my cousin in the clown costume.
