Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bird Attacks My Truck!

Yesterday I went to get into my truck and there was bird poop all over it. I mean all over it! Some bird had pooped on all four sides of my truck that was sitting right outside the garage. There are no trees around that area at all. The only nest that is on the gutters down spout curve was empty. I couldn't figure out what bird would be doing this until my son came in the house and said there is a red bird trying to get in the front of the truck. I thought perhaps it was just something that happened yesterday and today it would be finished with attacking my truck. I was wrong!

Here she is! Mrs. Cardinal. She's on top of the hood of my truck right on the edge.

Mrs. Cardinal is the main aggressor in the assault of my truck. Mr. Cardinal is hanging out and watching her but so far I haven't seen him take part in the assault of my truck.

This morning it rained really hard for a few hours so it washed most of the bird poop off of my truck but she is getting it dirty again.

And lastly, you've got to love blogger and the way my pictures will sometimes upload wrong! Mrs. Cardinal just isn't going to give up. She attacked my truck up until it was time for her to go to bed. I've moved it to different locations in our driveway near the garage and she still attacks it. I also have a button that pulls in my mirrors so I did that so she wouldn't be distracted by seeing her reflection in them. Oddly she doesn't care about attacking my husband's car. Mrs. Cardinal, please leave my truck alone!



TexWisGirl said...

i am really amazed that its the FEMALE that's doing this instead of the hormone amped male! :)

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

I think that, in nature, it is the female, many times, who is more aggressive, the hunter, the protector of territory. I know it's that way with cats -- both the big variety as well as housecats. But it's so funny to see those pictures! I wonder what your truck represents to her?

ocmist said...

Ok... (Hubby and son are Chevy guys) Comments from Hubby: Mrs. Cardinal is trying to tell you that Ford's are poopy (cleaned up) cars.

Comment from Son: She's trying to make another "dirty job" for that guy that does the "Dirty Job" show that is now doing Ford commercials.

I was wondering if there might be some bugs on the truck or something... maybe attracted to the shine?

Gorges Smythe said...

Usually, it IS the male, but cardinals, more than any other bird, attack their reflections in mirrors, glass and chrome.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is amazing, never seen anything like it. i have seen them sit on mirrors and attack the mirrors, but not like this, and why the truck, very strange.

ClassyChassy said...

Maybe she is trying to figure how to build a nest there??? The front grill - the back cover around the edges? All might be attractive to her for stuffing things and making nests! Funny, but sad for you!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

LOL. This is so funny! I mean, uh...sorry this horrible bird is assaulting your vehicle!

Anonymous said...

Funny bird. I think this must be the season for aggressive animals or something. I just wrote about having a bat in my house. Eeek! At least the bird is cute. ;-)


Kim said...

That is wild. I wonder what she is thinking about your truck. I hope either she moves on or gets constipated . Lol

Chatty Crone said...

That is really weird - haven't heard of that at all. She is really messing up your car. Keep us informed. sandie

^..^Corgidogmama said...

That is one sharp truck woman!!
I can't let Jim see it, he'll drool all over the keyboard!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

We've had the same problem this spring --with a Robin... He has been pecking on our sliding glass doors --and wakes us up about 6 a.m.

What causes this is that the birds have a nest nearby ---and have established their territory... They see their reflection in the window/your truck---and think there is another one in 'their' territory...

What we did was put some pictures of a hawk on the windows.. That stopped that robin from pecking. SO--go to the internet to Google Images and get a picture of a Hawk.. Make a copy or two and put it inside your truck window--somewhere where the bird will see it... Hopefully, that will work... The other thing you might do is to put a cover (tarp or something) over your truck...

Good Luck.
P.S. I've had both males and females being aggressive like this. Last year, I had a VERY aggressive female Bluebird...

Michaele said...

Good gosh. I guess you can be glad it is your truck and not you or your kids?

Sharon said...

Maybe Mrs. Cardinal doesn't like Fords. Just saying...

warren said...

I think it is always cardinals and trucks. You are the third person with the same story. The other two folks both had red trucks though...I thought that was important but obviously not!

George said...

I wonder what you did to upset Mrs. Cardinal?