
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts

Future Events

Having experienced the value of psychic transmission of messages from the wise souls who continue to assist us as teachers and guides, I am aware of the great privilege and responsibility entailed and of the great respect that is born in us when we come into contact with those of higher human stature than our own. I am therefore a little cautious and question the quality of the rash of 'spiritual transmissions' in our current mass media outlets.

I stumbled across Compte de Saint Germain's BLOG a few months ago and have now begun to assess various aspects of the messages that he has offered through a very reliable dedicated psychic channel known as Aruna. He attests to the quality and content of the messages in his name as being entirely his responsibility as he tries to convey spiritual realities through earthly means (with the usual accompanying risk of inaccuracies.)

Why Use Technology in Schools and Higher Education?

The world seems at an end without access to technology. Organizations in various cities and countries tend to increase their usage of technology to reinforce customer interaction, enhance brand value, and build up a strong business network. There is substantial evidence that a good number of schools and colleges in the U.S and in other countries worldwide are using technology to revive the teacher-student relationship.

The 2010-11 survey report released by the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth found "98 percent of higher ed institutions are on Facebook, and 84 percent are on Twitter".

Teachers find social media and mobile devices highly effective in fostering an improved learning atmosphere. They are playing a great role in engaging more students into active learning in classrooms whether live or virtual. 

Beyond Education - A Moment of Clarity

Just inside Yosemite National Park is a beautifully wild and scenic river. It is one of the few remaining rivers not dammed in California. For many years I had sought out the energy of running water. Recently I was beginning to suspect there might be a spiritual energy connected to how I felt. I was tapping into something for which I had no name. It enlivened my body, and I often felt an in-rushing of joy flow through me. I made pilgrimages to this river only minutes from my home. Transformation in the river's character is easy to see from season to season. In the spring it is a torrent of wild power, and as the days progress into summer the power turns to gentle tranquility. In the winter it lies quietly in dark, opaque pools. However, my own transformation was more difficult. My spiritual river ran underground.

In the presence of the power of the water, I did my school work, and journal writing, and tried to make sense of the movement in my life. 

Myth: College Is A Four Year Degree

As I age, I tire more easily of comments made by politicians and others who benefitted from college out of high school. I do not want to sound as if I degrade them, but in reality more like I envy them. Truth is, most of us can benefit from college starting today.

I cruised through high school. I knew I would never reach college if for no other reason than my Father could never afford the cost. What I never realized was the HOW part of getting into college. Had I known then what I know now...yep, we all heard those phrases.

My first college course came while serving the Navy overseas. College English classes contracted by the Navy. I discovered college was not all that tough. Imagine, a kid that cruised through high school finding college level work relatively within my ability, and I could afford the class (mind you I mean just A class). I strutted around like a peacock.

Why Do We Need to Understand God?

Einstein in his address at Princeton Theological Seminary, May 19, 1939 commented about religion that religion lays down clear fundamental ends and valuations and sets them fast in emotional life of an individual and thus in social life of man. The only justification for these fundamental ends is that they exist in all healthy societies as powerful traditions, and it is not necessary to find justification for their existence.

Further, Einstein in a symposium - Science, Philosophy and Religion at New York 1941 stated:

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"

"What is still lacking here is a connection of profound generality but not knowledge of order itself"