
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Neuroscience and Learning

The concept of transformational learning is experience critically reflected to develop new insight and opportunities for change. By understanding how people think, rationalize, accept and disseminate information provides the teacher with the knowledge of how to take those experiences and facilitate the critical reflection so that the individual can develop changes in their perceptions of the knowledge they have.

Understanding how people retain memory, what key factors are related and how effective is the presentation material is essential in getting the message to the students. There are key factors associated with learning. Memory is a major part of the task. The emphasis on this is what factors we have to consider when presenting material. Are there key words or gestures that will cause the student to remember something they have learned? In addition, the factor of understanding how the brain works as far as what materials discussed in verbal and what should be presented in video, graphic or black board practice.