
Showing posts with label Knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knowledge. Show all posts

President Obama Called for a Strategy

A strong commitment to the development of alternative energy has been made by President Barack Obama. In a recent radio address, the President called for a strategy "that relies less on foreign oil and more on American made energy". These renewable energy sources, which include solar and wind power, will not only help wean the United States. from fossil fuels, but create thousands of new American jobs. Solar training of these workers will be an important part in expanding alternative energy sources.

The North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) is a volunteer organization that is also committed to the continued development of renewable energy. It is comprised of members dedicated to this issue, including policy makers, educational organizations and clean energy industries. Its commitment includes the establishment of NABCEP certification standards of programs offered to those interested in this rapidly expanding field. 

The Fate of Our World

I was reading this article that was recommended to me by my daughter. The name of the article is "The Party's Over: Oil, War and The Fate of Industrial Society", written by Richard Heinberg. It really struck me because it made me realize how dependent on oil we are, especially here in Los Angeles, Calif. Oil is used to make plastic which is used to package our foods. Oil is used to transport our fresh foods that aren't packaged. The problem is that nonrenewable oil will run out! Not to mention that it is harmful to our environment.

We as humans think that we are different than other creatures on the earth but in reality, we are not. Heinberg states, "When other creatures gain an energy subsidy, they instinctively react by proliferating: their population goes through the well-studied stages of bloom, overshoot, and die off... [Humans] have reacted to the energy subsidy of fossil fuels exactly the way rats, fruit flies or bacteria respond to an abundant new food source." The world population is now past 7 billion (bloom), and oil is not getting easier to extract. 

Schools of the Future: Education, Evolution and What You Really Want For Your Children

Evolution of Education

We are constantly evolving both as individuals and as a species. Change is an intrinsic to evolution. The two just go hand in hand. The current educational model has served us in many ways.

So when we share that we would like to create an alternative educational model this often triggers the response 'Well, what is wrong with the current one?' That question itself is very revealing.

Educational Change

Humans change usually for one of two reasons. The first is that what exists is no longer satisfactory so we move away from it. In the second instance, change occurs because the vision of something greater pulls us into action.

Why Use Technology in Schools and Higher Education?

The world seems at an end without access to technology. Organizations in various cities and countries tend to increase their usage of technology to reinforce customer interaction, enhance brand value, and build up a strong business network. There is substantial evidence that a good number of schools and colleges in the U.S and in other countries worldwide are using technology to revive the teacher-student relationship.

The 2010-11 survey report released by the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth found "98 percent of higher ed institutions are on Facebook, and 84 percent are on Twitter".

Teachers find social media and mobile devices highly effective in fostering an improved learning atmosphere. They are playing a great role in engaging more students into active learning in classrooms whether live or virtual. 

Neuroscience and Learning

The concept of transformational learning is experience critically reflected to develop new insight and opportunities for change. By understanding how people think, rationalize, accept and disseminate information provides the teacher with the knowledge of how to take those experiences and facilitate the critical reflection so that the individual can develop changes in their perceptions of the knowledge they have.

Understanding how people retain memory, what key factors are related and how effective is the presentation material is essential in getting the message to the students. There are key factors associated with learning. Memory is a major part of the task. The emphasis on this is what factors we have to consider when presenting material. Are there key words or gestures that will cause the student to remember something they have learned? In addition, the factor of understanding how the brain works as far as what materials discussed in verbal and what should be presented in video, graphic or black board practice.

Why Should You Introduce Technology in Education?

There has being a lot of talk regarding why educational organizations should introduce technology in classrooms. This year, New York City's Department of Education plans to increase its technology expenses to $542 million for setting up internet connections and giving wireless access to all the city schools.

There is absolutely no reason to believe that the 'brick and mortar' classrooms didn't help students get the kind of education they deserved. Prior to technology, students still learnt and came through tests with flying colors. However, technology has brought in some significant benefits that even the most vocal critic can't disagree with.

I will share with you some crucial points in support of implementing technology in educational organizations. Let's figure them out.