Good afternoon
I thought I'd best sit down to blog - there's a quiet little while between the boys coming home from school and getting dinner prepared - the choices were blog or hoover - blogging won! I'd planned to post tonight but realised I need to call my Mum and those calls are never short!
Time to catch up on the last week and the photos I've taken before the Bank Holiday weekend and probably more photos come along!
Last weekend 3 of the VV household braved the rain and headed out to a free event we'd seen advertised by the side of the road. Apache Approach - a chance to get close up to one of these wonderful helicopters that we often see & hear in the Suffolk skies. It was being held at Framlingham College (a nearby private school);
From top left - Framlingham Castle & Mere, Old Love (MrVV & I), Apache appears,
Getting closer, whipping up the leaves with the force, On the ground.
Taking off, Goodbye & Like Father Like Son.
We had a chance to get close and talk to the flight crew - I think Little Son would quite have liked a flight in one of these!! When it arrived we were warned to take off hats / take down brollies etc - most listened! The same warning was repeated when it took off and we were told the force was stronger. Some of the crowd didn't listen and there were brollies / hats blown away!!
This past week in Suffolk has been a right mixed one - sunshine & showers. When we had a sunny afternoon I got out into the summerhouse and gave it a good spring clean. As a reward for my hard work I took my cup of tea out there and sat quietly watching the birds on the feeders.
A rainy day, a sunny tea-break, an abandoned & underused watering can.
Bluebells, watching for birds, forget-me-nots.
Alpine strawberry plants starting to flowers, new leaves on the silver birch (shame the pollen is making me sneeze!!), daisies enjoying the sunshine.
My new love in case you haven't worked out is Instagram. Whilst the Android version isn't quite as snazzy as the I-phone version, its enough to get me hooked! If you are on there let me know - am always looking for new people to follow. I am VickiMowe on there - trying to limit myself to just one or two pics a day as I could easily get sucked in totally!!
I came home from another busy morning in the charity shop to find the postman has brought me some lovely lunchtime reading;
My WI magazine with actually surprisingly lots of interesting stuff in it - loving anything Jubilee at the moment and the new CK magazine/catalogue. Now I did fall out of love with MsKidston & Co at the beginning of the year but this current mag has some lovely things in there - I won't be buying but can happily drool. Had to chuckle there's one dress in there for nearly £80 - we have an almost identical one in the CS for about a fiver!! I tried it on but the colour didn't suit me :(
Right - I shall bid you all goodbye, wish you all a good bank holiday weekend and shall see you soon.
Ours plans - Wrap up and get on with it - hopefully out & about May Fairing, Car booting and seaside visiting - oh a little craft selling on Saturday too :)
xxx Vicki xxx