Showing posts with label molliemakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label molliemakes. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Almost bursting!!

Good afternoon

There are so many other things I should be doing but sometimes you have something to tell and you just can't keep it to yourself and need to share it!!

Fingers crossed - if all goes smoothly at the weekend then this model & book will become a reality for the VV household. Yep MrVV is off on a very long drive almost out of the country to (hopefully) collect a home on wheels for us. We've been looking for a little while and had created a wish list and one has been found that is perfect - it just involves a long drive which MrVV is more than happy to do. My role? Over excitement and planning all the pretty things it will need to turn it into our own home on wheels :)

Its been quite a good week here - we've seen the sun a few times and there have been plenty of opportunities for photo taking;

The 1st birthday Molliemakes sitting on new frock fabric - I hope to be able to make this on Saturday. Am loving the new mag - I know some find it twee but I am still a happy subscriber :)

As you can see Instagram is still my current love (sorry to those Instagram friends seeing these pics yet again!!). The other morning I was glad I had my phone with me - I spotted a chance to recreate the current Ideal Home magazine calendar picture;

The original.

My version.

Right lastly - I don't think I ever cleared up a mystery - the record from this post. 

Many of you will never have heard of Blue Mercedes but the chap on the left is a 'boy' from our town with his 5 minutes of pop fame. A very 80's synth pop group who had a few hits and even appeared on Top of the Pops & Blue Peter. I know his Dad & Uncle really well so when I spotted this record in one of the charity shops for 50p I had to buy it for my vinyl collecting sister - she's done some more research and has even managed to find a YouTube video of these two strutting their stuff - here - have a look you never know you might even like it!!

Right - I'd best go and do some domestic stuff and trying not to get overexcited & burst!!

See you soon

xxx Vicki xxx

Monday, 23 April 2012

The Tale of 3 Frocks

Good evening

Can't believe its been 7 days since my last post. No exciting excuses - just life getting in the way. 

I've been continuing with the ongoing spring cleaning, doing extra shifts in the charity shop and just doing everyday family stuff too - oh and avoiding the rain. We've had rather a lot of that this past week and this week looks set to be another of rain shower dodging.

However back to the post title - in the last week or so there's been lots of this too;

Frock making :)

Firstly one for a sister - part of her not-so-secret-santa pressie was a voucher which for for a dress for her - she just needed to choose the fabric (I'd pay and make it up for her). It took a while to get the fabric bought and given to me but it got finished the other week, in time for her holidays;

I've had 2 lengths of fabric to make frocks for me, hanging around my sewing room for a while - this weekend whilst the menfolk were busy working/revising/marching I spent time creating 2 new frocks for me - one is the standard 3 tier design I've made before;

The other is slightly different - I'd seen a dress in the CK shop in Cambridge I liked - a simple vest style top with a gathered drapey skirt - it was £90 so it stayed on the rails. However the other week I was lucky enough to find some gorgeous drapey fabric in the CS - and there was enough for a frock - the CS gods were shining down on me that day. This got turned into my version of the CK dress this weekend and I love it - the fabric is just lovely;

Each dress has ties at the back so it can be more fitted - the ties get hand sewn on and as an extra pretty buttons get sewn on too;

I used 2 of the gorgeous buttons free in the last Molliemakes magazine on this dress.

and 2 cheerful polka-dot ones of this one - I think I used these buttons also on my sisters dress.

This just leaves the bargain £1 tea dress to alter - I just keep forgetting to get someone to mark where I need to cut when I have visitors I trust - if I don't remember soon, I may have to ask one of the males to help!

The record from the last post has been handed over and my sister was thrilled - I'll tell you more once she's had a chance to blog about it ;)

Right - off for a wander around blogland - I've been very slack in this in the past week and when I have visited blogger seems to not want to let me comment :(

See you soon 

xxx Vicki xxx

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Just a few makes :)

Good evening

Autumn has blown in with a blast here - the trees are being blustered about and I could see the garden slowly starting to be covered in leaves when I was watching out the window earlier. Its much cooler too which I'm quite glad about - I love hunting out my long sleeved t-shirts and cardi's.  The downside is the days are really starting to feel shorter - not quite light when we get up in the morning and its getting dark before dinner most nights now.

I've spent less time this week reading and more time crafting. Apart from more squares for my granny blanket (nos 51-55) and a few rounds on the giant granny one. I've also;

 Turn a cross-stitched mini-sampler into a heart. A clever sister did the cross-stitch for me (I've never mastered that) and then I was tasked with finishing if off to suit me.

 The first of many fabric apples made from the pattern in this months Molliemakes magazine.

 I finished my crochet scarf - with the cold weather due soon, I think you can never have enough scarves. I often when its really cold wear one in the house and they ended up scattered about all over the place.

A friend sent me this thrifted wooden belt buckle - she thought I'd like it. I think I might try and use it as a scarf ring - when you've got one of those scarves that just keeps coming unravelled - it might just hold it into place.

This morning I spent time having a rummage in my sewing room for supplies - have decided to bow to the inevitable and start making some Christmas decorations - probably just some felt gingerbread people and some of the gangly felt robins I made last year. There was enough material to get on with but I also need to go and pay our favourite  Felt Fairy a visit and order some supplies. I am hoping to find a craft fair locally between now and December - failing that I shall list them in my much neglected Folksy shop!

See you soon

xxx Vicki xxx

Thursday, 23 June 2011

A nation of shopkeepers & a little giveaway

Good afternoon

Just a little post for today - I had wanted to show you some crochet progress but I'm not quite there so shall save that till next time.

However there are two pieces of good news from the VV household today;

1) My little folksy shop is up and running - first 3 items added yesterday with more to follow, once I've taken more photos and written some descriptions ;

I've gone with using this picture as my shop logo and have also ordered some little cards from the lovely people at Moo - thanks Kandi for the code :)

2) I've subscribed like so many people to the lovely Molliemakes magazine - due a mix up in their mailing department I've received a 2nd copy in the post today. So I thought I'd offer it as a little giveaway to another blogger who maybe hasn't been able to find it or who would just like to see what all the fuss is about. Leave a comment on this post and I'll draw names on Sunday night (I know I'll have a quiet hour - Top Gear is back!!).

Right back to housework - least if I'm hoovering I can't hear the thunder - I really don't like it :(

See you Sunday

xxx Vicki xxx