Showing posts with label Jubilee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jubilee. Show all posts

Friday, 1 June 2012

Then and Now

Good afternoon

Pinch and a punch and all that jazz - June! Halfway through the year - only 3 weeks till the Solstice!

I am looking forward to this weekends Jubilee celebrations - I come from a family who love the royal family and the whole red/white/blue thing. I've fond memories of 1977 and the Silver Jubilee celebrations - the party on the RAF camp we lived on and my Dad winning the beer drinking/running race!! 

10 years ago when BigSon & LittleSon were both much smaller we had a party at their primary school - I hunted out the photos this morning - so sweet;

My two little kings with their homemade outfits and crowns.

Fast forward 10 years and here they are this morning before they set out to school in red/white & blue - not so keen on having their pics taken these days;

(and yes he knows he's wearing one blue converse and one red!!).

Today is also significant as its BigSons last day of school before he goes on exam study leave - just 5 exams left and then he's free to have fun till September - with maybe a little housework and odd jobs thrown in!!

Again the photo album was searched and here he is on his first official day at full time school;

and here he is when he arrived home from school tonight - with a signed t-shirt AND face - hope that washes off!!

Whatever you are doing this weekend - have a good time - here's hoping the sunshine makes an appearance, we have rather a lot of outdoors things planned and I don't want to hide my Jubilee frock under a raincoat!

See you soon

xxx Vicki xxx

Monday, 28 May 2012

Weekend views & Monthly Makes (May)

Good evening

Phew what a scorcher ;) Another lovely hot & sunny day here in Suffolk.

The weekend was gorgeous - this was my view for lots of it;

Blue skies through the leaves & bunting

I found a string of bunting in with our camping stuff - it has been used many times to identify my tent at festivals - it was just long enough to tie between a tree & the swing.

My corner - pink deckchair, table, drink, lunch and a magazine - happy days

We did get out and about - as well as a car boot sale (dire - lots of overpriced clothes and tat :( ), MrVV & I headed to Aldeburgh for a walk - we parked at the top of the town and here's the view over the houses to the beach;

What you can't see are the 100's of day trippers - we opted for a quieter walk along the seawall between the sea & the river.

Right - its that time again - Monthly Makes photos - it was just going to be this;

A crochet T for our WI banner, a flowery frock (front & back) and my finished granny square blanket.

However on Saturday I came over all patriotic and decided I needed a new dress for the Jubilee weekend! I popped into my friends shop and left with some fabric in the most gorgeous 50's style print. I added in a strip of polka dot fabric I had already - and here it is - red,white,blue with a hint of 50's too;

Oh and on the back I added a couple of buttons I'd bought months ago;

I might as well add my Monthly Mosaic picture to this post too;

Now this is post 399 - I've taken some pictures this afternoon for something special to celebrate post 400 - and also to celebrate reaching 400 followers too :) I missed my 2 year blogversary in September, I was too plastered to celebrate!! So watch out later this week - Vintage Vicki's 400 posts/followers giveaway will be happening :)

See you soon - here's hoping there's another sunny day tomorrow, I getting rather used to them.

xxx Vicki xxx

Thursday, 24 May 2012

The one with sunshine in it :)

Good evening

Firstly - thank you to all my lovely new followers - I've been to look at as many blogs as I can - blogger is being a pain and won't let me add any new ones to my follow list at the moment but I've got you all bookmarked so I can visit that way instead.

What a stunning day its been - wall to wall sunshine and blue skies.

The old saying 'Ne'er cast a clout till May be out' is certainly true - the May (Hawthorn) blossom is out and you definitely don't need a vest at the moment - unless it replaces a t-shirt ;)

Also growing  in my neighbours garden are lots of lovely elderflowers - I'm watching for the perfect picking day and then I shall be collecting them and turning them into cordial (I have her permission to take them whenever they are ready).

When I went to work this morning it was a lovely surprise to see our little town had grown flags overnight - all the high street was covered in UJ flags - so pretty - I'll take a picture next time I'm there with my camera.

It spurred me on to buy some for us to use over the Jubilee weekend and also for July when the Olympic Torch relay visits nearby;

I think this weekend its time to hunt out the bunting for the house and garden.

Now look at this picture;

Can you spot any wildlife??

What about if I zoom in to the bottom of the door ?

Can you spot Sid now? Yep Sid the Snake (grass type) is becoming a regular visitor to the garden - its just that he's camera shy - his tail if the best I've managed to snap so far! Hoping to catch him properly one day soon.

Lastly for tonight - another little ebay parcel - fabric for the back of the scatter cushions for Bertie. Oh yes the home on wheels has a name (well I use it) - Cuthbert the Caravan - Bertie for short. 

Anyhow new fabric - I saw it and couldn't resist a couple of FQ's;

Its still warm here - the doors and windows are still open wide. It great listening to the birds singing - hoping we might hear the owls later.

Have a good weekend all - the sun should be shining here still - there's lots to plant in the garden and I'm hoping MrVV might be persuaded to visit the car boot sale too. Oh add to that Eurovision and the promise of the first Pimms of the season - its going to be a good one :)

See you soon

xxx Vicki xxx