Showing posts with label solstice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label solstice. Show all posts

Monday, 23 June 2014

Summertime fun

Good morning

Another sunny start here - with an increase in the pollen count too - which means I am sneezing like Mr Sneezy from the Mr Men series but hey ho.

Its been a lovely and busy past week here at No6. I have to keep a written note of who is doing what/when/where. The best thing - big son finished his exams and whilst he still is slightly 'shell-shocked' from the whole finishing thing, his big smile has appeared and the stressed look from the past few weeks has gone.

We decided to celebrate the end of exams for both boys at once and properly. It involved takeaway pizza, their favourite beer/cider, a huge water fight with water bombs& super soakers and this monster paddling pool;

 Doesn't look too huge in this picture but here's how it looked when we blew it up and propped it up overnight in the dining room;

It's large enough for those two giant boys of mine to lounge around in/throw each other and me into as well.

Here's big son on his first day of school 13 1/2 years ago;

 Apart from one leavers BBQ today at lunchtime, that's the end of school till results day in mid-August.

This past weekend of course was the summer solstice/midsummer. Our Morris side headed a few miles inland to the village where we practise and to their Midsummer Folk Festival. The weather was perfect for dancing and camping. I've topped my tan up nicely.

As I was getting the camping stuff and kit sorted for the weekend I snapped this pic of our morris kit;

Oh yes, I've tweaked my kit again and added a corset top - surprisingly comfy to dance in.

Here's me and my man together yesterday;

One last photo for today - a snap from the garden of one of my favourite things about summer - the geraniums coming into flower;

Right I'd best go and wake little son - he seems to think he might sleep till school for him restarts in September - sadly I have other ideas!!

See you soon

xxx Vicki xxx

Thursday, 21 June 2012


Good evening

Oh well so that was the Solstice/Midsummer/Longest Day then - shame here in Suffolk it dawned grey & damp. I had hoped I'd wake (as I often do) at 4am and I'd decided I'd get up and watch the sun rise across the fields nearby - however for once I didn't wake up - perhaps a G&T & painkillers (for sciatica) last night weren't a good idea!!

One year I'd love to go here to celebrate the Solstice;

Its been a quiet week on the photograph front - I can't show you the one thing I've made this month as its for a swap and the parcel was only posted yesterday and I don't think its arrived yet.

I've been rather busy in the charity shop this week - I have been asked to be the Key Volunteer for the shop meaning when the Manager & Deputy both are away I get to be in 'charge' and they'll even pay me!!. I've been learning lots of clever stuff with the till and computer and even such essentials as to where all the light switches are as I'll get to open / close up!! Just 4 weeks till my first proper day - rather scary!!

Its rather quiet at home tonight - MrVV & Little Son are playing in a brass concert and Big Son has gone to help at the scout troop ahead of going away with them in the summer as a Young Leader. Lucky thing is heading to Derbyshire in the summer hols for 9 days of activities on land, water and underground caving.

Sadly the TV has nothing interesting on - just 22 men running around and chasing a ball - occasionally mixed with them tripping over their own feet and trying to blame someone else!!

Time to hunt down the cider me thinks.

See you soon

xxx Vicki xxx

Monday, 21 December 2009

Pause for the 4th & final time

We come to the 4th and final pause in Advent - the time seems to whizzed by so quickly.

As in all my previous posts I guess my main theme is family and spending time together.

Yesterday it was MrVV's turn to have a brass engagement and the rest of us went with him as its one of our favourites - one that has become a tradition within our family.  MrVV has played with his band for over 30 years now since he was a young boy and barely able to see over his instrument! I've been coming to this engagement with him for about 20 years and the boys have been every year since they were born.

Thats him on the far left of the picture - the one that forgot to read what uniform was required!!

We were at Snape Maltings to await the arrival of a very important visitor.
Here's litte son waiting to see if he can see his barge coming up the river;

"I can see something coming"

"Can you see a hint of red?"

"He's getting closer"

"He's wishing us all a Merry Christmas"

Because of the weather the crowd was much smaller than previous years but I hope it meant that all the small children were able to go and visit the great man in his grotto.

We didn't stay much longer - we were all so cold despite wearing many layers.  Instead we headed home to another new tradition - hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows :)

We're now on the home stretch and the finishing line on the 25th can be seen clearly.  I've still quite alot to do - presents to wrap, a pressie swap with my sisters tonight, last minute food shopping, cleaning the house and one final brass openair carol service on Christmas Eve.

Today is the shortest day of the year and this evening we shall be lighting candles to mark this and to remind ourselves that the sun will be coming back and the days will gradually start to lengthen.

See you later in the week  - stay warm & I hope you all get everything you need to do done.

xxxx Vicki xxxx