Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

2 have fun in Dorset


We are not long back from a fabulous mini break in Dorset - staying in a Shepherds Hut next to a steam railway line - just how Famous Five is that!!

We booked this trip in the cold and damp early part of the year - before we'd sold the flat and when we were caravan and tent less. (Our little caravan has retired to be a children's play hut - it was no longer fully road worthy & had some furry visitors living in there over the cold long winter).

We'd looked at cottages but nothing had really appealed - had almost given up when S showed me a picture and I immediately said 'Yes'.

This took me several attempts to get!! Those steam trains don't half move fast!! Outside was gorgeous - but inside even better. A cosy bed, plenty of storage, a little stove for cooking, a fridge for keeping tonic & cider cold and even a proper flushing loo!

One worry was whether it would be too hot at night but the windows allowed through breeze and we both slept so well - possibly aided by lots of walking and some Dorset beers & ciders!!

We left home early on the first day to make the most of our 4 days. We were on the beach at Studland by 10.30! and in the sea not long after we'd set up camp. Two things to note - Vicki's do not normally do the sea nor do they wear a bikini! However the water was calm, not to deep and very inviting - also I had found a perfect 50's style bikini which covered bits I am less keen on and actually flattered my curves!!

Just lovely to feel the sand between my toes.

We spent several hours on the beach - in the sea and then having a picnic and reading. 

We left early afternoon and headed to the campsite - unfortunately we chose to arrive when the campsite office was shut - so decided to head into Corfe Castle village for a wander and to get some essentials. S remembers visiting here as a small child and we went to find the pub his family used to visit - currently closed for a refurb - never mind there were plenty to choose from, we ended up at one in the shadow of Corfe Castle;

One pint of Dorset beer and one of Dorset cider - all accompanied by a one man pub singer who played a montage of popular tunes!

As we had been up since 4.30 we weren't late to bed!

Up early next day as the sun was peaking through the curtains. Time for coffee and bacon sandwiches;

We had planned to spent most of the day in Corfe at the castle and then a trip into Swanage on the steam train.

We found possibly the last parking space in Corfe and headed up the footpath to the Castle, stopping for a quick game of Pooh sticks;

So cool in the shade of the trees - quite a contrast as we walked up the castle mound;

W eventually made it up there - the views were stunning - even those of a trackside fire caused by a spark from the steam train!!

Seems this happens quite often and Dorset fire service have a cute little 4x4 which can scale the countryside to reach places the bigger engines can't!!

After all that excitement - time for a cream tea in the National Trust tea rooms;

and then a quick wander to catch the train - they were running again at this point.

You do get a lovely view from the train;

Even one of our hut as we passed the campsite!

Swanage is a fairly typical seaside town - lots of shops selling postcards, inflatables for the sea and all sort of holiday souvenirs. We opted for fish & chips on the seafront washed down with ginger beer (what else!).

Time then to head back with some more cider and watch the sun set;

Day 3 and up early for a similar breakfast to yesterday. Then time to get the chain ferry over to Poole and catch a ferry to Brownsea Island. I am not a boat fan but the water was dead calm and soon we were on our way;

Brownsea Island is gorgeous - I have wanted to visit for years but the boat fear has always stopped this.

We got a map and headed off on a long walk around the island - the views are amazing;

We did manage to see red squirrels but they were far too quick and no photos were managed.

My giants were both Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers so I wanted to visit the site of the first scout camp - 111 years ago;

I loved the huge collection of brightly coloured scout scarves from all over the world;

Time then to make our way back to quay for lunch before the return ferry;

You are always guaranteed a good pasty from a National Trust tea room!! This one was no exception - keeping it safe from the gulls was a bit tricky!!

Time for one last campsite dinner and then packing to do.

We spent a final morning on the beach on Monday morning before coming home.

It was a short but packed long weekend and we are already planning a longer trip next summer in our bell tent. We treated ourselves to one this year once we knew for certain we'd be moving and have space to store it;

Here it is at Ely Folk Festival last month - it has another festival to go to soon and camping trip is planned for the end of the holidays too! Next time I will get pics of the inside - we have this glamping lark sorted - a comfy bed, colourful rugs and a proper duvet all make camping great fun - oh and fairy lights too!!

See you soon

xxx Vicki xxx

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

I've not really vanished!

Good morning

As the title I've not really vanished completely - however life is rather busy and my pc which is my main blogging space is rather creaky and temperamental. Sometime soon it will get sorted - a newer tower is sitting here waiting to be swapped with my current old tired one - its just a matter of copying all the important stuff across - and it takes time and there's not been much spare!

I just looked and its 3 months since my last post - so much has happened and so many photos taken of places visited, days out, days at home and family life in general. Here's 3 mosaic pictures which condense it rather a lot;

 August - a long weekend in Wales - mainly to take the boys to the Doctor Who Experience - very much loved by us all, 2 wonderful festivals - Folk East and Shrewsbury Folk Festival - dancing at one and just paying punters at the other.

 September - so much foraging and jam making happened - enough to last us through to next year. Little Son started 6th form having passed his GCSE's with flying colours. Big Son also passed his A levels and we said a tearful goodbye mid September as he started his new undergraduate life at Uni.

October - Little Son passed his CBT test and bought his first moped - meaning he can get to work easier and not rely on lifts and public transport. As the days shorten its been time for fairy lights and candles and also the dreaded raking of the leaves in the garden. S & I had a short holiday in Dorset - we spent one day on the steam trains which run down to Swanage. Hard to believe that on Halloween, we sat on the beach in t-shirts, eating icecream and watching little witches paddling in the sea!!

We had a busy start to November - last weekend we made the trip north to visit Big Son - oh what a happy Mummy I was - first cuddle from my giant boy in 6 weeks :) and the best bit - its only 4 weeks till we head up there again to collect him for Christmas!!
Where has 2014 gone?
I can't make any promises about regular blogging - I do miss it and the reading of everyone elses - but I will try to by a less slack blogger!!
xxx Vicki xxx

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Bertie, butterflies, chickens & pigs

Good afternoon

Phew what a hot day it is here in Suffolk - doors & windows all open and ceiling fans working overtime.

Well it seems ages since I last blogged - that because we've been on our summer hols in Bertie - just 3 of us (MrVV, LittleSon & I) - Bigson has been in Derbyshire as a scout leader on an activity holiday. He's due home late afternoon with 9 days worth of washing - good job I've just finished all of ours from our time away - my poor washing machine!

Anyhow, Bertie was loaded up and firstly we headed into the Cambridgeshire Fens - we found a gorgeous campsite just outside Wisbech for a couple of nights. What a place - the pitches were all in their own private glades - it felt just like being a gypsy in the woods. Loads of wildlife including butterflies who I found impossible to photograph!!

 See what I mean - hard to believe there were other people on site - seemed like it was just us!

 The campsite owners raise their own pigs - this was one of 4 that were half way there - by Autumn they'll be bacon! and the next litter of piglets will have arrived!

 So many gorgeous flowers which attracted loads of insects - all camera shy!!

 Wow - I thought Suffolk was flat - you could just see for miles across the countryside.

 On the Sunday we visited Ely - this is just part of the cathedral - a stunning building - both inside and out.

 Just one of the stunning stained glass windows.

 Just because my bandsmen were on their hols didn't mean we'd escape a brass band - we found this one in the park as we headed down to the river.

Father & Son - in almost matching t-shirts!!

On the Monday morning it was time to wind up Bertie's legs and head further north into Yorkshire. We'd found an appealing small site just outside Pocklington - no bars, no pool - just peace & quiet - perfect.

Looking much more like home - stuff everywhere!!

 We were greeted by the owners and introduced to their gang of very free range chickens. Each chicken had a different coloured leg band so you knew who was who. They were very friendly and tried several times to get into Bertie!

 Little Son happily feed them some leftover crusts but away from the caravan else they'd never have left us alone.

Can you see the Wooden Pod in the background? This is available for hire and very cute it is too.

 We had some lovely days out - visiting York several times as there is so much to see - still so much we couldn't fit in so we will head back again at some point in the future. One of my favourite days out was a trip on the steam railway between Pickering and Grosmont. We had just enough time before our train to grab a picnic lunch from a bakery in town. 

 The stations were all so pretty - I took rather a lot of photos!

Love this picture with the moors in the background.

We were so lucky with the weather - a couple of heavy showers but nothing that lasted too long or spoilt our plans. The evenings were warm and we were able to sit outside with a drink or two watching the most stunning sunsets;

Back to reality today - I've even got to cook tonight!!

See you soon

xxx Vicki xxx