Showing posts with label scratch built. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scratch built. Show all posts

Saturday, 31 May 2014

My New 40k Ork Mega Mek in Mega armour.

A Mekboy, also known as a Mekaniak or more often simply as a Mek, is a type of Ork Oddboy who serves as one of my armies engineers who build all the weapons, vehicles, and other advanced technology used by my Greenskins. So obviously a big Mek wasn't big enough, and it was time to turn him into a mega Mek.

I must admit I haven't been doing anything with my orks recently, although over the last couple of months I have been doing little bits and pieces, as I have finally managed to finish this bad boy off.

Obviously because he is so big he has his own Mek boy to look after him, as this definitely gives him a little bit more character.

And finally another couple of close up pics.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

My Squarer Space Hulk Terminator Bases Scratch Built

For me space hulk, is a game that I have not played very often over recent years, something that hopefully in the near future is going to change. I never really did like the terminators not having their own unique bases, and so the plan was very simple to make and cast them.

I wanted to to exactly replicate the floor tiles on the board and there you have it all finished and I am really pleased the way they have all turned out. 

Saturday, 3 November 2012

My Scratch Built Ork Trukk Conversion Now Finished

So following on from my last post, this model actually date's back a few years now, but it's only quite recently that I managed to get it finished, and no one can say that it's not inkeeping with a 40k Ork theme.

So there you have it short and sweet another project finished. Now I will move on to something else.

Friday, 26 October 2012

How To Scratch Built a Ork Trukk Conversion

Everyone just assumes that orks is a very simple thing by putting things completely at random, and to a extent they are completely right, although you will find that over time you will want to refine your skills. And there is no better place to start with your own ork vehicle's as such. And that is exactly what I did below, although not a new project, far from it, considering it was done several years ago it's a good example on what can be achieved by spending a little bit more time and effort with your conversions.

I think for me this is probably the best bit of the whole model as its ork face looks very good and the teeth brings it all together.

Don't get me wrong I'm not the best converter in the world, or scratch builder, there is a lot better examples online, although at the minute I'm happy with my own ability, and as long as I am improving overall things will go from strength to strength. I am very happy about when I put things on the gaming table either at my local group or tournament they can easily stand toe to toe with anything that I've seen locally, and I think that's half the battle. So you don't have to be intimidated by anything that you see as long as you're happy with the finished article.

In my next post I'm going to show the finished truck fully painted so until then.
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