Showing posts with label NDGH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NDGH. Show all posts

Sunday, 12 August 2012

My 500pts Ork Combat Patrol List

So with the new 40k 6th rules been released, I thought it might be a good idea to organise, a small 500pts 40k in 40 minutes Tournament with my local gaming group North Down Gamer's Hub that we can easily do in one nigth. It's not competitive, it will just give us the opportunity of playing 3 quick games that will in turn will give us the opportunity of learning the new rules.

Many moons ago, back in 4th Edition Warhammer 40,000, there was another mode of play called Combat Patrols, or 40k in 40 Minutes. Since then I haven't managed to find an updated rules-set for similarly small-scale games, so I figured with the release of 6th Edition I'd give it a go myself. Back in those days the point size for Combat Patrols was set at 400, but I felt that 500 may be a better size in this latest version of the game. With that in mind, I read through the rulebook and came up with the following changes to the main rules to better fit this small format:

Combat Patrol forces are 500-point-maximum, no Allies armies chosen from one in-print 40K Codex which *must* have at least one core Troops choice; the remainder of the Force Org can be chosen from a maximum of one HQ choice (maximum 2 Wounds, no 2+ Saves), vehicles with a maximum AV of 34 (adding Front, Rear and Side Armour [once]), and units which do not exceed 2 Wounds and do not include 2+ Saves. A Combat Patrol Commander figure must be identified; this will be the HQ choice if taken, or a unit leader otherwise. The HQ choice will be able to roll on the Warlord chart for this event if ordinarily eligible to do so. Fortifications *may* be chosen for this event as part of the player's 500 point force, as per V6 rules.

Each player’s Combat Patrol is limited to 500pts with a unique Force Allocation Chart:

0-1 HQ
1-3 Troops
0-1 Elite
0-1 Fast Attack
0-1 Heavy Support
0-1 Swing Slot (can be used as a bonus slot for any one other type)

So if you live in and around the Bangor area in Northern Ireland and you might be interested in taking part check out the events page on Facebook

So with all that in mind here is what I'm thinking of taking

+ HQ +

    * Big Mek
        Choppa, Shokk Attack Gun

+ Elites +

    * Lootas
        5x Loota

+ Troops +

    * Ork Boyz
        20x Boy Shoota
        * Nob
            Big Choppa, Bosspole

+ Fast Attack +

    * Dakkajet
        (Waagh! Plane)
        2 Twin-linked supa shootas, Additional twin-linked supa shoota

+ Heavy Support +

    * Big Gunz
        * Big Gun
            2x Grot Krew, Kannon
        * Big Gun
            2x Grot Krew, Kannon
        * Big Gun
            2x Grot Krew, Kannon
        * Runtherd
            Grabba Stikk

Created with BattleScribe

So there you have it what do you think, it's got some interesting units and things that I've never played before, and it will give me much-needed motivation to get things painted up ready for tournament.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Local N.D.G.H Press Release That Showcases Our Hobby

So it's not everyday you open up your local newspaper and find this inside? but this just recently happened to me

So hot off the press this week is an article that our local newspaper did in the Bangor Spectator, and definitely paints the gaming scene in a positive light. So if you live locally make sure you pick up a copy and check it out. And hopefully at our next tournament they will be sending down a reporter to take some interviews of the players involved. So how great would that be (From NDGH Facebook)

I think moving forward this is an excellent example of how the community, can definitely become more mainstream and can be seen on par like any other hobby, competitive or casual. It just goes to show by putting yourself out there that local press is only to willing to see our game in full swing, and reported from our point of view. And if anything it makes tournaments a little bit more appealing to the average casual gamer. 

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Thank You As My Blog Hits The BIG 150 Members Mark

So today was the day that I woke up, and found that my blog had hit the 150 member Mark. And I must admit it hasn't exactly came quickly or easily. I think that's the problem with blogs that you really need to do them for the right reasons and seeking out fame and fortune definitely isn't the way to go, well for a blog anyway.

But in saying that it is quite an achievement and overall I'm very pleased so once again I would like to thank everyone that has joined recently it really does make all the difference.

So what's life like at 150?

Well my blog as you've probably noticed has taken a real step back in regards to my hobby life, for a number of reasons, as I've been more involved with organising the N.D.G.H locally, and, I now find I have not had the hobby time to dedicate to my first love.

So what does the future hold, well in fact my blog isn't going anywhere, in fact it's is the complete opposite. As I'm already thinking about maybe doing my own website, which I think is probably the next step for me. I'm not saying that blogs are not the way to go, I just think that with the emergence of the likes of Facebook etc it's a small painful process trying to get them up and running, although enjoyable nonetheless. And it is great looking back at you old projects and articles, you have completed.

So the journey continues and hopefully you'll stay for the ride until them once again a big thank you.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Organising Tournaments Is It Worth It, Because For Me It's A Natural Extension Of My Hobby

So over the last few weeks, my hobby has been in full swing with me helping to organising the first North Down Gamers Hub tournament with a very good friend of mine. And after the dust has finally settled I'm now asking the question is it worth it.

And I suppose the answer would be for me definitely yes, as I see it as a natural extension of my hobby, to see whether or not I could pull it off.

Don't get me wrong it's not for everyone being a tournament organiser, and a lot of the time it can definitely be a thankless job, but in my case rewarding nonetheless.

So in the next couple pictures I'm going to show you things that I have been working on.

 Some of are city  fight scenery 

In this picture you can see examples of the new forests and jungles that we worked on and also the buildings.

We always knew from the start that we wanted proper boards for are tournament as I've seen it gives a better look and feel on the day.

So there you have it a snapshot in time of what I have currently been working on and hopefully my that things can time I will be doing a little bit more posting, so until then

Thursday, 23 February 2012

War On The Shore The 1st NDGH Ranked 40K Tournament 08.04.12

Hello all and after inspiration from other great local events, we wanted to take the plunge and host our very own 40k tournament in the heart of North down. We have created brand new custom designed 4x4 war zones. Terrain will span the furthest reaches of the Imperium, from mud soaked trench lines and shelled out city structures to rolling rivers and steamy jungles. your tables have been crafted with care to enhance your gaming experience.

So declare war and prepare for battle, grab your ticket today so like everything it has to start somewhere so it's up to everyone to support and play there part in it, Get Your Ticket Now!!!

Bullet Points:

  • Tickets will be sold on a first come first served basis, so get them while you can.
  • In the interest of confirming numbers, we would appreciate pre-booking. Payment may be made on the day of the event, but will incurr a £2.50 surcharge (total £12.50). This charge will not be applied to spectator tickets.
  • Spectators are welcome and if you wish to discuss space for open play please contact us on 07887952294
  • Rules pack and info can be found at northdowngamershub
  • Closing date for list submission Wednesday 4th April 2012
  • 1000pts highlander style games (see rules pack)
  • 4’x4’ Wooden tabletops
  • Free tea, coffee and biscuits available all day
  • Registration from 8.30-9.30am
  • Round 1 commences 9.30am
  • 1.5 hours per round
  • Awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place as well as best sportsmanship, best 
  • painted and wooden spoon. Prizes to be confirmed

It is our hope that this tournament will be the first of many hosted by NDGH. We want to expand the community, creating a hub for local gamers to mix and slug it out on the battlefield.

 So whether it is your first or one hundred and first tournament you are more than welcome to join in.
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