Showing posts with label Man O'War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Man O'War. Show all posts

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Texturing Man O War bases to look like the sea.

It is certainly no easy challenge, but I recently came across all-purpose wall filler, and thought it might come in very handy. From the start it's a very simple process by adding a little water and applying to your miniature base to represent the sea. Also in the last picture I have done a little prototype work in regards to my ship sails, in time all will be revealed. 

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Basing Man O' War Miniatures.

Having done a little bit of research online, I very quickly established that it was recommended that you put bases on man o war models, as it makes it a lot easier in game. And although there is no official rules I quickly established that using different WFB one's are about the right size. So with the size being established I'm going to use plastic card as it's a lot thinner, which I think it will look alot better in game. Plus I'm also going to magnetise them for storage as I think this will limit any damage that might happen in the future. You can easily get magnetic strips online on ebay, very cheap and personally something that I highly recommend.

Monday, 25 November 2013

Stripping Painted Old Metal Man O' War Models.

Just time for another post with the progress that I have been making so far, in regards to removing the paint from my most recent man o war purchases. And at times it's not an easy process. But something over the years that I have managed to master. There is a number of different ways online to do it, but for me I use a chemical that I get from work, as it seems to do the job quite well.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Whats in the box, as it looks like another Man O' War shipment has arrived.

The post man finally came this week, happy days, and I thought I would put some pictures, of what I managed to get inside the box. For a lot of you it might be the first time that you all actually have seen the contents of the game up close, take a look and see what you think. From the start I think I was very lucky some of it was unpunched, and considering it's over 20 years old, although some of the ships are in a bad state of repair. I think it's easily solved and I'm not too worried about it, a challenge that I'm very much looking forward to.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Man O' War all hands on deck, and welcoming my newest recruits.

The postman, AKA recruitment officer LoL, delivered these new recruits this morning, which had just been rounded up from the local bars the night before. And you can tell that this mary bunch have certainly lost there ways. But hopefully it will not be to long before this ragtag outfit would be shipshape. You only really get a sense of what needs to be done when you physically get the models in your hands, and it looks like I have a little bit of work ahead of me. Plus I'm also going to see whether or not I can cast up, some of the models, considering they're all out of production. I don't want to be wasting money buying models, when there is physically no need, as it should be very simple to do.

Monday, 11 November 2013

My Man O' War empire fleet now with Wolfships, and some Hellhammers.

Yet more success on eBay today, from the start I wasn't really interested in the cards that were on offer, it was more the ships especially as some of them were quite hard to find and very expensive namely the Greatship, Wolfships, Hellhammers, and I know that they don't look great but once I get them in the post, they'll soon be put in seaworthy condition. Plus I'm hopefully also going to do a pirate warband, which will hopefully fly the Jolly Rogers very successfully with all the extra ships that I have managed to pick up in recent days, and it makes my 8 year, old son very excited to finally be the captain of something.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Man O War it's time to take to the high seas.

I'm actually still quite in shock, as I managed to pick this up on eBay for practically nothing, so it looks like over the next lot of weeks I will be taking to the high seas. So make sure you have your peg leg ready, and stay tuned to the blog to be regularly supplied with updates. Man O' War will bring back so many good memories for me, when I was a youngster, and I'm hopefully going to rekindle some of my youth with friends and family. I'm already looking all over the Internet for much-needed inspiration in regards to the way, I'm going to make and model all my new ships. In 1993 when it was released it was such a golden period for GW, and it saddens me greatly that I left behind whilst moving for my last house my older copy of the game, but it also gives me the opportunity to pick one up on eBay. something I'm very pleased about, hopefully when the post man comes nocking this week, I will have more pictures to share. Christmas has definitely came early for me..

Happy days!! Is it possible to be so excited for a game that's nearly 20+ years old?

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