Showing posts with label 40k Orks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 40k Orks. Show all posts

Monday, 25 January 2016

40k Orks Nobs The bigger they are the harder they fight.

Nobs are the backbone of any ork army and these guys are at the top of the food chain, and they certainly need to look the part. I have done many different types of nobs over the years. I was lucky enough to pick up some of these from a friend who didn't need them anymore, and I am already thinking about maybe organising them into a unit to represent some ork eavy armour boys.

I've also been a big fan of the old metal warboss model, which I have managed to include in some of these conversions which, gives them a sense of scale probably one of my most favourite models.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

My converted ork tankbuster boys, and they're getting ready for the table top.

So another post and something definitely to celebrate considering last year was such a poor year for posting stuff on the blog. I would like to share my 8 converted tankbuster boys. Apparently they're one of the best units in our Codex at the minute, and I've only played them a couple of times with some good results on the table top. And it's definitely worthwhile giving them some good stuff from your bits box and make them a little bit different and more unique than other regular boys, after all not everyone has access to a rockets.

Saturday, 16 January 2016

My 1st post of the new year, orks old school warbikes.

Things have been a bit slow around these parts over recent months, especially last year as, I simply didn't have the time to update my blog regularly. I thought it was about time that I posted what I'm currently working on and to get this year off to the best possible start. My new ork warbikes are very simple to convert and make, by using a couple of bits and pieces from my bits box. And I think you'll agree they look brilliant.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Does anybody still collect orks, or stick with one army, no matter what?

Recently I came across this on Facebook, 

Does anyone not just collect one armie any more? As they just seem to chop and change whatever is currently the best one on the market at any given time, I have been in ork player for years now, and although in 7th I've really struggled to win any games that's not the point it's definitely a challenge trying to get the best out of your codex. It just seems that everyone seems to collect everything and no one seems to focus on one thing at any given time, it's not always about winning its about the hobby is it not. So is it me or am I very much on my own and does anyone else feel like this?

I'll always play the Orkz regardless of how the local meta is. I've got 7000pts of orkz and still growing. Personally, nothing comes close to the feel, fluff and fun of the orkz. Greenskin for life! 
Watching other players constantly switch army's, plus forking out the cash for em, is hilarious to me in their attempts to stay top teir... while I stick to my boyz and continue on as I always have and have fun with the same army.... using which ever list I may be running at the time.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Time to finish off them little bits and pieces.

Hello all with any project at times there always seems to be little bits and pieces that you never have the time to finish off, and this is definitely one of them occasions. And it's also a good way to motivate me to get these finally finished and on the tabletop ready for my next game. Sometimes there always seems to be the time when you're missing that one boy from a squad, as you always seem to be focused on the bigger picture in regards to completing your army rather than concentrating on individual units one by one.

Also this was the first time that I was using a different technique to paint yellow and overall I am very pleased with the results in a later post I will go into a little bit more detail in regards to what I did different.

Monday, 22 September 2014

My Pain Boy And Tank Buster Ork Nob Finished.

Overall things have been quiet in regards to me posting regularly on the blog but it doesn't mean that my hobby time has been quiet, in fact it's the complete opposite as there is a long list of things to do. These were done a little while ago and I am only managing to get them posted up now on my blog for everyone to see.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Converting My Old Ork Buggies, Into Twin Linked Rocket Launchers.

It's been a bit quiet over recent months on the blog so this is what I'm currently working on, and considering you can take them in groups of 5 it's now definitely an incentive for me to get them up and running.

Apologies for the bad pictures, as the lighting is not the best but hopefully it will give you a better idea of what they look like when there finished.

I'm so glad I didn't sell them, so it's to the tabletop we think we go.

Saturday, 31 May 2014

My New 40k Ork Mega Mek in Mega armour.

A Mekboy, also known as a Mekaniak or more often simply as a Mek, is a type of Ork Oddboy who serves as one of my armies engineers who build all the weapons, vehicles, and other advanced technology used by my Greenskins. So obviously a big Mek wasn't big enough, and it was time to turn him into a mega Mek.

I must admit I haven't been doing anything with my orks recently, although over the last couple of months I have been doing little bits and pieces, as I have finally managed to finish this bad boy off.

Obviously because he is so big he has his own Mek boy to look after him, as this definitely gives him a little bit more character.

And finally another couple of close up pics.

Monday, 17 February 2014

My New 40k Ork Objective Markers.

With a tournament on the horizon this weekend, it makes you focus on all the things that you need to do to finish your army that you are taking, and this is one of the things that I have been needing to do for quite some time now. Strangely I have never actually done proper objective markers, but hopefully the examples below will give some of you guys a little bit of inspiration. I'm not too sure what exactly the Gretchen are doing, as they look very busy, but I'm sure there is a purpose after all. Although a friend recommended it must be of religious significatants, rocks are after all placed by Gork and Mork! 

Plus it's an opportunity to use all your little bits and pieces that you have laying around in your bits box, that have not got a home yet.

Friday, 31 January 2014

It's Time for My Forge World Ork 40k Battle Fortress To Pass It's Next MOT.

Where do I start, I suppose from the very beginning. I originally got this model back in 2003 when I visited warhammer world with a friend for a doubles tournament, probably the most expensive model I have ever purchased at £185, but it was a special occasion, and that's where the story goes cold, because in all that time it has simply just been abandoned never completed by my big Mek. But recently A local rival Mek has been on the scene, building ever so bigger creations for the ork Gods. And not wanting to be upstaged, it was about time that this superheavy saw some action on the table top. Plus my war boss needed his own personal battlewagon, and hopefully this will fit the bill.

With all this talk about super heavy and escalation, it's about time that I got this bad boy to pass, it's next MOT. So over the next couple of days, I will be posting up as many pics as physically possible with all my progress. 

I've decided I am going to magnetize all the turrets, as it will make it easier in game.

It's about time I worked on the lucky guy who is going to be the driver.

This forge world model is now discontinued and are no longer available, as I at one stage was hoping this is the design that they would use when the model was updated with a plastic kit, sadly that wasn't the case.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Ork Trophy And Clyphs

In my last game that I played against my arch nemesis AJ, this loota was the last one left from his unit needing a double 1 to pass a leadership test, and you can probably tell what the result was. So I thought it was about time that he got a little trophy as a present. This is one part of the hobby that I think I've got a lot better at, especially when it comes to my orks as they are so charismatic and colourful, you can easily go to town by adding these little extra touches to your army. Plus it's always good to see something that you can look back on, and have a laugh at.

Saturday, 21 December 2013

A early Xmas present, from my best mate AJ from Kromlech.

To my surprise this came as a bit of a shock, when I finally got the chance to meet up with my best mate AJ, before Xmas and I think you'll all agree they all do look rather awesome. It's the first time that I have seen Kromlech stuff up close, and I must admit the quality is outstanding. I would highly recommend everyone to go ahead and check them out. The plan is very simple as these will fit quite nicely with my new ork blood axes looded wagons, as I'm going to paint them in a World War II color scheme.

I must say a big thank you AJ, it really was a bit of a surprise, and will definitely return the favour. I think it's about time that I finally started to get my blood axe boys up and running and finished to go on the tabletop.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Time To Burn Baby Burn, With My new Ork Burna Boys.

Surprisingly I've never actually played with burna boys in the new edition, as crazy as it is. But the wait is finally over, as I managed to pick these bad boys up a few months ago and it's about time that I got them ready for the table top.  I have not fired a flamer template, since the current ork book was released, and god knows how many, years that exactly is. 

I thought I would post a picture just in case to refresh your memory, if you actually haven't seen the models or you just need a little reminder of what they look like from the box.

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