Showing posts with label Necromunda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Necromunda. Show all posts

Saturday, 16 February 2013

New Necromunda 40k Hive World Scenery Update 2

I managed to get a little bit more done today, with painting textured paint on the scenery basis. Which is something that I always enjoy and look forward to, because you really do get a sense of the whole project coming together. Although I'm still not finished as I would like to add a little bit more which in turn would give it a more urban feel, for example car's that have been abandoned and destroyed, as well as some industrial plant. All of which are easily to get a hold of with cheap toy's that are available in £ shops locally.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

New Necromunda 40k Hive World Scenery

Well you can't exactly play Necromunda the game if you don't have scenery. So it goes without saying that there is no better time to start a new project, and for me this is probably the best bit of my hobby. And after getting my son involved  over the weekend, this is the progress that we have made so far.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

My Converted Necromunda: House Van Saar Gang.

Did these a little while ago and have recently did a little bit more work, on them so hopefully I'll get them finished and will post up some more pics. Me and a friend are going to start playing Necromunda very soon, so if anybody has any advice, as I am a complete (Noob) in regards to the game, which in turn will hopefully get me started.

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