Showing posts with label Ludus gladiatorius. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ludus gladiatorius. Show all posts

Friday, 16 May 2014

Lludus gladiatorius my quest into the arena in a tin.

From the very start this month has been hectic in regards to my work, so normally I try and post at least once a week something that has been very difficult. So what have I been working on I hear you ask? Well surprisingly it's something different, as I've been finding a lot of inspiration with Roman gladiators, and I recently came across this game ludus gladiatorius, which was released a few years ago by EM4, and considering you get five prepainted models it's an absolute bargain and all for £11.99. It was a perfect way to start to get into full on gladiatorial combat.

Okay they are not the best painted models in the world, so I think I will probably redo them, and gives me an excuse to make a Roman gladiator arena, and just in case you're wondering what the tin, in the title will be for all will be revealed in my next post.
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