Location: Boston by Segway
420 Commercial Street
Boston, MA 02109
(617) 670-4200
Website: www.bostonbysegway.com
Rating: 4-Stars
We arrived about 20 minutes early. They start the training promptly at the scheduled time and not a second early or a second later. So we wandered around for 20 minutes. At 10:30 we were instructed to watch a quick introduction to the segway personal transporter and then pick a helmet that is comfortable from the garage. The video was short and gave the basics of segway operation and safety. Once we finished the video we moved into the garage where we selected helmets.
Next our training instructor introduced us to our Segway i2 transporter. He was very patient and went over the basics and provided some additional suggestions to help make our first time on the segway enjoyable. Once we learned the basics it was time to put what we learned to the test and I went first.
After successfully getting on my segway I was told to practice staying in one spot and maintaining my balance. It is important to allow the machine to worry about being balanced and for the user to simply stand up straight. The machine self balances and if you keep moving around it is constantly adjusting and can be a tad disconcerting. Once I realized I don’t need to worry about balance it came naturally and it was much easier then I had anticipated. Next he told me to practice turning in place. First to the left and then to the right. Once I mastered turning it was time to move forward and then to backing up slightly. Before moving on to my dad the last thing he explained was how to dismount the segway. With my training over he told me to continue practicing while he trained the others.
Once everyone was trained we meet our guide for the next two hours. Her name was Captain JoJo. She asked us the usual where are you from question and provided some insight into how she became a segway tour guide. Our tour took us first northwest along Commercial St which eventually becoming Causeway St. We turned down Beverly St where at the end are the Boston Locks. We crossed over the locks and into Paul Revere Park in Charlestown. From the park we followed the boardwalk along the water and then up Warren St. From here you could see the Bunker Hill Monument pretty clearly. That was out next stop. After traveling a short distance on Warren St we took a left on to Monument Ave where we got great views of this Monument.
Our guide JoJo told us the history behind the monument and its name. From there we went one block on High St. before heading down the very steep Pleasant St. Here she said is where most people have trouble and usually someone falls. We handled it like pro’s and she was impressed. Next we took a right on to Main St which would lead us back to Chelsea St and Paul Revere Park. From the park we traced our steps back across the lock system and turn a right back on to Causeway St heading towards the TD Garden. When we reached the TD Garden we took a few minutes to take some pictures in front of the sign.
We continued down Causeway and then along Staniford St passing by the Erich Lindeman Mental Health building. We learned that it was voted the second ugliest building in Boston second only to City Hall. When we reached Cambridge St we took a left. This is where the traffic became a little disconcerting. Boston drivers are aggressive and they were definitely aggressive with us. Eventually we made it to School St safely.
We followed School St where we learned that the Old City Hall and Boston Latin School now was home to the Ruth Chris Steak House. At the end of school St. we passed by the Irish Famine Memorial. We then followed along Milk St. We eventually turned on to Batterymarch St. which lead us to High St. A left onto High St brought us to the Rose Fitzgerald Memorial Park which we crossed to the Boston Harbor Hotel.
We went through the arch to the Harborwalk which we followed along the water. We saw RedSox owner John Henry’s 164ft Yacht. Our path eventually took us past the Harbor Towers and to the Boston Aquarium. At the Aquarium we saw the seals playing in their tanks.
Our tour continued along the Harborwalk onto Long Wharf. It was here on Long Wharf that my brother testing the limits of the Segway managed to do a 360 on one wheel before dumping it. With no injuries to him or the segway we continued on eventually arriving in Christopher Columbus Park. With the Harborwalk almost done we ended up on Atlantic St. We followed Atlantic St. which eventually became Commercial St. back to the Segway Garage.
Once back it was time to dismount. Following what I had learned earlier I grabbed the bar and easily dismounted without any trouble.
Being local’s, I will admit we were less interested in the tour itself and more interested in having fun on the segway’s. With that said Captain JoJo did teach us a few things about Boston we didn’t know. She was clearly well educated on the history of our city and enjoyed sharing what she knew. By the end of the tour the segway’s almost felt like an extension of your body and I found driving them a very easy process.
I would recommend this tour to anyone wanting to enjoy the city a little differently.