The most painful part of ordering something is the time it takes for it to finally be delivered. After years of salivating every time I saw or sat in an Eames lounge chair I finally bought one of my very own. After a week of daily checking of the tracking number and confirmation calls from the delivery company the chair has finally arrived.
The process wasn't perfectly seamless however. The delivery window came and went and no chair appeared but after a call to the freight company they apologized that it hadn't been put on the final delivery truck and sent a special truck to bring it the last few miles to my living room.
When it arrived it was like peeling an onion as I took all the packaging materials off the chair exposing the beautiful and vibrant 7-ply santos palisander veneer. The black vincenza leather is soft, supple, inviting and so very comfortable to sit on. Its aluminum braces and stainless steel glides are perfect compliment to the molded plywood.
It isn't a surprise that this chair designed by Charles and Ray Eames in 1956 has become an icon of mid century modern furniture. It was designed to be "warm and receptive and look like a well used first baseman's mitt" and I'm pleased to say it fits me perfectly. I'd say it is a homerun.
The chair is just the icing on the cake of a recent spat of new things I have picked up for the house. My retail splurge on all things home started on a pair of lamps I've been eyeing for sometime. The table lamps in my bedroom I have loved but it felt like it was time to make a change. This time I opted to go for a different look all together and choose a pair of very heavy crystal lamps with linen white silk shades.
I also picked up a bargain priced bench that was just the right depth to fit the tight space at the end of my bed and just the right material to match the distressed hickory chair bedroom set I have. The burlappy type material has a great geometric pattern that compliments the angular geometric patterns of the carpet.
The only thing's left now to find are a pair of crystal accent lamps to compliment the two new ones in the bedroom for the top of the gentlemen's chest and a modeline floor lamp to pair with the Eames lounge chair.