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Showing posts with label Running. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Running. Show all posts

Sunday, October 5, 2014

2014 Doug Flutie 5K Race Day

D o u g   F l u t i e   5 K  -  R a c e   D a y
Two years ago Dan and I registered for the Doug Flutie 5K. He had just run a full marathon the year before and still eager to run. I was less excited but went for it. Last year we couldn't run since we were traveling but decided that we would make it a tradition. This year we got our friend Grace to join us.

After training for the last 11 weeks for the race the time had come. While I hardly stuck to my training schedule I felt ready to run the event. We arrived about 9:30am to make sure we got a decent place to park since years past the lot filled up pretty early.

As we waited for the 11:20 start time we went down to the area where the vendor's were and checked out the Dunkin Dounuts, Ben & Jerry's, Mazda & Wegman's booths. Its nice to see some big groups sponsoring a great cause like the Doug Flutie 5K.  By 10:45 we headed up to the start line and did some final stretching before getting in line.

The  5k (3.1 mile) rolling course on suburban roads is USATF sanctioned; certification course MA08013JK.  

After a speech by Doug Flutie we all got in line and shortly there after the gun went off. The course starts behind the Leonard Morse Hospital in Framingham. It immediately went up hill and followed along the hospital drive way to Union street where the group of 724 participants turned right.  We stayed on Union Street for just shy of 1 mil before taking another right onto Woodland Street where we faced the second hill of the race. As we came back down the road a family with their kids had set up a water station. I gladly and appreciatively accepted a cup of water. 3/4 of a mile later we took a right onto Juniper Lane then a left on Clearwater a right on Buckskin Lane and a final right onto Sundance Way. Half way up that road was the 2mile marker. The neighborhood residents were all out cheering for the runners. At the end of the cul-de-sac we ran down an access rode into another lovely neighborhood where we turned left on Moccasin Path and then a right onto Nokomis Way. 

The race continued up and took a left onto Arrow Path before turning left back onto Union Street for the last leg. Just before the entrance to the hospital was the 3 mile marker. It was then I pushed myself and increased the pace to finish strong. I crossed the line at 29:16 / 28:58 (Gun/Net). I finished 203rd I was # 22 out of 43 in the males between 30 to 39. I had an average pace of 9:30. I was pleased because I beat my previous race record of 31:12 by 2:14.

Being the first of the three of us to cross the line I grabbed a water and took a spot to try to capture the other two crossing the line. Dan came in 292nd place but only 2 behind me in the males 30 to 39 division with a time if 31:32 / 31:14 (Gun/Net).

Grace cruised along and finished in 534th place and was 39th out of 53 in the females 20-29 bracket with a time of 40:32 / 40:32 (Gun/Net). I captured a few great shots of her powering up the final hill to the finish line.

Once done we headed down and got a free lunch by race sponsor Wegman's and then a ice cream from Ben & Jerry's. We didn't stick around since we all had to work so we headed home.  It was a great day and a fun race and I am looking forward to next year.

Race Results

Race Stats
Final Training Schedule
D o u g   F l u t i e   5 K  R a c e   D a y  O c t o b e r   5 t h ,   2 0 1 4
Week 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 67 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Race Day

Saturday, October 4, 2014

2014 Doug Flutie 5K Training (Week 11)

D o u g   F l u t i e   5 K  T r a i n i n g
S t a t u s   R e p o r t
With my knee still really tender and painful in the morning I decided to take the week off from running and Bravo and allow myself to heal for race day. Hopefully by then I'll be feeling good and ready to go. If not ill limp through the race but either way I'm going to do it.

Since starting training I have run 29.66 total miles. That is a fraction of what I should have run but over all minus the hurt knee I was happy with my speeds.

I recommend that every able bodied person sign up and runt he Doug Flutie 5k to support Autism. For more information visit the Doug Flutie Foundation, or Doug Flutie 5k Info and Sign-up page.

D o u g   F l u t i e   5 K  R a c e   D a y  O c t o b e r   5 t h ,   2 0 1 4

Week 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 67 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Race Day

Saturday, September 27, 2014

2014 Doug Flutie 5K Training (Week 10)

D o u g   F l u t i e   5 K  T r a i n i n g
S t a t u s   R e p o r t
Training is on-going. So far to day I have run 29.66 total miles since I started training with only 1.42 miles this week. My average/mi this week was 9:23. For more information visit the Doug Flutie Foundation, or Doug Flutie 5k Info and Sign-up page.


D o u g   F l u t i e   5 K  R a c e   D a y  O c t o b e r   5 t h ,   2 0 1 4

9/21: Ran 1.42 miles in 13:20. Avg/Mi 9:23. It was a good run. After running 3.2miles on Friday I didn't want to push its too hard.

9/23: Bravo Workout: 12 stations, 2 cycles. 30s work and 20s rest x2 per cycle. Arm Extensions, Box Jumps, KB Swings, Chest Press, AirDyne Bike, Lat Pulls, Planks, Push Press, Leg Press, Situps w/MB, Wall Balls & Side Planks. It was a good workout but I shouldn't have gone for the big Box Jump. My knee felt tender but I pushed on and it is really sore now.

9/24: Woke up and my knee was very tight and hurt to put a lot of weight on it. Walked with a limp all day so I opted to not even attempt a run. It sucks getting older.

9/25: With my knee still tender but feeling much better I opted not to participate in the Bravo workout.  I might run tomorrow although plans are to go to the Big E which will mean a lot of walking so I might push my run to Saturday.

9/26: My knee is still really bothering me so I decided not to run today either. If I feel better tomorrow I will run. I did go to the Big E and that meant a lot of walking.

Week 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 67 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Race Day

Saturday, September 20, 2014

2014 Doug Flutie 5K Training (Week 9)

D o u g   F l u t i e   5 K  T r a i n i n g
S t a t u s   R e p o r t
Training is on-going. So far to day I have run 28.24 total miles since I started training with only 4.61 miles this week. My average/mi this week was 8:49. For more information visit the Doug Flutie Foundation, or Doug Flutie 5k Info and Sign-up page.

Only 15 more days left until the race. That jis ust over 2 weeks so I really need to stay focused on my training.

D o u g   F l u t i e   5 K  R a c e   D a y  O c t o b e r   5 t h ,   2 0 1 4

9/14: Skipped running today. I can't keep doing this or I'll never be ready for October 5th

9/16: Bravo Workout: 12 stations, 2 cycles. 30s work and 20s rest x2 per cycle. Bicep Curls, Tricep Pushdowns, Burpees, KB 1/2 Swing, Side Planks, Air Dyne Bike, Seated press, Leg Extensions, Pushups with Wall Ball, Walking Lunges, Scissor Kicks, Wall Balls.

9/17:  Ran 1.41 miles in 11:51. Avg/Mi 8:23. It was a good run. I felt good never stopped running I just really need to work on my endurance now. Not too many days left until the race. I have to really push hard now.

9/18: Had to Skip my Bravo class for an all day Training Class for Oracle Learn. Oracle Learn Training was more painful. 

9/19: Ran 3.2 miles in 29.35. Avg/Mi 9:15. It was my longest run since I started training. I really needed to step up my distance and after a second loop and at 2.88 miles I pushed on to complete a 5k. If I run that pace on October 5th I will beat my 2012 time by 1minute 37 seconds. I also beat my pace by 48 seconds per mile. While it was a great run I need to keep it up since as you can see from the pace my speed dropped dramatically after mile 2. Mile 3 killed me with an average pace of 10:19.

Week 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 67 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Race Day

Saturday, September 13, 2014

2014 Doug Flutie 5K Training (Week 8)

D o u g   F l u t i e   5 K  T r a i n i n g
S t a t u s   R e p o r t
Training is on-going. So far to day I have run 23.63 total miles since I started training with only 2.41 miles this week. My average/mi this week was 9:33. For more information visit the Doug Flutie Foundation, or Doug Flutie 5k Info and Sign-up page.

Only 27 more days until the race. I got to keep going and keep training. 

D o u g   F l u t i e   5 K  R a c e   D a y  O c t o b e r   5 t h ,   2 0 1 4

9/7: Spending all day walking around King Richard's Faire was enough to tire us all out so there was no running

9/8: I participated in a  special session of Bravo Ignite to celebrate the opening of our new gym/showroom. Bravo Workout: 12 stations, 2 cycles. 30s work and 20s rest x2 per cycle. It included Burpees, Upright Row, Chest Press, KB Squats, Overhead Press, Lat Row, Air Dyne Bike, Dead Lifts, Hurdles, Pushups, Planks, & Wall Balls.

9/9:  Bravo Workout: 12 stations, 2 cycles. 30s work and 20s rest x2 per cycle. It included Burpees, Upright Row, Chest Press, KB Squats, Overhead Press, Lat Row, Air Dyne Bike, Dead Lifts, Hurdles, Pushups, Planks, & Wall Balls.

9/10: I skipped my run today because I was just too tired. I will try to make up for it tomorrow after work.

9/11:Crossfit Style AMRAP. 20 Minutes AMRAP 10 Wall Balls, 10 Sit Ups, 10 Air Squats, 10 Pushups & 200m Run. I completed 8 complete rounds in the 20 minutes and had about 3seconds left at the end. To make up for yesterday I ran 1.41 miles in 13:27. Avg/Mi 9:33 after work. It shows I haven't been running. This was a painful run.

Week 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 67 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Race Day