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Showing posts with label Fireworks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fireworks. Show all posts

Saturday, July 11, 2015

New London, CT Sailfest 2015 Fireworks

Every year we spend the Saturday after the Fourth of July at Fort Trumbull for the annual Sailfest Fireworks Extravaganza. This year we returned once more for a family tradition that has been occurring for most if not all of my life.

We set up along the river bank just below Fort Trumbull in an area for many years was ignored and sparsely known providing amazing views of the harbor and the exploding fireworks above. This previously hidden gem of a location has increasingly found more and more visitors.

Being outside the park the rules and regulations about loud music and open flames allow grills and amateur DJ's to set up and blast music and have barbeques. These character's and their parties leave the air heavy with the wafting smells of burnt food and terrible vocals of wannabe heavy metal singers.

All that combined with inconsiderate people who show up at the last minute and stand along the edge of boardwalk blocking the view of many who came early to get great seats has turned this previously family friendly event into a much less appealing activity.

Thankfully the fireworks never disappoint and generally make up for the added and unpleasant changes we have witnessed over the years. Please take a moment or 20 to watch this years presentation sponsored by the Mashantucket Pequot Indians'.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

2014 SailFest Fireworks Extravaganza

Sailfest is one of the biggest events in Southeastern Connecticut’s during the summertime and attracts over 300,000 people over the course of its three-day’s. This is its 36th year. Like most festivals it includes amusement rides, free entertainment and over 200 vendors. It includes a visit from at least one Tall Ship but sometimes many that travel from around the globe. This year’s Tall Ships are the Schooner Virginia and the Amistad.

In addition to all those activities if you prefer to participate you could have taken on the Charter Oak Federal Credit Union 5K Road Race that made its way through downtown New London.

The highlight for my family and me is the Sailfest Fireworks Extravaganza. Every year my family and I find a good spot to watch. Sometimes we enjoy them by boat and other years from Fort Griswold or from Fort Trumbull. It happens every year and is almost always the Saturday after the 4th of July.

By night fall the crowds really started to fill the area in anticipation of the 4th largest firework display in the Northeast, sponsored by the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation. This year the Fireworks Extravaganza scheduled to start at 9:00pm actually fired off closer to 9:30pm.  As is customary I set up my camera to capture the dazzling display. They didn’t disappoint with an over 20 minute long show. Rumor has it that the cost was in excess of 1 million USD to light up the sky over New London.

Sadly the music meant to accompany the fireworks were drowned out by a group of people who had a live band playing. Some of the songs meant to be heard included Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond, Eye of the Tiger by Katy Perry, Born in the USA and other classic and popular favorites.

This year the fireworks were orchestrated and produced by Garden State Fireworks. Garden State Fireworks is run by the Santore Brothers and is a family owned and operated business since 1890. Just this past 4th of July Garden State Fireworks celebrated with a fireworks presentation over our Nation’s capital, Washington, DC. For over 120 years, the Santores have been dazzling audiences around the world. The Santore Brothers have won 4 International World Fireworks championships during their 4 visits to San Sebastian, Spain and Monte Carlo, France. Each time the displays were regarded as incomparable.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

2014 Worcester, MA Annual Independence Day Celebration Fireworks

After being rained out by the hurricane skirting along the eastern coast of the United States the Annual 4th of July Independence Day Celebration Fireworks took place on Saturday July 5, 2014 over the clear skies of the city of Worcester. I captured them from my balcony.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Task 38 - SailFest 2012

(38) Visit 10 Festivals of Fairs (07/20)

Festival: SailFest 2012Location: New London,CT
When: July 6 - 8, 2012Rating: 4-Stars

Sailfest is a 3 day festival in Southeastern Connecticut. It includes amusement rides, lots of free entertainment, Tall Ships and of course the Annual Fireworks. This year the Fireworks are presented by Garden State Fireworks and are sponsored by the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe and Foxwoods Casino.

They are held the Saturday after the 4th of July. Every year since I was a kid I have gone and watched these fireworks. We have tried a variety of viewing locations from the railroad tracks to Fort Trumbull. This year we modified our routine and rather then sitting on top of the hill where we would miss most of the ground fireworks we sat down at the bottom with a better view of the barges.

The fireworks are also usually put on by Grucci Brothers but Garden State Fireworks didn't dissappoint and with out having ready the program I wouldn't have known it wasn't Grucci.