Exploring New England
Location: The Butterfly Place
120 Tyngsboro Road
Westford, MA 01886
(978) 932-0955
Website: www.butterflyplace-ma.com
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Summer has drawn to a close and with it the warm weather, but that doesn't mean good times are gone with it. With the unpleasant overcast weather putting a damper on the possibilities for outdoor activities I thought it would be a perfect weekend to enjoy a little fun indoors at The Butterfly Place. This 3100 sq ft, 27ft high indoor sanctuary/conservatory in Westford, MA allows visitors a unique opportunity to enjoy the tranquil habitat for the roughly 500 butterflies that call it home. It's paths are lined with a variety of colorful plants and shrubs, designed as a source of nectar for the butterflies. The lush surroundings also create a beautiful habitat for the other living creatures that call it home such as the quail birds and koi fish that swim in the indoor pond.
We arrived at about 11:30 and found it lightly attended allowing us to really enjoy the habitat without having to fight the crowds. After passing through a few sets of doors we entered the atrium and the butterflies were flying about, landing on the flowers, and seemingly tormenting the young children. While they majestically fluttered by I learned from the guide that there are roughly 50 different species of butterflies from all around the world at any given time. She further explained however that they prefer to showcase local species whenever possible. The butterflies seemed to really enjoy when the heater turned on and they all seemed to take flight at once to enjoy the warmth which was beautiful to watch. Their colorful wings intertwining with each other as they perform a free spirited dance in the air.
We took many pictures and it is definitely worth bringing your camera just in case one decides you might be a nice place to land. We sat still for a while hoping but they seemed to land on the children and older people more than anyone else which amused me since the kids seemed scared when they were crawling on them and the older people seemed to not even notice. It is very warm and fairly humid inside so leave your jackets in the car. The place isn’t very big and I can see how on a crowded day it might be too much to try to navigate along the narrow winding paths.
While I thoroughly enjoyed myself I do want to share one negative which is less about the actual venue and more about peoples thoughtlessness. My biggest pet peeve is people with baby carriages. Some of those things are the size of smart cars and they drive them like big rigs. I think they should be banned from the conservatory and left outside. The paths are just too small and too narrow to allow them. If your child is too small to walk you should carry them. I also think while it is nice to bring wheel chairs for those unable to walk to enjoy the beauty it too is frustrating to find someone left to sit in the same spot and blocking the path. There are benches and you should park those people along the benches so that you are not blocking the paths. That would allow everyone to further enjoy the experience.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Task 96 - Callahan State Park Take 2

Location: Callahan State Park Take 2
Distance: 2.73 Miles
Time: 32:27 Minutes
Pioneer Trail started off much smoother and had a very
modest incline. The trail wasn’t very long
however and in no time we ended up on Rocky Rd Trail. This trail
followed the perimeter of the park along the western boundary. It took us about 1½ miles into the park
before it began turning back and connected with Chick-a-Dee Trail. Chick-a-Dee like Pioneer was only a ¼ mile
trail and we took a right on to Slipper Trail with was about ¾ to 1 mile in
length and had a sharp turn to the right. It finally met up with Coco Ridge
Trail which again took us to the edge of the park before circling back and
ending up at the Earthen Dam. We stopped here and I took a few panoramas and in
the process fell for my first time. The sad part was I wasn’t even moving but
with my feet clicked into the peddles I just didn’t have the balance to stay
vertical. After brushing myself off we took off down The Earthen Dam which was
a ¾ mile trip back torwards the pipeline trail and the parking lot.
This time the pipeline trail was manageable. Coming from the
back side we had a good climb but the incline was far less daunting and while
still a challenge we both managed to stay on our bikes. When we finally made it
to the top it was nice to have headlights because the darkness had definitely
set in. The decent down the steep side of the Pipeline Trail was a slow and
careful process and the final ¼ mile stretch to the car was a relaxing ride.
This was a far better ride and a much more pleasurable
Friday, September 21, 2012
Task 67 – Re-Paint my Condo
Transforming my home with paint 3rd time
Painting the interior of a home can transform it from the mundane to the inspiring for very little money. Doing it right and picking the best colors that showcases your home best requires serious planning. While the colors I had were great and created a warm and intimate feel I was ready for something brighter and fresher. Additionally I had added new crown molding, replaced the old boring clamshell baseboards with new speedbase and added a new element to my door frames to give them a more appealing appearance. These additions and replacements combined with 4 years of new furniture layouts and art relocations have left my walls marked up and scuffed. The next big decision is to decide what finishes to use. I prefer flat ceilings, semi-gloss trim and egg shell walls. This combination allows for easier maintenance and a soft and even appearance.
Before starting any paint job it is important to remove all obstacles. Removing the furniture allows you room to move without worrying about getting paint on anything and makes the job go faster. Use drop cloths to cover the floor so you don’t have to spend hours wiping up paint drops or over spray from rollers.
The last few steps before painting is to patch any marks or holes and sand any raised areas. Walls often are littered with small holes from nails used to hang pictures and art work and if the walls were painted with cheap rollers small fuzzy’s get left behind. Once the walls are prepped and ready it’s time to paint them. If you replace any wood or if they weren’t pre primed use Kilz to seal the wood before painting. It goes on like paint and penetrates the wood and seals it reducing the likelihood of any knots showing through your new paint job. Once the room is prepped you are ready to go.
The first step of painting a room is to paint the ceiling. While ceilings don’t get dirty they do yellow over time and while mine didn’t look particularly yellow it was the best time to repaint. I selected a bright white in a flat finish. Most “ceiling” paint is hardly white and I think they look dirty and dingy. Keeping a room bright requires a super white ceiling. Painting over head is harder then painting walls and to get more coverage use a ½ nap roller. Make sure to load up the roller with paint but not over loaded. Coat the roller but when you lift it off the paint tray it shouldn’t have paint dripping off it. This will allow for even and good paint coverage. Don’t be afraid to get a little paint on the walls or the crown molding because you will be repainting that next. Just don’t let any large globs or drips to dry wipe them off quickly. I also believe everything needs two coats. Putting a second coat on ensures that you have an even appearance and no missed spots. Remember to allow each coat to dry before continuing to the next coat. If you don’t wait you will end up with globs of paint and drips. Multiple thinner coats are better than one heavy coat.
After finishing the ceilings the next thing to paint is the molding. I again selected a super white paint but opted for a semi-gloss finish. Using a semi-gloss finish will make the molding shine without being to glitzy and will allow future maintenance to be easier. It lays down smooth and even and can be easily cleaned with a sponge and some soapy water and adds a nice contrast to the ceiling. Again I am a firm believer in multiple coats. Inevitably something is missed and adding a second coat reduces the possibilities of anything being missed.
When choosing a new wall color I wanted something brighter and something that would make my condo feel larger and cleaner. Previously I called my condo a crayola crayon box of colors. Every room had a different color. I felt this made my condo feel smaller and more broken up. Part of what makes my home appealing to me is the large rooms and open floor plan. I decided that I would reduce the number of colors and paint the hallway, living room and kitchen the same color. I opted to paint the bedroom a couple shades darker to keep the warm feeling while maintaining consistency. I had already recently painted the bathroom and decided to leave that color alone. The colors I picked were both Valspar colors, Palomino and Belle Grove Buff.
While I like their colors I do not like their paint and opted to have those colors color matched by Benjamin Moore. Using good paint can make painting a room a much easier work of a job that isn’t exactly fun. Benjamin Moore in my opinion is the best paint. It goes on even and coats well on the first coat. The big box stores advertise paint that primes and coats with one pass. Try it and I promise the next time you paint you will buy a slightly more expensive paint because the quality of the paint reduces the labor.
The best way to paint a wall is to edge first. Edging is when you paint along moldings first. This keeps the rollers away from your freshly painted molding and ensures a perfect line. It takes a steady hand and a good angled brush. Like good paint having the right tools can make the job easier and allow you to finish it quicker. Don’t buy that cheap $5 brush. Instead opt for a natural fiber brush. It will hold the paint better and give you more control. Once you have put two coats on the edge you are ready to roll. This is where the room will start to take shape. It is important to allow each coat to dry before putting the second coat on. Don’t rush the job it will show.
The process was going very smoothly for me except one day when I started the living room I discovered my floor was wet from a clogged A/C drain pipe and a damaged drip pan. Once the drain was snaked, the pan repaired and the plumbing redone the room started to take shape..
For walls you don’t want to use a heavy nap like you did on the ceiling. A finer nap will keep the smooth finish that looks best on walls. A 3/8 nap is best and most paint professionals will tell you so. Like painting the ceiling it is important to put the right amount of paint on the roller. It should be full but not dripping. When you roll the wall out you shouldn’t be pushing hard against the wall. Let the roller do the work. If you are running out of paint go back to the tray to get more. Be sure to go over any paint lines and keep the wall smooth. Work in an organized fashion and be methodical. Start on one fid of the room and work your way around.
Once you finish painting the walls the job isn’t done until everything is back in place. Put your furniture back first and then hang your art. This will limit the need to move art and add more holes then necessary to your freshly painted walls. The feeling of accomplishment and the money saved by doing it yourself will give you great satisfaction. Below are some pictures from my place. I couldn’t move all my furniture out of all the rooms since I just don’t have the space but notice it’s all covered. It also took me a solid week to paint the whole place since I was doing it at night after work.
Home Remodel
Worcester, MA 01609, USA
Monday, September 17, 2012
Task 96 - Go Mountain Biking 10 times (Callahan State Park)

Location: Callahan State Park
Distance: 2.73 Miles
Time: 32:27 Minutes
Excited to try something new my brother and I had decided to check out Callahan State Park today. We picked the entrance on Edmand’s Rd. After getting all our gear on and the bikes off the rack we began the ride. About 100 yards into the woods down the trail we were faced with a pretty steep incline. I grabbed onto my grab bars and powered up the hill and it was a killer. I stopped at the top and looked back to see my brother on the ground. After what seemed like forever he joined me at the top and I discovered that he had not been had a good gear ratio at the start and couldn’t have made it up the hill and fell to the ground as a result of being clipped into his peddals.
We continued on and went downhill at a slightly less steep incline. The trails had lots of loose rock and sand with exposed tree roots which made for a difficult ride. Once we got to the bottom of that hill the trail leveled out and was no more than a tire tread in thickness. Eventually the trail surfaced near the meadows where there were a significant number of dog owners with their unleashed dogs roaming free.
Unleashed dogs wouldn’t be an issue for me except that the dumb dogs seemed to want to explore who and what I was on the crowded trail and I almost ran a few over. We continued on through a few more narrow trails before ending up near the south entrance and the Earthen Dam. The dam was very cool and had some good trails leading to and from it in a variety of directions.
We rode along the earthen dam but annoyingly there was a lady talking on her cell phone while looking down at the ground unaware of her surroundings and walking like a drunken sailor. My brother just sneaked past her without hitting her. To avoid a collision I announced myself by saying “on your left” and I clearly startled her and she jumped. She was so engrossed in her conversation that she was oblivious to those around her also trying to enjoy the park. As I rode by she called me a jerk. It took everything in me not to stop and tell her what a stupid inconsiderate bitch she was.
With no great trails from here we opted to head back down through where we had come. My brother went down the side of the earthen dam before me making it to the bottom only to fall off the trail landing on his back crossing the small bridge. I road down the hill next but rather than try to jump the bump at the bridge I stopped to get off.
We continued back through the meadows and began the long trek up that slightly less steep hill but it just seemed to go on and on and on and I couldn’t make it. I was forced to walk the last 100ft or so. Once at the top we looked down the very steep hill and I carefully descended down the hill with the loose rocks below me. Once at the bottom we were close to the cars and I think both happy to be done with this ride.
We quickly packed up our gear and hit the road. While having dinner afterwards we both agreed that it was a less then fun excursion. Between the steep hills, the unleashed animals and their inconsiderate owners, we definitely did not enjoy ourselves.
Mtn Bike,
State Park
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Task 38 – Eastern States Exposition – Big E (West Springfield, MA)

Festival: Big E
Location: West Springfield, MA
Website: www.thebige.com
When: September 15, 2012
Rating: 4 - Stars
The Eastern States Exposition’s Big E isn’t just a fair held every year; it is a New England Tradition. Every year it amazes people of all ages and interests and reminds them why New England is such a great place to live.
This year the show lived up to its rich history and offered great events. My favorite event by far is the Big E Super Circus hosted by Ringmaster Ty McFarlan. The lineup for 2012 includes the exceptional Perky Pekes by David Rosaire. He starts the shows with his lovable dogs that perform tricks in this comedic routine.
Next we were amazed by the net free aerial acrobatics of the Marino’s. Griorgio and Luisa perform a graceful routine while suspended at the top of the circus tent.
The most amazing display of pure strength, balance and endurance came from Anton and Adam of Duo A&A who performed a series of hand to hand balancing to create graceful human sculpture that defied gravity.
The energetic Dany Daniel and
Edina show a dynamic display of balance and equilibristic abilities as they
stack tubes and platforms in a human form of jenga without ever falling.
The circus is rounded out by the
annual sphere of fear and this year it included a cage sphere thunderdrome with
4 of the Big E Thrill Riders who at times are all inside the small sphere
propelling themselves around it without colliding
Of course the Big E is so much more than just the circus. Another favorite of mine is the Better Living building. Here you will find a variety of house ware items that claim to make the home experience more exciting, healthier, and easier. One of my favorite displays is the Vitamix demonstration. It is hear you can learn how this super powered blender can make everything from hot soup, ice cream, salsa, peanut butter and more with nothing but fresh wholesome ingredients. If you don’t need a blender that’s ok because you can get anything you could ever imagine needing in or around your home in this one place.
There is also the Young Building where you can learn a little about farming in the New England states. Here you will come up close and personal with goats, chickens, and of course the Hallamore Horses. These mighty horses are a stunning juxtaposition to the freshly hatched baby chickens who share the building.
If excitement is more your speed you can enjoy the motocross event at the Comcast Arena where daredevil moto cross riders perform stunning jumps while doing some acrobatics in the air.
All that made me hungry and the Big E doesn’t disappoint with their selection of fair foods. You can pick up a fair favorite cream puff or stop at any of the many food stalls for everything from a corn dog to a sausage sandwich. Or if you want something a little nicer stop by Storrowton for a beer in the Sam Adams Beer Garden and have a bite to eat as well.
One thing to remember is that this event is designed to showcase not just Massachusetts where it is hosted but all of the New England States. It is the only place of its kind where you can visit each state in less than 20 minutes. Every state is not only represented in the form of building designed to replicate each state house along the Avenue of the States but each building is actually the property of the respective state. You can buy state lotto tickets and find food and goods that represent each state.
Daily they also have a parade that goes around the fair grounds and includes floats and representatives from the daily groups being honored. Today it was the 4H and FFA who were honored.
The Big E runs for 3 weekends and you should plan to spend at least a full day. Be open minded and wear comfortable shoes because a good deal of walking is involved.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Task 51 - Create a Photo Album (San Francisco, CA)
(51) Create 2 new photo albums of past vacations (1/2)
Album: San Francisco, CA
Year: 2012
There is nothing I enjoy more than taking pictures of places I visit. I equally enjoy being able to show others where I have been and what experiences I had while there. I think the best way to do that is with a photo album. Sometimes things are lost when nothing more than a photo exists and as such I prefer to use my photo albums tell a story about my trip. I focus on keeping the order the same as I experienced it and I include notes and information about each of the places I visit so that later when the memories aren’t as fresh less is lost.
My most recent trip was to San Francisco with two friends. It’s admittedly taken some time since returning to complete my photo book but it is finally done. I made several different versions of the book one for each of us to enjoy and changed the pictures around so that each of our books focus on each individual’s experience. While they are not inexpensive to create I believe these albums will always be a reminder of the great experiences we had and hopefully will continue to have. This particular album is 73 pages long. I have posted the first few pages below.
Album: San Francisco, CA
Year: 2012
There is nothing I enjoy more than taking pictures of places I visit. I equally enjoy being able to show others where I have been and what experiences I had while there. I think the best way to do that is with a photo album. Sometimes things are lost when nothing more than a photo exists and as such I prefer to use my photo albums tell a story about my trip. I focus on keeping the order the same as I experienced it and I include notes and information about each of the places I visit so that later when the memories aren’t as fresh less is lost.
My most recent trip was to San Francisco with two friends. It’s admittedly taken some time since returning to complete my photo book but it is finally done. I made several different versions of the book one for each of us to enjoy and changed the pictures around so that each of our books focus on each individual’s experience. While they are not inexpensive to create I believe these albums will always be a reminder of the great experiences we had and hopefully will continue to have. This particular album is 73 pages long. I have posted the first few pages below.
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