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**note** This post will be updated at various times today with audio of committee meetings that I may record, so check back later for updates. I am currently planning to record the McKissick Press Conference at 11am and the NC House session at 1pm, subject to whether or not I remember to do it. ʘ‿ʘ
The new session of the North Carolina General Assembly is well underway and here is the schedule for Thursday, March 31st. Several committees are scheduled to meet today, as well as sessions of the NC Senate and the NC House. I have included links to bill histories, downloadable PDFs of the current versions of bills and links so that you can listen to the audio feed of these meetings live...provided they are taking place in a room that is wired for audio streaming to the Internet.
If you cannot listen to these meetings live, check back later to see if I have. If I have, I'll post the audio (and a download link) for the meeting in the calendar. You can also follow what is happening in the NC General Assembly by keeping an eye on the hashtag #ncga on Twitter.
If I haven't been able to listen, please check with Voter Radio. You should already be subscribing to their podcasts anyway. I do. ʘ‿ʘ
**note** I have eliminated linking to a PDF of the current version of bills to save time when preparing the post every morning. The PDFs are available by clicking the bill number and downloading them from the NC General Assembly website.
8:00 AM | Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services (Joint) [Live Audio] -- CORRECTED Time change | 643 LOB |
8:30 AM | Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation (House) | 1327 LB |
8:30 AM | Appropriations on General Government and Information Technology (Senate) Budget | 1425 LB |
8:30 AM | Appropriations Subcommittee on Justice and Public Safety -- CANCELLED (House) Members will hear Chair recommendations on the JPS Budget | 415 LOB |
8:30 AM | Appropriations Subcommittee on Natural and Economic Resources -- CANCELLED (House) | 423 LOB |
8:30 AM | Appropriations on Natural and Economic Resources -- CANCELLED (Senate) | 423 LOB |
8:30 AM | Finance -- CORRECTED (House) [Live Audio] | 544 LOB |
8:30 AM | Appropriations on Department of Transportation -- CANCELLED (Senate) Agenda: Privatization & Sponsorships DOT Staffing Levels NCGA Reporting Requirements | 1228 1327 LB |
8:30 AM | Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation (Joint)-- CORRECTED | 1228/1327 |
8:30 AM | Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government (Joint) | 1425 LB |
8:30 AM | Appropriations on Justice and Public Safety (Senate) Agenda: Members will hear Chair recommendations on the JPS budget. | 415 LOB |
10:00 AM | Judiciary I (Senate) | 1027 LB |
10:00 AM | Environment (House) [Live Audio] | 544 LOB |
10:00 AM | Government (House) [Live Audio] Kinston Mayoral Veto. (H310) Pink Hill Elections. (H365) Sampson: No Permit To Delinquent Taxpayers. (H294) Sampson: No Permits To Delinquent Taxpayers. (H295) Sampson-No Recordation For Delinquent Taxpayr. (H296) Haywood School Board Filing Period. (H322) Wayne Sheriff Vacancies. (H328) Burke School Board Recall. (H338) Columbia Municipal Early Voting. (H360) Currituck Electronic Notice. (H361) Pasquotank Hunting. (H362) County Law Enforcement Service District. (H280) Encourage Military Veteran Contractor Use. (H172) Maintenance of Prisons. (H335) Wake Local Stormwater Utility Fees. (S155) ETJ/Wake Municipal Farm Exemption. (S263) Winston-Salem Deannexation. (H418) | 643 LOB |
10:00 AM | Judiciary II (Senate) | 1124 LB |
11:00 AM | Session Convenes (Senate) [Live Audio] BILL INTRODUCTIONS SB 461 Tucker AMEND WEIGHT LIMITS FOR FARM PRODUCTS. SB 462 Mansfield Gunn Clary DISTRIBUTION OF EXCISE TAX ON TITLE INSTRUMENTS. SB 463 Mansfield ACCOUNTABILITY FOR TAXPAYER INVESTMENT ACT. SB 464 Hunt Brunstetter Stevens DEBT REDUCTION ACT OF 2011. SB 465 Hartsell BEHAVIORAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT. SB 466 Hartsell Tillman MODIFY TEACHER CAREER STATUS LAW. SB 467 Hartsell Apodaca NATUROPATHIC LICENSING ACT. SB 468 Clodfelter JUROR QUALIFICATIONS/DISABILITIES. SB 469 East SMOKING BAN/EXEMPT AGE-RESTRICTED VENUES. SB 470 Tillman Hartsell MODIFY COMM. COLLEGE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. SB 471 Purcell Mansfield Forrester YOUTH SKIN CANCER PREVENTION ACT. SB 472 Purcell NORWOOD WATER LINES. SB 473 Apodaca Stein Brunstetter THE SOLAR JOBS BILL. SB 474 Apodaca Hise PHOTO ID FOR CERTAIN CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES. SB 475 Apodaca FUNDING FOR ONE LEA PER COUNTY. SB 476 Apodaca NEW HOME PURCHASE STIMULUS. SB 477 Apodaca REDUCE OVERPOPULATION OF REINSURANCE FACILITY. SB 478 Bingham OFFICE OF PROSECUTION SERVICES. LOCAL BILLS - THIRD READING-ROLL CALL 3/10 St. and Loc. Gov. 3/29 Fav 3/30 Passed 2nd Rdg PUBLIC BILLS - THIRD READING - ROLL CALL SB 281 Stein 2nd Ed. MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT/STREETS. Com Sub 3/10 Finance 3/29 Unfav bill; Finance Com Sub Adopted 3/30 Passed 2nd Rdg SECOND READING 3/14 Health Care 3/17 W/D Health Care; rerefer Mental Health/Youth Svcs. 3/24 Unfav bill; Mental Health/Youth Svcs. Com Sub Adopted; Cal 3/29 3/29 W/D Cal; Cal 3/31 SB 346 Kinnaird EXEMPT COOKING SCHOOLS FROM FOOD REGULATIONS. 3/16 Health Care 3/30 FavThursday, SB 347 Purcell, Bingham, Mansfield REPORT HEALTH CARE-ASSOCIATED INFECTIONS. 3/16 Health Care 3/30 Fav SB 384 Hartsell CONFORMING CHANGES/PERSONS W/DISABILITIES ACT. 3/22 Health Care 3/30 Fav SB 416 Harrington, Rabon, Forrester SCHOOL BUSES/STATE VEHICLES/TIRES. 3/24 Transp. 3/30 Fav HB 159 Goodman, Hall 3rd Ed. MILITARY SERVICE NOTATION ON LICENSES. Com Sub 3/10 Transp. 3/30 Fav | Senate |
11:00 AM | House Select Committee on Tort Reform (House) Speakers from outside the committee | 1228/1327 |
12:00 PM | Press Room LB | |
1:00 PM | Session Convenes (House) [Live Audio] INTRODUCED BILLS (Reminder: Members may electronically cosponsor these bills until 5:00 p.m. on Friday.) HB 523 Folwell, McGee and L. Brown (Primary Sponsors) - CHANGE WINSTONSALEM/FORSYTH ELECTION METHOD. HB 524 Hall, Luebke, Michaux and Wilkins (Primary Sponsors) - DURHAM COUNTY/PISTOL PURCHASE PERMIT APPLICATION FEE. HR 525 Pierce and Pridgen (Primary Sponsors) - HOKE COUNTY'S 100TH ANNIVERSARY. HR 526 Pierce - HONOR WAGRAM'S 100TH ANNIVERSARY. HB 527 Adams and Harrison (Primary Sponsors) - GREENSBORO MOTOR VEHICLE LEVY. HB 528 Dixon - DUPLIN ELECTIONS. HB 529 Dixon, Sager, Hill and Brisson (Primary Sponsors) - SWINE HOUSE RENOVATIONS/SITE LIMITS. HB 530 Blackwell, Brisson, Earle and Hurley (Primary Sponsors) - CONFORMING CHANGES/PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. HB 531 L. Brown, Dollar and H. Warren (Primary Sponsors) - INVOLUNTARY ANNEXATION REFORM. HB 532 West - GRAHAM COUNTY/CEMETERY TAX BY GENERAL LAW. HB 533 Hill - CERRO GORDO/FAIR BLUFF/UTILITY LIENS. HB 534 Cotham, M. Alexander, K. Alexander and Carney (Primary Sponsors) - MECKLENBURG/JUROR PRIVACY. HB 535 Cotham, M. Alexander, K. Alexander and Carney (Primary Sponsors) - JUROR PRIVACY. HB 536 Rhyne - LINCOLN SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICTS. HB 537 Randleman - WILKES FIRE TAX DISTRICT BOUNDARIES. HB 538 Randleman, Dollar, Cotham and Faircloth (Primary Sponsors) - REMOVE RESTRICTION/LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER DISABILITY BENEFITS. HB 539 Steen and H. Warren (Primary Sponsors) - BUILDING CODE/WEBB ROAD FLEA MARKET. HB 540 Cook, Dixon and Bradley (Primary Sponsors) - REMOVE ADULT CARE HOMES FROM CERTIFICATE OF NEED REVIEW. HB 541 Hurley - COMMUNITY ALTERNATIVES PROGRAM FOR PERSONS WITH MENTAL RETARDATION/DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES WAIVER CHANGE/RESIDENTIAL SUPPORTS. HB 542 Rhyne, McComas, Brisson and Crawford (Primary Sponsors) - TORT REFORM FOR CITIZENS AND BUSINESSES. HB 543 Samuelson - CHARLOTTE/E-MAIL SUBSCRIPTION LIST.(2) HB 544 Samuelson, Cotham, Iler and Tolson (Primary Sponsors) - LOCAL GOVERNMENT E-MAIL LISTS. HB 545 Boles - AMEND MOORE COUNTY OCCUPANCY TAX. HB 546 Samuelson, Killian and M. Alexander (Primary Sponsors) - ALTERNATIVE SALARY PLANS/CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBURG SCHOOLS. HB 547 Haire - ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL LAW/EASTERN BAND OF CHEROKEE INDIANS. HB 548 Haire - SWAIN/GRAHAM COUNTY LINE. HB 549 Iler and Hill (Primary Sponsors) - COUNTIES MAY REQUIRE SOLID WASTE SERVICES. HB 550 Fisher and Keever (Primary Sponsors) - ASHEVILLE-BUNCOMBE REGIONAL PARK AUTHORITY. HB 551 Faison - DISCOVERY/MEDICAL PEER REVIEW. HB 552 Moffitt, McGrady, Keever, and Fisher (Primary Sponsors) - GREATER ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY. HB 553 Burr - SCHOOL CALENDAR PILOT PROGRAM/STANLY COUNTY. HB 554 Committee on Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING INSPECTIONS. HB 555 Committee on Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House - 2011 SPEAKER'S APPOINTMENTS BILL. HB 556 Committee on Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House - VOLUNTEER SERVICE IN RETIREMENT. HB 557 Steen and H. Warren (Primary Sponsors) - EXEMPT ROWAN COUNTY/LOCAL MATCH/HOME AND COMMUNITY CARE BLOCK GRANT FUNDS. HB 558 Womble, Parmon, L. Brown and McGee (Primary Sponsors) - FORSYTH/ WINSTON-SALEM ZONING AMENDMENTS. HB 559 Farmer-Butterfield, Collins and Bryant (Primary Sponsors) - STUDY/MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC UTILITIES. HR 560 Farmer-Butterfield, Tolson, Michaux and Hackney (Primary Sponsors) - HONOR JEANNE TUCKER FENNER. HB 561 LaRoque - MEDIANS ON U.S. HIGHWAY 70. HB 562 Fisher - ASHEVILLE/WOODFIN BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENTS. HR 563 Michaux, Ross, Martin and Weiss (Primary Sponsors) - HONOR RALPH CAMPBELL, JR. HB 564 Hilton, Fisher, Keever and Moffitt (Primary Sponsors) - SCHOOL CAPITAL FUND FORMULA/LOTTERY PROCEEDS. HB 565 McElraft - MOREHEAD CITY/BEAUFORT BOUNDARY. HB 566 Sanderson - GRANTSBORO CHARTER AMENDMENT. HB 567 McGrady and Rapp (Primary Sponsors) - MOUNTAIN RESOURCES COMMISSION/STAGGERED TERMS. HB 568 Womble and Parmon (Primary Sponsors) - LEGISLATIVE MILEAGE. HB 569 Lewis - HUNTING PROTECTION ACT. HB 570 T. Moore and Lewis (Primary Sponsors) - TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE TO NEEDY FAMILIES BLOCK GRANT FUNDS/BOYS & GIRLS CLUB. HB 571 Sager, Justice, Bryant and Brawley (Primary Sponsors) - PREPAID WIRELESS/POINT OF SALE COLLECTION.(3) HB 572 Justice, Sager, Stevens and West (Primary Sponsors) - ACCOUNTABILITY FOR PUBLICLY FUNDED NONPROFITS. HB 573 Avila - RALEIGH DEANNEXATION. LOCAL BILLS - SECOND READING - ROLL CALL HB 56 Collins - ROCKY MOUNT ANNEXATIONS REPEALED. (Finance) (1st Edition) HB 180 McComas and Justice (Primary Sponsors) - WILMINGTON ANNEXATION SUSPENSION. (Finance) (1st Edition) HB 236 Moffitt - BILTMORE LAKE ANNEXATION REPEALED. (Finance) (1st Edition) SECOND AND THIRD READINGS HB 156 Committee Substitute - LaRoque - LENOIR FOX TRAPPING. (Agriculture) (2nd Edition) PUBLIC BILLS - THIRD READING - NON - ROLL CALL SB 265 House Committee Substitute - Apodaca, Brunstetter and Hartsell (Primary Sponsors) - STATE HEALTH PLAN/APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFER. (Appropriations) (4th Edition) SECOND AND THIRD READINGS HB 218 Insko, L. Brown, Johnson and Weiss (Primary Sponsors) - LEGISLATIVE TASK FORCE ON CHILDHOOD OBESITY. (Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House) (1st Edition) HB 263 Cook - RETIREMENT ALLOWANCE/REMARRIAGE OPTION. (State Personnel) (1st Edition) HB 383 Committee Substitute - Brubaker, McComas, Wainwright and Tolson (Primary Sponsors) - COMMUNICATIONS REGULATORY REFORM. (Public Utilities) (2nd Edition) SB 18 Committee Substitute - Vaughan - CLARIFY DEFINITION/JUDICIAL DISTRICTS/STATE BAR. (Judiciary/A) (2nd Edition)(4) SB 31 Committee Substitute - Mansfield - CLARIFY PENALTY UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. (Judiciary/B) (2nd Edition) SB 248 Hartsell - UPDATE ARCHAIC DISABILITY TERMS. (Judiciary/A) (2nd Edition) | House |
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