1. His full name is Wan Hamza 'Awfan. Hamza is the name of one of Rasulullah s.a.w. companion, who was feared for his strength by the kuffars during their time. Hamza was also nicknamed 'asadullah' which meant, 'the lion of Allah'. 'Awfan is derived from Allah's ism, Al-'Afuww (The Most Forgiving). Al Ghaffar also meant The Most Forgiving but from the Arabic language, al-'afuww means that Allah expiates your sins and your record becomes a clean slate. Which means, Allah forgives and He forgets. Al-ghaffar means that Allah forgives, but He doesn't forget; you still have a record of your sins and wrongdoings. The reason for me naming him as such is because I want him to have the strength and spirit of Hamza, but also at the same time, have a mellow heart to find it in his heart to forgive and forget the wrong that people do to him. This is quite personal for me, because I too, aspire to forgive and forget, but I have a problem of letting
The Rocking Hijab
Just a Muslim revert trying her best.