The Dark Skies Above Us

The Dark Skies Above Us
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Actuality. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Actuality. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Δευτέρα 20 Μαΐου 2019

Well done RABM

Sadly we are here on these lines with a very bad new.
It takes us to get focus on what happened to rabm.blogspot.
Rabm closed and moved to reddit.
People that had it in time succeded and the one who get on now decided, without telling anything to the others, to close it.
This is a proprietaristic behavior that nothing has to do with us, cause some of us are writer on rabm blog and we don't have no more access to our blog.
 Years of contents fade away.
A lighthouse for everyone, a space to start conflictuality.
Reddit is a social and doesn't have the autonomy of our blog, like it was in the past before deleting it.
Bands continue sending mails cause they still believe in it.
We don't give up and don't draw back anything. Rabm blog lives in our hearts and we will continue on this journey

The Dark Skies Collective

Τετάρτη 7 Μαρτίου 2018

It's time to bring things to a close

Three years passed since what we call "The Dark Skies Above Us Collective" got this name.
At beginning everything seemed great, benefits gone well and there was also a show.
Finally we released a fanzine.
Support this project, print it and share it everywhere.

Special thanks goes to: M., S., L., and every person who did something or simply joined the koll.

Special mention goes to everyone who still struggle against nazis shit:
Rete Antifascista Brescia


Rabm blogspot

Fuck peste noire

Action Antifa 74

This is not a farewell. We will never give up.


Τετάρτη 4 Ιανουαρίου 2017

Fire, fire, fire.

As a collective of antifascist and anarchist people we need to support prisoners and their struggle for liberty.
As enemies of white superiority and and machism we should think to a cage as a burning one. For almost all the time, comrades in prison are left alone and this time seems to be endless.
Let's send our screams to these friends and brothers and sisters.
Never stop write them.
Never leave them alone.

The following link contains the adress of all the antifascist and anarchist comrades someone stolen their liberty.
Better to add a stamp inside the letter.

Δευτέρα 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

The Other Side of the Atlantic part I

Hi everybody. In this months I was informed about things I've never heard before. So the title of my article. I'm going to talk about Venezuela situation. No one does it, no one wants to know it. Let's start with some history.

Chavistas take the power in 1999
In that time a new Constitution was redacted and voted.
People feel new fresh air in politics, and blindly deposit ther trust on this new political movement leaded by Hugo Chavez.
As I said, these man came and raise to the power with a huge popularity, and people claimed at him as prophet, some kind of god that will fix all chaos remaining from what its called Cuarta Republica (Fourth Republic).
It's important to notice that Cuarta Republica was born by abolishment of Marcos Perez Jimenez dictatorship in 1958.
After 1958, many presidents were elected.
In 1992 Chavez make an coup d'etat to Carlos Andres Perez (actual president in that time).
But he got arrested.
And in 1994 Chavez got relasead from prison by a presidential orders.
In 1998 he runs for president and he won.
Chavez got in the power and as I said, for the people this man is a prophet, he would save Venezuela.
So, he remain in the power for 15 years.
Until his death.

During that time all public powers were practicly kidnaped, incluiding Electoral Power.
By consequence, every election Chavez and it's political party always won.

So that's an really accurate story of why Hugo Chavez's government is in power. Now, I think we must look closely on social struggles and this populist speech of anti imperialism that has led us to the state we are in right now.

For example critics have become the norm in grassroots worker's because, the state is the major employer in this country and has been failing to rediscuss collective contracts with workers of the main industries like steel, aluminum etc (the Venezuelan government expropriated many private companies).
So, these workers have been striking trying to be heard by the state and only got repression and accusations of fascist agitators. That's the case of for example Rubén Gonzalez that was put in jail for protesting.

Something really strange coming from a suposedly revolutionary and workers government.
One of the most significative modifications of this new constitution is that for the first time, indigenous historical lands, culture and laws were recognized as "official" by the state. That was supposed to be a GREAT advance on the situation of these indigenous.
But the governmet just used them to get support from these indigenous ethnic group.
So is the case of Sabino Romero. He belongs to "Yukpa" an ethnic group that lives near Colombia on the North-west of Venezuela.

Those lands were Yukpa historically have lived in, has a really rich quantity of oil, and coal (they just wanted to seduce them with their speech).
So, oil being Venezuela's main commodity to produce money the government (not only the current) have been exploiting oil, gas and coal and also segregating these comunities from their land.
Also many of this lands were occupied by landlords, that raise cattle and are very Very rich.
Yukpas started to reclaim their historic territories that were recognized by the state. And obviously there was a clash of interest between the State, landlords and Yukpas.

Summarizing, Sabino and his people tried to recover their lands and got kicked out by the National Guard several times. They even came to Caracas to ask the president to intervene and of course they did not get response. Eventually Sabino and part of his family got killed in very very strange situation.
Sabino became a problem to landlords and specially Zulia's State Governor Francisco Arias Cárdenas.
He has a particular interest in exploiting Coal in this area, totally unnecesary because the energy is produced by a hydroelectric dam on the East of Venezuela. Much cleaner energy than an open mine of coal...
So this politics contradicts what the Bolivarian Government was promoting so called "ecosocialism" but instead is displacing communities, kiling his own people and selling the land to multinational interests!

There is a huge inflation, of 63% at least. Scarcity in basic needs products like milk, diapers, coffee, corn flour, sugar.
People in goverment are very very rich, but they sell themselves as humble and poor people : they are the new bourgeoisie.
Salaries are practically beaten up by the inflation.
So, whoever earnes minimum wage is in very BIG trouble and that's a LOT of people but they manage to keep up because all members of the familiy go to work.
Scarcity is so heavy that people make looong lines to get any product, like deodorant, shampoo, sugar, milk, coffe and those things that dissapeared from the shelves.
Government says that people line up because they have too much money to spend.

Scarcity it's an issue from two years ago
You could imagine the social consequencies
You could get killed just for food
And what's really sad is people thinking that we are on crisis, when the real crisis is about to begin.

It's a really long article but it's worth it reading.

Thanks to R. , O. and C. for this.


Τρίτη 27 Ιανουαρίου 2015

The Dark Skies Above Us Part III

Today after 134 days of resistance, the partisans of the Kurdish militias of YPG/YPJ and some Peshmerga, have liberated Kobane. This is another historical event marked by the Kurdish people after the revolution of 2012 and the rescue of the Yazidis from the Mount Sinjar. Their victory is a hope for the experiment conducted in Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan),consisting in the build of a new society based on ecology,feminism and anti-capitalism referring to the thought of the anarchist philosopher Murray Bookchin and its “social ecology”.  The eco of their victory arrive to the heart of all people that fight against the power and the oppression of all the fascisms. 

We stand with Rojava and its people against the religion, the state , the sexism and the capitalism , for the self-determination of peoples, for the freedom and equality. “We are all Kawa  against Dehaks!”

 Thanks to S. for the article.


Δευτέρα 19 Ιανουαρίου 2015

The Dark Skies Above Us Part II

Here's again with LifeSuspended. Sorry for this long absence but i was making our compilation.
You can find it here.
Writing this few words explaining what happened in Italy some hours ago.

60 fascists of Casapound attacked a CSA in northern Italy and a comrade is in coma. We can't keep this comrade alone.
So the city organized a nation antifa demo.

In the world there are still people believe in totalitarism. It's really strange if you think of it. I will edit this post with news. Let's spread this worldwide.
Below I put all info links:

On facebook you can find all solidarity words from all of the italian squats.

Throw out fascists from my city

EDIT: Emilio today was awakened in the presence of his wife , responded to different stimuli but continues to be highly restricted in prognosis.

EDIT: Two intruders enters in the intensive care unit of the hospital in Cremona , where Emilio was admitted , unauthorized persons claiming to belong to the CSA Dordoni , rightly removed . These people were not part of the CSA Dordoni and notify immediately to all medical personal.

Tonight at 23:30 there was an assault of the building occupied Borgo Bosazza, Parma . Some shady characters have fallen from a BMW to get to the locked front door of the house occupied which is at number 22. In the while chanting to Mussolini and fascism , threatening to come back later " while you sleep ." 12 families with children, the elderly , disabled and infants living in buildings occupied Borgo Bosazza .

In Parma there was a demo for close Casapound.

 In solidarity, M.

Κυριακή 7 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Dead without reason

The finally situation of our places isn't so much. In the last day 3 (known) guys died by police abuses. On August 9, 2014, Ferguson (Missouri) police officer Darren Wilson shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old. But why?

                                                         Michael Brown's graduation

On September 5, 2014, British rugby league player Luke Rhoden being pinned to the ground by police officers during his holidays in Ibiza. Local media will report he died from takin drugs...

                                                            Wiggan Warriors' Luke Rhoden

On September 5, 2014, Italian police shoot a 17-year-old boy who ran on a scooter. Police said the shot went off accidentally (gun was without secure). Italy moved with demonstration manifesting their disappointment. More.

                                                  Davide Bifolco 17-year-old boy shooted

On March 11, 2014, Turkish police officer fired a tear-gas canister on the head of Berkin Elvan a 15-year-old boy.

On December 6, 2008, one special greek guard fires at Alexis Grigoropoulos, 15-year-old, without reason ...

                                                             GOODBYE EROES


                                                  Policemen beat down Luke Rhodem



Σάββατο 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

The Dark Skies Above Us Part I

After the last attack in the northern part of Italy, I decided to write something about politics and news on this blog. TAV (Treno ad Alta Velocità, translate "High Speed Train) is a monumental opera that will connect France to Italy and abbreviate time to reach it. Its story is really long, begin in 1984 and caused the death of three anarchist in 1998. This is linked to many problem (from ambient to economy) such us speculations, wonderful water fount near building sites, etc.

                                                    Maria Soledad Rosas getting arrested

The project is still in action and comrades attack the building sites in Valsusa, Piedmont.
In the last years many comrades get arrested, also a friend of mine who lived next to me, and Chiara, Nico, Mattia, Claudio, Lucio, Francesco and Graziano are still not FREE.

                     Translation of the flag: STATE POISONS YOU// MAKE ALL FREE

With 4 cm (centimeters) of TAV a person could have his pension, 3 m (meters) is the price of 1 year of nursery, 500 m (meters) are an hospital. I want to write numbers to keep better the meaning.
Here's is the main site where you can read news always, it is not in english but you can use browser translation ->NO TAV<-
I will probably say other about this story.

                                              Tonight NO TAV will strike again.


EDIT:The Final Straw Radio had this english language interview via some comrades translating in French on NO TAV movement.

"Active resistance where you are, seize the lands, smash the state and capital and all forms of hierarchy" - The Final Straw Radio

