Genre: Sludge metal/ Drone metal/ Doom Metal
Country of Origin: Ukraine (Lviv)
1. Rain Have Mercy
2. Forgotten Is What Never Was
3. Alphomega Part 1: Sunlit Darkness
4. Alphomega Part 2: Upward Blindness
Country of Origin: Ukraine (Lviv)
1. Rain Have Mercy
2. Forgotten Is What Never Was
3. Alphomega Part 1: Sunlit Darkness
4. Alphomega Part 2: Upward Blindness
Καινούριο Ep από τους Ουκρανούς Nonsun. Αργόσυρτο, Βαρύ, Γαμάτο. Το EP κυκλοφορεί δωρεάν για download από την Drowning Records και σε κασέτα από την Breathe Plastic Records. Το artwork είναι του Tobias Holmbeck.
New EP from Ukranian band Nonsun. Slow, Heavy, Fucking awesome. Released free for download by Drowning Records and on tape by Breathe Plastic Records. Artwork by Tobias Holmbeck.