Here are almost 2 pm and there 9 pm.
The cold.
-20 celsium degrees.
I have the luck to speak with one of my favourite band ever : Iprit.
Me: Hi Oleg how are you? We saw Iprit hold on for some months. Are them alive?
Iprit: Hi my friend. I'm fine thanks.
Iprit are alive but we will not play live, I guess. For next year we plan to record some new songs. I can't say when and how much songs. The only thing I know for sure is we are not going to stop.
Me: A really great news for us! Are you playing with other bands meanwhile?
Iprit: I have two projects. Клонирование Овцы(Sheep Cloning), a crust band, but I'm not sure about the future of this one because the guitarist who composed everything lives in another city nowadays. So we just made one recording to remember those songs and to let them no disappeared.
And the second one is Solar Kite. This is an electronic project, something like dark ambient or dark wave; but with some black metal influences. At least people say that. We released an
album in october and we work on new songs and prepare for a live show.
Me: Very cool! Would you tell us something about political situation of Siberia?
Iprit: No squat over here. At least in Siberia. Maybe I just do not know about squats in this city or nearby. But it's not that easy to squat places when your winter lasts for 5 months. I'm not sure if it's worth it. It would be cool to have an autonomic zone inside a state, but that's not worth it to have all of troubles if you can spent your time for something you can really do instead wasting time for nothing.
Me: Yeah.. You're right.. Hope it will change soon. What about music there?
Iprit: I think ther are more bands in neighbor cities Novosibirsk and Tomsk. Some of local bands are well-known in Russia. I Witness, Neverending Winter for example. New bands also coming up.
Me: Thanks to share them with us.
Iprit: Just one thing before the end. I wish you to keep your eyes and mind opened. We usually see only what we want see but world is more complicated than we think. And remember that everything has its end.
Me: Really thanks. I will carry this forever with me.
Iprit: My pleasure.