Time Based Poetry? So I am going to be texting a short poem at 7 pm tonight to a stranger and some how that will be part of an art project- I love it!
Sorry I can't give you the phone number...
You Are Here: Artists in the Gallery How Soon Is Now Part 3: Pleased To Meet You: Sociability and Art Thursday, March 26, 7pm Vancouver Art Gallery, Panelists: Abbas Akhavan, Instant Coffee, Laiwan and Holly Ward;Moderator: Lorna BrownWith: PDA for your PDA (Public Display of Affection for your Personal Digital Assistant) Laiwan will present this participatory event as a complement to the panel. Bring your PDA.
This series of evening talks in the Gallery will bring together artists to explore contemporary art practices focusing on works within How Soon Is Now. From architecture to social engagement to the nature of the interdisciplinary art, issues pertinent to local and international artists will be investigated.Free with Gallery admission.-----------------
FYI PROJECT DESCRIPTION When the audience / public has assembled to attend the How Soon Is Now Panel Discussion and are seated with the panelists also seated and ready, I will briefly introduce this piece and ask the audience to commemorate the moment by texting a short phrase of love and affection to a designated phone number. A local computer in the VAG will automatically assemble the collected phrases into a poem of love in something close to real-time. Additional phrases added over time will continue the creation of the poem. The poem will be projected onto a giant screen in the rotunda as sentences are being texted in.