Showing posts with label Grassy Knoll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grassy Knoll. Show all posts

Artist lecture, Reception and Dr. Woohoo

*The War Between Mother Nature's Ego Vs. The Id of Humanity — Dr. Woohoo
opens this week at GrassyKnollGallery! Free Reception on Thursday, April 2nd, 2009
6-9 PM, open to the public! DJ set by Let's Go Outside (sorry they don't want me to breakdance)
*Hijacking Photoshop and Illustrator with Extendscript++
Artist Lecture- Wednesday, April 1st, 2009 @ 6 PM only $15
"Dr. Woohoo (who is selling some cool stuff on moo) is a New Mexican based artist and programmer with a DIY approach to computer generated artwork. He creates his own color, paint and visual effects applications using Adobe AIR, and rather than recreate existing features and functionality, Woohoo integrates his own tools with applications like Photoshop, Illustrator, Maya and Painter. Basically, he's creating artwork using tools that he's invented and incorporates it in a way that no one has ever seen before. End result? Awesomeness. *His show, The War Between Mother Nature's Ego vs. The Id of Humanity, focuses on the themes relating to powerful forces of nature. What we do as humans here on this planet directly affects the way in which Mother nature responds. Playing with this notion, Woohoo has made this show a completely interactive experience. Throughout opening night, April 2nd, movement and music will be the input. The output will be beautiful installation projection and video displays. For those looking for something a little more tangible, gorgeous, archival prints will also be on display. "

Come and get the behind the scenes look at how this is all done on Wednesday April 1st at 6 PM. Dr. Woohoo will be sharing all of his techniques in is lecture: Hijacking Photoshop and Illustrator with Extendscript++.
Grassy Knoll Gallery is located at 123 NW 2nd Ave 2nd Floor, Portland, Oregon 97209