Showing posts with label meetups. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meetups. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Meeting up with international sewing friends and some upcoming class updates

All summer long I was looking forward to my relaxing vacation and one day I received a message from Yoshimi who is a long time sewing friend that I actually had never met in person. She said she and Carolyn were coming to San Francisco and New York so we could all meet up. For a split second I had the thought that they would be here when I was away, but fortunately they arrived the day I returned! Does that ever happen to you? A few weeks go by with nothing much happening and then everything at once and you have to make choices, which never fails to mean that you miss something fun. But this worked out and I was able to get together with them a couple of times while they were here.
Interestingly they were two of the first people whose blogs I started reading ages ago and I'm in awe of both their talents - they both are sewing wizards as well as fantastic knitters, a skill I admire all the more because I can't seem to learn it.
First up we met over at Stone Mountain in Berkeley for some shopping. They were staying in SF near Shams who had met Yoshimi previously when she traveled in Japan They arrived before me and it was so surreal to walk around a stack of fabric and see Carolyn looking at the linens.

intl sewing meetup

We're all wearing our handmade wardrobes - Yoshimi and Carolyn's are Vogue patterns and my dress is a old Butterick pattern that I always think I should make again, and the silk twill fabric I bought at Stone Mountain so it seemed fitting to wear it :)

C and Y at shop

They are both so delightful and it was a thrill to meet and talk. It was great to see Shams again as it's been quite a while since I've seen here also. As we were leaving the store I remembered the photo spot which they found very useful. And I will include this one to show that striking the right pose is not easy and Carolyn is doing the "gaze thoughtfully into the distance which showing your outfit to best advantage" while I am looking like I fear a bird may drop something on my dress 😉.

B and C at shop

That was Sunday, on Monday they had perfect weather in SF and saw a lot of the city, renting bikes (intrepid with all the hills!) riding across the Golden Gate Bridge and doing all the stuff that I never do unless I have out of town visitors.
On Tuesday evening I met them in the city for dinner and unfortunately Shams wasn't feeling well so she could make it, but Yoshimi, Carolyn and I had a lovely dinner together and as Carolyn said we never run out of things to talk about. I'm already thinking I need to get my 2020 travel plans organized and take a trip to someplace that's not a tropical beach.

One last thing - which is the cutest sewing item I've ever seen. Yoshimi gave me this present which looks like a lipstick but is a tiny pincushion. I think if I ever go to Japan I will need an empty suitcase!
Pincushion mini

Now for an entirely different topic - we have lots of great classes coming up at Hello Stitch. 

If you are interested in any classes I suggest you register as soon as you decide, since a lot of the classes are selling out very quickly. Particularly our Learn to Sew Series - I'm thrilled at the reception that class has received and also to see so many people from that class continue with others.

Here's what's coming up, not in calendar order but I've grouped them by type of garment.

The Jeans Jacket class starts this Sunday, it's a two session class so plenty of time to get it completed. And you can make any jeans jacket pattern you would like. I think there are 2 spots remaining.
The Wiksten Haori jacket class is really popular and such a good item to make after the Learn to Sew class. It might be sold out as I write this but you can check.

Jacket classes photo montage

And my favorite - I'm doing another Intro to Tailoring Weekend Workshop Class. This one is in January so you have plenty of time to find the perfect fabric. We just held this class in September and it was so much fun, plus the jackets everyone made are gorgeous.   Let's just say the weather wasn't exactly wool jacket or steam pressing weather but it was great fun anyway. Though I am looking forward to the January weather version. You are welcome to make any blazer jacket pattern.

Jacket class

Learn to Sew Class

learn to sew composite

The interest in this class has really surprised me in a good way - we're onto our fifth (?) session of this class in just the last 6 months and it's great to meet so many people who are interested in starting to sew. Note this is a 3 week class, and there are two sessions scheduled. Morning and afternoon.

Fitting Classes: in November we have pattern fitting, the workshop part of the class (morning) still has some spots open. In this class everyone works with half size templates and you learn to do the most common alterations, plus how to measure yourself and the pattern. In the spring we have an Adjust the Bust class, specifically for adjusting bust and other bodice fit questions.

Fitting classes compositie

More Garment sewing, of specific patterns.  Knit T-shirt,  the Zadie Jumpsuit (make a holiday party version!) and the Emerson pants (this pattern is ideal as a first pants project).

separates composite

And of course, Jeans! You can use any jeans pattern, but I must say I love this pattern, and am about to sew up my 4th pair.

jeans class pic

So that's the latest on classes for the rest of 2019 and a bit of 2020. I had better look carefully at my schedule so I can fit in some travel time, there are so many sewists to meet!

Up next, I have just finished a dress from the Burda April 2019 issue - the issue that keeps on giving! and the aforementioned jeans, plus I have some lovely silk and need to decide on a shirt pattern for that.

Happy Sewing and I hope to see you in a class at Hello Stitch or a sewing meet up someday!

Today's garden photo, a dahlia that forgot I planted in the front, which despite a poor location and not much water put out some lovely sunshiny blooms.
