Showing posts with label 1247. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1247. Show all posts

Friday, October 9, 2015

A skirt, a top, a dress, with a tropical theme

It is safe to say there are some tropical or novelty prints that I find irresistable. Particularly palm trees, or as demonstrated earlier this summer, pineapples. Also I really like Girl Charlee fabrics, they hit my sweet spot of colorful, not too pricey, lots of prints, stuff I don't see in local shops and all around cheerfulness in their array of fabrics. I do find their emails baffling, what is a Knit Fix? OK - please don't answer, I don't need to know. But I have adjusted my email preferences so that I don't get every one of their promos. I guess it is some type of sale where you get a big bundle of fabrics without choosing what is in it, and then people sell/trade for the ones they want.  I suppose it works well but I don't need to get any fabric suprises, the stuff I already have is enough of a suprise. Evidenced by me looking at my fabric closet and wondering when I ordered that and what the heck was I thinking of making?

To get to the point - I ordered a number of things from Girl Charlee over the summer and have sewn up about half. They are pretty much summer fabrics,(** see footnote) or at least not fabrics I would choose in winter. So the remainder is put away for next year and here are the results for the ones I did decide to cut into.

Skirt with rounded hem

That photo appeared on my Instagram during the SewPhotoHop and got a lot of love. It is my beloved Vogue 1247 with a little modification to the hem because it seemed a little plain. As plain as a denim skirt covered with dancing pineapples could be.

This photo is a little bright and I did not wear my shirt tucked in but wanted to show the V1247 in all its  splendor, ha ha.

Pineapple skirt on me

Pineapple skirt front and back
Here it is on is the dress form.  I did lengthen the pattern as I usually do, and then also made it with my "no waistband" modification. Just cut a facing using the top of the skirt. I like a clean finish at the top of a skirt with no waistband, also then it doesn't come up so high at the waist. Although in that photo above it does - I think because that top is kind of a bulky knit. another reason not to tuck in.
I have now made this pattern 4 times with no end in sight. Here is the link to my first "no waistband" version with all the details.  A key to that turning out well is stabilizing the waist, and I don't think a seam binding is enough, needs some interfacing.

As for the hem, bias binding was fine for that. To get the round edge I just played with drawing on paper until I had a curve that would look good. Cut out the skirt as normal. left the bottom of the side seam unsewn, chose where the hem would be and then trimmed the curve sections using my paper template. Easy peasy :)

Pineapple skirt hem

By the way, I was out to dinner when in Hawaii and the hostess at a restaurant looked down at my skirt and squealed - OMG, your skirt is so cute - it has pineapples on it.  Yep it does :)

Second item in my summer of Girl Charlee is this tunic top I made for my mom. I saw these black and white palm tree prints all over this spring and summer in the fashion collections so I was really happy when I saw it on their website. This fabric is a rayon woven and I was pleasantly suprised at how nice it is. Sews beautifully. I did pre-shrink. Very light and floaty but not see-through.

Palm tree tunic on form

The pattern is my trusty self-made pattern, which I started by copying an existing tunic top which is also my mom's. My first post was back in 2012 and then last summer I made one for myself, 
I also did a 2-part post on Craftsy which details exactly how to make a tunic top from a shirt pattern - which I think is good - if I do say so myself :)  So if you are interested in creating a tunic top pattern here are the links to part 1 and part 2.

I love a good black and white item but somehow needed the proverbial "pop of color" so I used bias tape to make the edging. And glad it did, it just needed an extra something. Also it was slightly too low cut so I added the horizontal piece in the center of the V, which we will call a design element!

Neckline tunic top

Peek at inside because everyone likes to see that. I sew the sleeve edges on from the inside, flip to the right side and then topstitch down, which results in a nice clean finish on both sides. I think all that is described in the Craftsy posts.

palm tree tunic sleeve detail

Now last and perhaps least. I am not going to model this one - you will have to take my word that it fits and works well as a beach dress/swimsuit coverup. But maybe this fabric is just a little bit weird.  I'm showing you the side view because look how nicely I matched the stripes on this weird fabric.

Knit stripe dressesKnit stripe dresses

and even thought it is a beach coverup I still made a neckline facing - using some recycled white t-shirt fabic. Because on a lot of knits using bias tape is too stiff and just gets misshappen. Plus facing is just as easy (easier to me).   and then lastly - a closeup shot. I looked at this fabric for quite a while before I cut it out and decided that it didn't have an up or down. THEN sitting on the beach watching the palm trees wave in the tradewinds I realized that yes - this fabric does have a vertical direction. and I got it wrong!

Knit stripe dresses          Knit stripe dresses

so now I feel like they look like spiders, not palm trees. Oh well............pass me another mai tai.

Mentioning Girl Charlee again, my previous dress was their fabric also. And thank you everyone who commented on that dress. I appreciate that you have my sewing satisfaction in your hearts. And will say that I don't feel as bad about the dress as I think was perceived. I do like it and I think it is one of those things that looks much better in person, the colors look better and the skirt moves nicely. The hem is a bit long and uneven but as I said, that will be dealt with come springtime. Quite a difference of opinion on the pockets - some said to get rid of them. Noooo! the pockets are maybe the best part, love a dress with interesting pockets.

** Footnote.  I called the stuff we sew Fabric. And always do a double take (auditorially) when I hear Tim Gunn say on Project Runway  "what are you planning to do with that Textile?"  Do they never say fabric in the academic side of the fashion world? It just sounds funny to me and I wondered if anyone else noticed it.

Speaking of TV - well I am speaking of it. I LOVE the British Baking Bee which is airing on PBS here now. I could have watched it on YouTube I suppose but it's just easier to watch weekly and then I can catch up with friends/family members who like to chat about it. NO spoilers please. and No idea which season it is. But WOW the stuff they have to make is so difficult, and in the time allotted. I am so nervous for them watching it. and hungry sometimes. anyway - a fun diversion.

Onward to new things grabbing my attention. I just taped together the pdf of a Burda jacket mentioned recently. And about to start on a dress for Heather using some of her Mood Fabrics. Using a Burda envelope pattern which I have never seen sewn up - for a wrap dress that has a difference and I can say Burda LOVE!   Highly recommend. Burda 6946.  Expect raves when I post. Great pattern.

Happy weekend sewing,  Beth

garden photo is from Hawaii.

Hawaii flowers

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Vogue 1247, skirt love and the top. . .not so much

Strictly adhering to my summer plan to make useful separates I have finally gotten around to Vogue 1247, Rachel Comey skirt and top.  There are many examples of this pattern around the web. Some make only the skirt, others just sew the top and there are also some fantastic outfits to be seen.  My current favorite is Merche with her turquoise skirt  and striped top.  I think the top is really successful in stripes plus her photos are very beachy so of course they look great to me.
What did I think of this pattern?  As I said in the title of the post, love the skirt! Super cute, easy to fit, I can see this working in all kinds of cottons but also in winter weight fabrics.
Vogueskirt and top3
But the top . . .I dunno,  it's just not me.  I was going for a cool, slouchy look, with my shades on. All I can think when I look at this top is . . . nurse's scrub top.    Eek, now I said it and you can't get it out of your head either.  Am I right? Plus it's not your eyes, my outdoor photos were all a bit fuzzy. No matter what is is physically impossible not to put your hands in the pockets when wearing this skirt.

V1247 skirt and top
I am making it sound worse than it is, I really like the outfit.  The top fabric is a remnant I had leftover from making a blouse for a client, it is a Mark Jacobs cotton lawn we ordered from Fashion Fabrics Club.  The skirt is a stretch denim my neighbor Alice gave me ages ago.  So cost of outfit, zero.  That is certainly in its favor.  
Maybe because I had all kinds of issues with the fit of the top and did major surgery on it to get it to feel comfortable and not like I was wearing something 3 sizes too big. I will do a follow up post on changes I made to the top pattern and some ideas I have for modifying the skirt pattern.  

Vogue 1247 skirt and top pattern
It is an interesting exercise to make something out of my usual zone, however it did end up confirming that I am not a loose and flowy style person.  And this top is not really all that loose and flowy!  
Onward, to continue with my summer separates.  Plus I had a brainwave one night and devised a plan to refashion one of my yet unseen one-hit-wonders into a wearable summer dress.  More on that to come.

Stay cool, Happy Summer sewing, Beth

Easter LilySunnyGal garden, a Lily that bloomed at the end of June.