They say this is the busy time of year.
I'm in Christmas gear nearly all year. If you don't believe me just ask my kiddos, or hubby or anyone else who has to hear me playing the "Yuletide Classics" station on my phone every day.
And surely I'm not the only one who records every Christmas themed movie, travel and food television show so I can watch them all year long! Thank you DVR!
And how could I forget?! Thank you Carolyn @ Edible Crafts, not only for featuring my Rudolph treats, but for reminding me that this year marks his 50th birthday! Rudy and I share that milestone birthday! So of course we'll be watching his show too! Haha..Happy Birthday to us!
And, with me so ready for the season, you would think I would already have posted something, anything Christmas related. The truth is, I have been busy!
We've been enjoying all the seasonal festivities while we can.
If you live around Atlanta, there are so many things to do and see.
I try to do a couple of different things every year along with some others that are traditions with our family.
This is the beautiful mansion that was home to the Candler family, better known in Atlanta as the "Coca Cola" family.
I love everything about my favorite holiday.
Especially the Christmas story.
My grandchildren will be putting on the Christmas program Sunday night at our church..and for this, I am truly thankful!
Merry Christmas Season To All!
Now let's make some super easy and quick reindeer treats!
Just a few store bought items are all you need. That's right. Another no-bake edible craft!
The only thing to remember here is to cut the pretzels sticks at an angle
so the finished antlers look like a 'y' and not a 't'.
Melt a few chocolate chips to use as the "glue" to assemble the antlers.
Let rest on parchment paper till completely set.
Wouldn't these be perfect for Olaf?
"Do you wanna build a snowman...."
Insert straw and gently press antlers into cake. Attach candy eyes and nose with melted chocolate.
I attached some holly and berries sprinkles to amp up the cute factor!
Now you're all done with plenty of time to enjoy all the Christmas cheer.
These will be perfect with some hot cocoa, popcorn and "Miracle on 34th Street"!
If you need more reindeer edible crafts, Click here to see my "Reindeer Lollipops".
I thought these long-face reindeer were so cute, except for the cracked chocolate surface and messy ends. It may have just been the particular box I purchased, but it was the same with the entire box.
Well, that's it for now.
Wishing You All A Blessed and Happy Christmas Season.
Thank you for stopping by Sugartown Sweets!
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