Showing posts with label Butterfingers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Butterfingers. Show all posts

Monday, March 6, 2017

Peanut Butter Butterfinger Cookies

So I never thought I would say these words→I killed my KitchenAid!

The old white workhorse had become a much loved and necessary countertop apparatus.
 Arriving on a distant Christmas morning back in '97, she was gifted to me by my sweet hubby. She was beautiful and I could hardly wait to see what she could do! And just as I suspected, she could do anything!

Inspired by our MeMaw (who had passed just two months before), my sister and I began taking the first of four cake decorating courses. Bringing royal icing to our classes was a requirement and it only took making one batch to realize a stand mixer was a must-have.

I loved my first one, but like I said, I killed it. Killed it trying to make my first ever batch of cinnamon rolls. Still scared to try them again just yet..saving that for another day.

 So I walk into the shop the other day and my honey surprises me with a brand new KA! It's bigger, better, stronger and..RED!

What to make? Well, with a pantry brimming with cookie mix-ins and my Mom's fave candy being Butterfingers, I went with Butterfinger cookies. So easy, I just added a bag of Butterfinger chips to my classic Peanut Butter Cookie recipe. I also made a ganache to dip the cookies in and sprinkled with additional chips. These cookies are a winner!
Oh my but don't these look good?!
Beginning with a classic peanut butter cookie dough, we'll add to it a bag of Butterfinger chips.

I used two bags of Butterfinger bits. One for the cookie recipe and one for sprinkling on the finished dipped cookies.

This recipe will make 52 cookies. Umm..53 if you count the yummy cookie dough bite I had to sample! 😉
Out with the old make room for the new.
The first stick of butter. Am I too sentimental?
Creaming, mixing, stirring, adding.

I'm loving the horsepower. Does a mixer even have horsepower?
Since I'm using Butterfingers, I'm shaping them like Butterfingers. Well, kinda anyways.
Bake cookies and cool.
Ghirardelli chips and heavy cream equals ganache!
Heat cream just to a boil, pour over your bowl full of chocolate, let sit a couple of minutes to melt, stir till smooth, lick the spoon!
Let's dip these beauties...mmmmm!
Sprinkle with Butterfinger bits.
Let sit till chocolate sets.
Recipe yields 52-53 dipped cookies!
I have to say, I think next time I'll try making the ganache with semi-sweet chocolate, although my taste-testers liked these just the way they were!

Thanks for stopping by Sugartown Sweets.

Have a sweet day, Karen 😋