Fingerprint Fun!
Do you need a last minute Mother's Day Treat?...
..or, just a sweet~anytime~fun craft!
These Funprint Cookie Pops
are made with your child's
(or, as in my case, grandchildren's)
very own fingerprints! is the wonderful book with all the fabulous ideas!
My mother-in-law gave this book to me, written by Ed Emberly late last year. I just couldn't wait to do some crafts with my grandbabies, I just never got around to it. And now, I find the perfect opportunity...
Mother's Day!
I had thought about making these cookies awhile back..just didn't know what y'all would think about fingers in your food. Then, a few days ago, I saw an amazing idea over at Hungry Happenings! I loved the handprint in the edible stone. I knew then I had to get my little helpers into the kitchen. These are so much fun..and a great surprise for Mom or Grandma. Yay!
Begin with your favorite roll out sugar cookie dough.
You'll need a rolling pin, cookie sticks, round cookie cutter, flour for dusting, parchment paper, fondant, light corn syrup, icing colors, food writing pens & a paintbrush.
Roll out your cookie dough..
Cut out your circles..I know I must seem crazy..because I only cut out one or two cookies at a time. That's just the only way I can do it. ;0)
I'm using my little brownie spatula to lift the cookies onto my parchment covered baking sheet.
Insert the cookie sticks into the cookies about halfway. I then smooth out the top of the cookie in case the stick has raised it up a little.
Bake on 350 degrees for 11-13 minutes.
Let your cookies cool completely before decorating.
Here is my beat up box of fondant.
If you've never used fondant, this is what it looks like straight out of the package. I've never made my own ..I just don't use it much (yet) and this is so convenient.

Break off a piece...
..and knead it in your hands till smooth.
I use a fondant roller and since I roll it out on parchment paper, I don't need cornstarch which also ensures I can re-roll my *scrap* pieces as they don't dry out as quickly. Cut the fondant with the same size cookie cutter you used for the cookies.
Karo syrup..
Lightly paint your cookie pop with the syrup. Do not paint all the way to the edge as the cookies will spread a little when baking. If you do, you will have sticky edged i did. :o)
I lift the fondant circles with my little spatula and place them right on the cookies.
So Easy. So Pretty.
Let these set up at least a couple of hours. The fondant will be too soft to decorate right away.
I found my four sweet little crafters. If Mommy sees this, she'll know what she's getting for Mother's Day. ;0)
I used a paintbrush to paint their little fingertips and thumbs. You could also put the paint colors into a paper plate & press their fingers into it.
You can then let them (or yourself) use the foodwriters to complete their artwork.
Here's our first finished cookie pop!
Sadly, we have a fail. The purple & green ended up being much too dark to see the drawn in details on Mom & the frog..
But, aren't these just too cute?!
Queen Mom!
Hope you all have as much fun with these as we did!
Wishing you all a Blessed Mother's Day!
Happy & Sweet Baking
Sugartown Sweets!
Your comments are very welcome
& always read. :o)