Showing posts with label orks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orks. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Greenskins (WFB) for sale / trade

I'm consolidating armies, the Greenskins are one of many that need to go to make room for others. I'll take paypal or trade. I'm interested in Classic Space Wolves, Space marine vehicles, Chaos Dwarfs, Dwarfs. Send me a message if interested.

Full list of what I have available below (prices are fully negotiable)
Orc boss on wyvern- (wyvern partially painted) 1 @ $25
goblin fanatics (some painted some in blister pack) 3 @ $9
metal giant (base coated) 1 @$20
goblin shaman (painted) 1 @5
Goblin w/bows (some painted) 18 @20
Goblin w/spear (some painted) 24 @20
grimgor Ironhide (basecoated) 1 @10
Night goblin w/bows (primed) 64 @20 per unit (of 20)
Night goblin w/ net (some painted, some in blister pack) 6 @5 each
orc w/ 2 choppa(some painted, some on sprue) 21 @ $20
orc w/ bow (some assembled, some on sprue) 35 @ $20
forest spider riders (assembled) 10 @ $20
orc boss on boar (painted-pictured above) 1 @ $15
orc chariot (one assembled, one on sprue) 2 @ $15 each
orc shaman on boar (assembled) 1 @ $10
ork w/hand weapon (classic metal painted, plastic painted, some on sprue) 30 @ $20
snotling (individual snotlings to be put on bases, and some based) a bunch
spiders (individual little) 12
squig (some assembled, some in blister pack) 6 @ $20
gobbo boss (classic metal) 2 @ $5 each
gobbo shaman (classic metal) 2 @ $5 each
gobbo shaman converted - riding squig (base coated) @ $10
troll (1 painted, 1 plastic, 1 classic, 1 assembled metal) 4 @ $15 each
converted night goblin champion (painted) 1 @ $10

More pics here

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I'm thinking of getting rid of my Fantasy Green skin horde. These guys were Hilarious to play and fun to paint, but it's time to move on. Too many army's in boxes taking up room. But before it leaves the building, I thought I would document a few of the better paint jobs.

I like how the wood grain came out on this one. Fun unit to play. 

I was perfecting my Bone technique on this guy. 

Conversion I made from a tiny gobbo to a night gobbo champion. (cut off the feet and gave him a dress. which made twice the size of the original mini)

These are the only ones that I did not paint personally. Painted by friends and I ended up with them. 

A portion of the Waaaaghhhhhhh!!!! 

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dipping Orks / Quick table top quality Horde force

So for my Orks, I'm not going to spend 8 hours apiece on the troops. Especialy when the units are 20-30 strong. I want to get them painted quickly, but have them look nice on the table top. I've been using some products form Army Painter, that I think really turn out well, and save a TON of time. In just a few steps you will have a completed unit. So on to it.....

I do this "assemply line" style, painting  a whole unit at a time.

Once assembled I glue citidel modeling sand on the base, then spray the models with Army painter Greenskin Primer. The beauty of the colored primer, is killing the primer and skin base color with one stone. (giant time saver).

  • A thing to note: I'm note going to be doing a lot of highlights with these models, so for the most part use bright colors so once the army painter dip is applied they will not be too dark. 
  • Before I get to the rest of the base colors I run a very quick drybrush of goblin green to all of the skin areas.

  • For all of the base colors, I thin the paints down quite a bit so the paint goes on thin and quickly!
  • First thing I base coat is the base. I use adeptus battlegray for a blasted wasteland look in the final product. 
  • Ultramaines blue for the pants. Skull white for the shirt (My color scheme is blue jeans and wife beater), Boltgun Metal for all the metal parts, Chaos Black for all the straps/boots/leather (matches the Warbikers black leather jackets)
  • Finally hit the teeth and claws with Bleached Bone, and stiching with tausept ochre.
  • If these were regular troops, the basecoat would be done, but since for this example I'm painting my converted tank busta's, I hit the fins of the rokkits with mecharite red. 

That didn't take long at all. The unit is now ready for the Army painter quick shade medium dip.

  • Be sure to follow the directions on Army painters web site, You need to really shake the excess off otherwhise excess will pool on elbows, bottoms of gun/ axe handles etc. 
  • Now you wait! once dipped they need to dry about 24 hours or more
  • While I'm waiting for one unit to dry I'll start basecoating another unit. or work on another project all together. 
Once dry you just need to hit the eyes with Blood red if desired, and paint the bottom of the base with Graveyard earth. Add burnt grass to the base and spray with matt spray.

For the Nob, I'll add a few small details to make him stand out. Some checkerboard, smiley on the rokkit.

Ork Tank Busta Unit complete!

Below are a few more examples using this exact same tecnique.

These guys are from my Chaos Space Marine legion, "The Eye's of Doom!". The only thing I added after diping was scorpion green highlight to the tubes, freehand eyeball and power sword highlights.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Versetality and Bargain of the Black reach Box set

I love the Black reach box set so much. I bought 2 of them and a buddy gave me his Orks. With all these mini's and a little plastic card, greenstuff and a few bits I have managed to put together 2 full units of 20 boyz -with Nob upgrades(photo in previous post), A unit of 10 'Ard Boyz (space marine pads for extra armor), and 7 Tank Busta's (plastic card/dowel rokkits). On top of that I have used one set of Space Marines for my Chapter of Space Marines (Space knights: also pictured in previous post), and the other set I plan on converting to Space Wolves with all the extra bits from the new plastic kits!

Ard Boyz (CSM shoulder pads, big shoota converted to Rokkit, Nob w/power klaw and boss pole), Primered with "Army Painter" greenskin colored primer.

Tank Busta's (Rokkit's, and Rokkit hammers made with plastic dowel & pastic card fins, Nob w/Power Klaw and Rokkit).  Primered with "Army Painter" greenskin colored primer.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Orks - Flaming Skulls Clan

I used "Army Painter" Medium dip all of these orks, Added a few highlights on the Nob bikers.
Flaming Skulls- Boyz

Note the "Flaming Skull" Boss pole on this Nob
Warbiker Nob with Combi weapon

Ork Nobz

Here's a bunch of custom converted Nobz from the Black reach box.
(l-r, nob, nob, nob w/boss pole & power klaw, painboy, nob w/Waaagghhh banner, nob w/power klaw & rokkit, nob w/big choppa & boss pole, nob w/big choppa & boss pole, nob)